//MySQL connection parameters
$dbhost = '';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpsw = 'root';
$dbname = 'database_1';
//Connects to mysql server
$connessione = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpsw);
//Includes class
//Creates a new instance of MySQLDump: it exports a compressed and base-16 file
$dumper = new MySQLDump($dbname,'filename.sql',true,true);
//Use this for plain text and not compressed file
//$dumper = new MySQLDump($dbname,'filename.sql',false,false);
//Dumps all the database
//Dumps all the database structure only (no data)
//Dumps all the database data only (no structure)
//Dumps "mytable" table structure only (no data)
//Dumps "mytable" table data only (no structure)