<title>Testing iAJAX</title>
// 1. AJAX class reference
include_once ("cls_iajax.php");
// 2. AJAX object creation
$iAJAX = new iAJAX;
// 3. ajax.js reference
echo $iAJAX->head_ref ();
// 4. Needed architecture modification:
// If there's no AJAX call, it shows the container objeto_modificable.
// If there's AJAX call, it doesn't show the container, but its value.
// Note 1: This modification of the site's architecture is only a suggestion,
// not the only way.
// Note 2: It's recommended to use href="javascript:void(0);", compatible
// with Mozilla and Trident engines.
if (!isset ($_GET["modo"]))
echo "<div id=\"objeto_modificable\">Initial content</div>\n".
"<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ".
$iAJAX->llamada_ajax ("objeto_modificable", "?modo=ajax").">Modify</a> \n".
"<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ".
$iAJAX->llamada_ajax ("objeto_modificable", "?modo=inicial").">Reset</a>\n";
elseif ($_GET["modo"] == "ajax")
echo "Updated content";
elseif ($_GET["modo"] == "inicial")
echo "Initial content";