# set this to client if client-side validation is to be done via javascript and regular expressions
# try commenting it out to see the difference.
$form_html:NAME="input_form" METHOD="post"
# format of lines is - id :type :description :default value :display options :validation regexp :validation message :[selection options]
# examples of each type of field are:
beta :text :Text Field Beta :default :SIZE="16" MAXLENGTH="16" :/^\D*$/ :Only text is allowed.
omega :box :Box Field Omega :123 :ROWS="2" COLS="10 WRAP="HARD":/^[\d|\s]*$/ :Only numbers are allowed.
# for the following fields, the validation regexp field indicates the number of selections to accept. for select and radio fields these can only be 0 or 1.
alpha :select :Select Field Alpha : :SIZE="4" :/0|1/ :Select an option. :one,two,three,four:A - one,B - two,C - three,D - four
theta :check :Checkbox Field Theta : : :/2|3|4/ :Select 2,3 or 4 values. :one,two,three,four:A - one,B - two,C - three,D - four
gamma :multi :Multiple Select Field Gamma :one,four :SIZE="4" :/2|3/ :Select 2 or 3 values. :one,two,three,four:A - one,B - two,C - three,D - four
delta :radio :Radio Field Delta : : :/1/ :Select an option. :one,two,three,four:A - one,B - two,C - three,D - four