1.1.6 - 2018-01-06
The tests were fixed.
Changes in documentation.
1.1.5 - 2017-11-08
Implemented `PHP Mess Detector` to detect inconsistencies in code styles.
Implemented `PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer` to fixing errors automatically.
Implemented `PHP Coding Standards Fixer` to organize PHP code automatically according to PSR standards.
1.1.4 - 2017-10-27
Implemented `PSR-4 autoloader standard` from all library files.
Implemented `PSR-2 coding standard` from all library PHP files.
Implemented `PHPCS` to ensure that PHP code complies with `PSR2` code standards.
Implemented `Codacy` to automates code reviews and monitors code quality over time.
Implemented `Codecov` to coverage reports.
Added `DataType/phpcs.ruleset.xml` file.
Deleted `DataType/src/bootstrap.php` file.
Deleted `DataType/tests/bootstrap.php` file.
Deleted `DataType/vendor` folder.
Changed `Josantonius\DataType\Test\DataTypeTest` class to `Josantonius\DataType\DataTypeTest` class.
1.1.3 - 2017-09-12
Unit tests supported by `PHPUnit` were added.
The repository was synchronized with Travis CI to implement continuous integration.
Added `DataType/src/bootstrap.php` file
Added `DataType/tests/bootstrap.php` file.
Added `DataType/phpunit.xml.dist` file.
Added `DataType/_config.yml` file.
Added `DataType/.travis.yml` file.
Deleted `Josantonius\DataType\Tests\DataTypeTest` class.
Deleted `Josantonius\DataType\Tests\DataTypeTest::testObjectToArray()` method.
Deleted `Josantonius\DataType\Tests\DataTypeTest::testCreateObject()` method.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Test\DataTypeTest` class.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Test\DataTypeTest::testObjectToArray()` method.
1.1.2 - 2017-07-16
Deleted `Josantonius\DataType\Exception\DataTypeException` class.
Deleted `Josantonius\DataType\Exception\Exceptions` abstract class.
Deleted `Josantonius\DataType\Exception\DataTypeException->__construct()` method.
1.1.1 - 2017-03-18
Some files were excluded from download and comments and readme files were updated.
1.1.0 - 2017-01-30
Compatible with PHP 5.6 or higher.
1.0.0 - 2017-01-30
Compatible only with PHP 7.0 or higher. In the next versions, the library will be modified to make it compatible with PHP 5.6 or higher.
1.0.0 - 2016-12-14
Added `Josantonius\DataType\DataType` class.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\DataType::objectToArray()` method.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Exception\DataTypeException` class.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Exception\Exceptions` abstract class.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Exception\DataTypeException->__construct()` method.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Tests\DataTypeTest` class.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Tests\DataTypeTest::testObjectToArray()` method.
Added `Josantonius\DataType\Tests\DataTypeTest::testCreateObject()` method.