// require session class
// require mySQL handler class
// who can be downloaded from here: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/2847.html
// set database values
$_DBHOST = 'localhost';
$_DBUSER = 'root';
$_DBNAME = 'test';
$_DBPASS = '';
// we will need this sql class
$s = new sql();
// 'start' the class
$c = new session($host); // host for the cookies (default: null)
// use of session throw->catch syntax
// catch
$message = $c->catch_msg(); // catch previous throw messages
if (is_array($message))
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
print "message: {$message}";
// 1st way thow text message
// @note when we use throw_msg() the script ends(exit) and use header("location $page"); to go the the $page
$c->throw_msg('some text messae', 'example2.php'); // throw this message to example3.php
$c->throw_msg('some text messae'); // throw this message to referer
// 2nd is more advansed whe save array
$c->add_msg('array element 1');
$c->add_msg('array element 2');
$c->add_msg('array element 3');
$c->add_msg('array element 4');
// check if message was added via " $c->add_msg "
if ($c->is_msg())
$c->throw_msg(0, 'example2.php'); // throw message added with " $c->add_msg " to example3.php
$c->throw_msg(); // throw message added with " $c->add_msg " to referer