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File: .htaccess

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File: .htaccess
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: url rewrite for apache mod_rewrite
Class: Phritz MVC framework
Browser device independent MVC framework
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2006-09-21 08:47
Size: 1,145 bytes


Class file image Download
Options FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI MultiViews
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all

#AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
#AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
# Turn on the rewrite engine
    RewriteEngine  on

# Skip out early if we've already been through rewrites,
# or if this is a request for an image, stylesheet, songfile, whatever else.
    RewriteRule    ^.*\.(css|gif|jpg|png|js|mp3|wma|xsd|tpl|wsdl|wbmp|php|phps)$     -     [L]

# Redirect urls with module/controller/action to main script
#    RewriteRule    ([a-z_]+)/([a-z_]+)/([a-z_]+)\??(.+)?$        index.php?mod=$1&controller=$2&action=$3&$4      [NC,QSA,L]
# Redirect urls with module_name/action to main script
# It will then handle any requests given to it.
#    RewriteRule     ([a-z_]+)/([a-z_]+)\??(.+)?$       index.php?mod=$1&controller=$2&$3      [NC,QSA,L]

# Redirect urls with module_name to main script
#    RewriteRule     ([a-z_]+)\??(.+)?$                  index.php?mod=$1                [NC,QSA,L]

# Catch anything else that comes through and send it to index.php.
	RewriteRule		^.*$						index.php                      [NC,QSA,L]