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File: funcs.php

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File: funcs.php
Role: Auxiliary script
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Description: Auxiliar Functions
Class: Window
Open and manage alert windows with PHP-Gtk
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Class file image Download
<?php /** * Converte arquivo de imagem para Pixmap */ function file2pixmap($gdkwindow, $file, $ext=null, $return_widget = true, $resize = null) { if (! file_exists($file)) return false; static $pixs; $trans = true;//the default case if (!$ext) $ext = substr($file,-3); switch (strtolower($ext)) { case 'peg': case 'jpg': if (! $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file)) return false; $trans = false; break; case 'gif': if (! $img = imagecreatefromgif($file)) return false; break; case 'png': if (! $img = imagecreatefrompng($file)) return false; break; case 'xpm': $pixs[$file] = @Gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm($gdkwindow,null, $file); if (! $return_widget) return $pixs[$file]; $pixmapwid = &new GtkPixmap($pixs[$file][0], $pixs[$file][1]); return $pixmapwid; break; default: echo "unsupported image type $file\n"; return false; } //redimensionnement de l'image if (is_array($resize)) { $imgtmp = imagecreatetruecolor($resize[0],$resize[1]); imagecopyresized($imgtmp, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $resize[0], $resize[1], imagesx($img),imagesy($img)); imagedestroy($img); $img = &$imgtmp; } $xpm_d = image2xpm_d($img, $trans); imagedestroy($img); $pixs[$file] = @Gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm_d($gdkwindow, null, $xpm_d); if (! $return_widget) return $pixs[$file]; $pixmapwid = &new GtkPixmap($pixs[$file][0], $pixs[$file][1]); return $pixmapwid; } /** * Return gtkpixmap from a gd image pointer * @param gdkwindow &$gdkwindow the gdkwindow needed to create the pixmap * generally the the main window->window * @param image resource $img the gd image resource pointer * @param bool $trans force to keep transparency * @param bool $return_widget default is true if set to false then return * pixmap and mask instead * @return GtkPixmap gtkpixmap|array('gdkpixmap,gdkbitmap)|false depend on * $return_widget value * @uses xpmd2pixmap */ function img2pixmap(&$gdkwindow, $img, $trans=true, $return_widget=true) { $xpm_d = image2xpm_d($img, $trans); imagedestroy($img); return xpmd2pixmap($gdkwindow, $xpm_d, $return_widget); } /** * get xpm_data from gd image resource * @author * @date 2003-12-20 * @param resource gd image $img * @return xpm data * @param gtkprogress &$progress is an optional progressbar to trace activity * (will received a value between 0 to 100) * @uses gtkgui_refresh, imagegetpalette, gd2xpmpalette, */ function image2xpm_d($img, $trans=true, $progress=null) { $exectime_start=get_microtime(); if ($GLOBALS['VERBOSE']) echo "recomposing xpm data \n"; $w = imagesx($img); $h = imagesy($img); if(true){ if($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('keep transparency'); gtkgui_refresh(); } //creation d'une copie de l'image en mode palette $imgtmp = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); //pour en recuperer la palette imagecopymerge($imgtmp, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, 100); imagetruecolortopalette($imgtmp, true, 255); //set the trans color to a known one $transindex = imagecolorallocate($imgtmp, 1, 1, 1); $transindex = imagecolortransparent($imgtmp, $transindex); if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('read palette'); gtkgui_refresh(); } $gdpalette = imagegetpalette($imgtmp); if($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('XPMize palette'); gtkgui_refresh(); } $palette = gd2xpmpalette($gdpalette, 'gd', 'both'); list($color0k,$color0v )= each($palette); //image definition $xpm_d[0]= "$w $h ".count($palette)." ".strlen($color0v[0]); if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('format palette'); gtkgui_refresh(); } foreach ($palette as $color) { //recompose palette_data $xpm_d[]=$color[0]." c ".$color[1]; } if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('recomposing image'); gtkgui_refresh(); } for ($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) {//recompose image $row = null; for ($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) { //verifie la transparence sur l'image d'origine $color = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x, $y)); //recupere l'index de la couleur ds la copie qui nous a donné la palette $index = imagecolorat($imgtmp, $x, $y); if ($color['alpha']>126) $row .= $palette[$transindex][0]; else $row .= $palette[$index][0]; } if ($progress) { $progress->set_percentage(($y+1)/$h); gtkgui_refresh(); } $xpm_d[]=$row; } } else { if (imageistruecolor($img)) imagetruecolortopalette($img, true, 255); if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('read palette'); gtkgui_refresh(); } $gdpalette = imagegetpalette($img); if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('XPMize palette'); gtkgui_refresh(); } $palette = gd2xpmpalette($gdpalette, 'gd', 'both'); list($color0k,$color0v )= each($palette); //image definition $xpm_d[0]= ($deletelastcol?($w-1):$w)." $h ".count($palette)." ". strlen($color0v[0]); if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('format palette'); gtkgui_refresh(); } $palette_num = count($palette); foreach ($palette as $color) {//recompose palette_data $xpm_d[]=$color[0]." c ".$color[1]; if ($progress) { $progress->set_percentage(++$i/$palette_num); gtkgui_refresh(); } } if ($progress) { $progress->set_format_string('recomposing image'); gtkgui_refresh(); } for ($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) {//recompose image $row = null; for ($x=0;$x<($deletelastcol?($w-1):$w);$x++) { $row .= $palette[imagecolorat($img, $x, $y)][0]; } $xpm_d[]=$row; if ($progress) { $progress->set_percentage(($y+1)/$h); gtkgui_refresh(); } } } if($imgtmp) imagedestroy($imgtmp); return $xpm_d; } /** * write an xpm file from xpm data * @author * @date 2003-12-20 * @param resource gd image $img * @return bool */ function xpm_d2file($xpm_d, $file) { if($GLOBALS['VERBOSE']) echo "write $file\n"; if(! $f = @fopen($file,'w')) return false; fputs($f,"/* XPM */\nstatic char * ".basename($file)."[] = {\n"); foreach($xpm_d as $k => $row){ fputs($f,"\"$row\","); fputs($f,"\n"); } $pos = ftell($f); fputs($f,"};"); fclose($f); return true; } function get_microtime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /** * get the image palette * @author * @date 2003-12-20 * @param ressource image $img * @return array */ function imagegetpalette($img) { $width = imagesx($img); $height= imagesy($img); //try an alternate method since the image is a paletted image better 5 or 6 //seconds on a 1280x1024 png 256clrs for ($i=0; $i<imagecolorstotal($img); $i++) { $colors[$i]=imagecolorsforindex($img, $i); } return $colors; } /** * get a xpm style palette from a gd one * @author * @date 2003-12-20 * @param array $gdpalette * @param string $indexed_type 'gd' keep the gd_index,'xpm' indexed by xpm char * code * @param string $value_type 'char_code' the xpm char code index, 'color' the * xpm color value,'both' associated value is are array containing xpm char * code and xpm color value * @param array $trans array of transparent color values * @return array */ function gd2xpmpalette($gdpalette, $indexed_type='xpm', $value_type='color', $trans=null) { if ($GLOBALS['VERBOSE']) echo "transform to xpm palette \n"; $nb_colors = count($gdpalette); //initialize char array if needed if ($indexed_type=='xpm' || $value_type!='color') { $first_char = 48;//lowest used ASCII char code $last_char = 126;//highest used ASCII char code //Thanks to my friend RHONONO for this one $nb_char = intval(log($nb_colors)/log($last_char-$first_char)) + 1; for($i=0; $i<=$nb_char; $i++) { //initialize array of char $chars[$i]=$first_char; } } foreach ($gdpalette as $gdindex => $gdcolor) { //recompose xpm character coding only if needed if ($indexed_type=='xpm' || $value_type!='color') { $char_code = null;//initialise char_code for($i=0; $i<$nb_char; $i++) {//increment other chars $chars[0]++;//increment chars if($chars[$i]>$last_char) { //check chars are in the good range $chars[$i]=$first_char; $chars[$i+1]++; } $char_code = chr(($chars[$i]==92?47:$chars[$i])) . $char_code ; } } if($indexed_type == 'xpm')//choose indexed type $outindex = $char_code; else//assume gd indexed wanted $outindex = $gdindex; //the val acoording to it switch($value_type) { case 'color': if($gdcolor['alpha']>=127) $out[$outindex] = 'None'; else $out[$outindex] = strtoupper('#'.str_pad(dechex($gdcolor['red']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex($gdcolor['green']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex($gdcolor['blue']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); break; case 'char_code': $out[$outindex] = $char_code; break; case 'both': if($gdcolor['alpha']>=127) $out[$outindex] = array(0=>$char_code, 1=>'None'); else $out[$outindex] = array( 0=>$char_code, 1=>strtoupper('#'. str_pad(dechex($gdcolor['red']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex($gdcolor['green']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex($gdcolor['blue']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT))); break; } } return $out; } /* @author Max Miller <> @param $url = http://... ou file://... ou /... @date 21/08/2006 @return MiniXml Element */ function xml_load_file($url) { $win = new Window(); $fp = @fopen(addslashes($url),'r'); if ( !$fp ) { $win->alert('Erro ao carregar arquivo'); } $fp = @fopen('/usr/share/kinux/doc/index.xml','r'); while ( $line = @fgets($fp) ) { $content .= $line . "\n"; } @fclose($fp); if ( !$fp ) { return false; } $xml = new MiniXMLDoc(); $xml->fromString($content); return $xml; //->toArray(); } ?>