* Example file
* Provide functionalities demonstration offer to the abstraction
* @author Gustavo Gomes
* @copyright 2006 Gustavo
echo "<b>Test of the FileExtend, FileReader and FileWriter classes</b><br />";
try {
* List all files in a directory
echo "<b>List all files in a directory</b><br>";
$file = new FileExtend("../../");
$files = $file->listFiles();
for ($i = 0;$i < count($files);$i++) {
$out = ($files[$i]->isDir() ? 'Dir' : 'File');
$out .= ' <a href="'.$files[$i]->buildPath().'">'.$files[$i]->getName().'</a> - ';
$out .= FormatFileSize::formatWithName($files[$i]->length(),FormatFileSize::SIZE_AUTO).' <br>';
echo $out;
echo "<br>";
* Create a directory
$dir = new FileExtend("dir/name/arqs/forfiles");
$dir2 = new FileExtend("dir/name/arqs/forfiles2");
* Create and write with append mode
$file2 = new FileExtend("testing.html");
$fw = new FileWriter($file2);
if ($fw->appendLine("<b>test</b>"))
echo "Success in Create and write with append mode";
echo "Fail in Create and write with append mode";
* File reading
echo "<br><br><b>File strem of the test.php file</b><br>";
$fr = new FileReader($file2);
while (($str = $fr->readLine()) !== false)
echo $str."<br>";
echo '<br><br>'.htmlspecialchars($str);
* Read one line of a file and write in this file
$fr2 = new FileReader(new FileExtend("counter.txt"));
if (($n = $fr2->readLine()) !== false) {
$fw2 = new FileWriter(new FileExtend("counter.txt") );
if ($fw2->write($n))
echo "Success in Read one line of a file and write in this file - value = ".$n;
echo "Fail in Read one line of a file and write in this file - value = ".$n;
} else
echo "Error on the read";
} catch (FileException $fe) {
echo $fe;
} catch (FileNotFoundException $fnfe) {
echo $fnfe;
} catch (IOException $e) {
echo $e;