* Example uses, return as string or to file
* All files GPL v2 (inc. this one)
* @author Michael J. Burgess
* @package FTG.examples
$link = mysql_connect('locahost', 'root', ''); //change as appropriates
mysql_select_db('anyDB', $link); //ditto
$FTG = new FormTableGenerator($link);
echo $FTG->generatePage('anyTBL', 'Add'); //any tbl, literally, any table (though make sure all types are accounted for, see manual)
echo $FTG->generatePage('anyTBL', 'Edit');
echo $FTG->generateTable('anyTBl', 'Add'); //string representation
If people would like further examples, e.g. of hacks / xml config edits request some on the suppot forum, or by email.
I have limited time, thus will only provide extras if people want them.