//| Secrypt v0.4 |
//| Copyright (c) 2006 Warren Smith ( smythinc 'at' gmail 'dot' com ) |
//| This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
//| it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as |
//| published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the |
//| License, or (at your option) any later version. |
//| |
//| This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
//| WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
//| Lesser General Public License for more details. |
//| |
//| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
//| License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
//| Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 |
//| USA |
//| Simple is good. |
| Package: Secrypt v0.4 |
| Class : Secrypt |
| Created: 23/07/2006 |
class Secrypt {
/* V A R I A B L E S */
// Public Properties
* array
* This is the array of keys we use to encrypt or decrypt data
var $Keys = array('public' => '', 'private' => '', 'xfactor' => '', 'yfactor' => '', 'zfactor' => '');
* string
* This holds the data after it has been successfully encrypted or decrypted
var $Data = '';
* boolean
* Determines if we can compress/decompress the data or not
var $Zip = TRUE;
* array
* All the error messages in an array
var $Errors = array();
// Private Properties
* array
* An array that holds each of our base64 compatible charsets
var $Locks = array();
/* F U N C T I O N S */
| Constructor |
| |
| @return void |
function Secrypt($noZip = FALSE){
// If we can't zip
if (!function_exists('gzdeflate')){
// Then we don't zip
$this->Zip = FALSE;
} else {
// If we are not supposed to zip
if ($noZip){
// We don't zip
$this->Zip = FALSE;
// Run forever
// Reset the lock
// Public API Methods
| This will encrypt $data against the $privateKey and $publicKey |
| |
| @return string |
function Encrypt($data, $privateKey = 'nokey', $publicKey = ''){
// Insert the keys
$this->InsertKeys($privateKey, $publicKey);
// Turn all the keys
// Locketh the data
return $this->Lock($data);
| This will decrypt $data against the $privateKey and $publicKey |
| |
| @return string |
function Decrypt($data, $privateKey = 'nokey', $publicKey = ''){
// Insert the keys
$this->InsertKeys($privateKey, $publicKey);
// Turn all the keys
// Unlock the data and return the results
return $this->Unlock($data);
// Key Methods
| This gets a reference to the key that fits in $lockType |
| |
| @return reference |
function &GetKey($lockType){
// Return the appropriate key
return $this->Keys[$lockType];
| This will set all the keys in the key array at once |
| |
| @return void |
function InsertKeys($private, $public){
// Remove all keys
// Reset all the locks
// Loop through all the keys
foreach ($this->Keys as $KeyType => $Key){
// If this is a factor key
if (strstr($KeyType, 'factor')){
// Set the key to the md5 hash of the keys array thus far
$Key = md5(serialize($this->Keys));
} else {
// Set the key to the key we were passed
$Key = $$KeyType;
// Insert the key we have in the end
$this->InsertKey($Key, $KeyType);
| This will set a $key for $lockType |
| |
| @return void |
function InsertKey($key, $lockType){
// If we have a key
if (strlen($key) > 0){
// Set the key
$this->Keys[$lockType] = $key;
| This will turn a lock based on a keys contents |
| |
| @return void |
function TurnKey($lockType = ''){
// If we don't have a lock type
if (!$lockType){
// Loop through all the locks
foreach ($this->Locks as $LockType => $Lock){
// Call ourselves with this lock type
// Don't pass this bit
// Get a reference to the desired key
$Key =& $this->GetKey($lockType);
// Loop through each character of the key
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($Key); $i++){
// Work out how many steps to turn the lock
$Steps = ord($Key[$i]) / ($i + 1);
// If the decimal value of the current character is odd
if (ord($Key[$i]) % 2 != 0){
// Turn the lock left
$this->TurnLock($lockType, $Steps, 'left');
} else {
// Turn the lock right
$this->TurnLock($lockType, $Steps, 'right');
| This will clear a keys contents, all keys if no $lockType is set |
| |
| @return void |
function RemoveKey($lockType = ''){
// Loop through each of the keys
foreach($this->Keys as $KeyName => $Key){
// If this is our desired key or we don't have a desired key
if ($lockType == $KeyName || strlen($lockType) == 0){
// Reset this key
$this->Keys[$KeyName] = '';
// Lock Methods
| This gets a reference to the character set a key manipulates |
| |
| @return reference |
function &GetLock($lockType){
// Return a reference to the lock
return $this->Locks[$lockType];
| This will lock the data according to the current character index |
| |
| @return string |
function Lock($data){
// Reset the data
$this->Data = '';
// If we are supposed to be zipping
if ($this->Zip == TRUE){
// If we can't compress the data
if (FALSE === ($data = @gzdeflate($data))){
// Add the error incase the user wants to know why we failed
$this->Error('There was a problem compressing the data');
// Huston, we have a problem
return FALSE;
// If we can compress the character
if (FALSE !== ($data = base64_encode($data))){
// Loop through each character in the data
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++){
// Convert this character to its encrypted equivilent
$data[$i] = $this->GetChar($data[$i], TRUE);
// Looks like we have ourselves some data
$this->Data = $data;
// And thats all folks
return $this->Data;
} else {
// Add the error to let the user know why we failed
$this->Error('There was a problem encoding the data');
// Failure
return FALSE;
| This unlocks the data according to the current character index |
| |
| @return string |
function Unlock($data){
// Reset the data
$this->Data = '';
// Loop through each character in the data
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++){
// Convert this character to its decrypted equivilent
$data[$i] = $this->GetChar($data[$i], FALSE);
// If we can base64 decode the data
if (FALSE !== ($data = base64_decode($data))){
// If we are supposed to be zipping
if ($this->Zip == TRUE){
// If we can decompress data
if (FALSE !== ($data = @gzinflate($data))){
// Looks like we have ourselves some data
$this->Data = $data;
// Thats all folks
return $this->Data;
} else {
// Tell the user why we failed
$this->Error('There was a problem decompressing the data');
// Failure
return FALSE;
} else {
// Set the data to whatever we have
$this->Data = $data;
// Return the data
return $this->Data;
} else {
// Add the error ro the error stack
$this->Error('There was a problem decoding the data');
// Failure
return FALSE;
| This will turn a lock (character set) $steps steps in $direction |
| |
| @return void |
function TurnLock($lockType, $steps = 5, $direction = 'right'){
// Loop through the required number of steps
for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++){
// Get a reference to the lock
$Lock =& $this->GetLock($lockType);
// If we are not going right, reverse the string
if ($direction != 'right') $Lock = strrev($Lock);
// Make a copy of the counter
$c = $i;
// If we are rotating a character passed the end of the character set
if ($c >= strlen($Lock)){
// While we still have too little characters to split
while ($c >= strlen($Lock)){
// Minus the lock length from the counter
$c = $c - strlen($Lock);
// Isolate the first character in the charset
$Char = substr($Lock, 0, 1);
$Lock = substr($Lock, 1);
// If our split point exists
if (strlen($Lock) > $c){
// Split the string at the desired position
$Chunks = explode($Lock[$c], $Lock);
// If we have some chunks
if (is_array($Chunks)){
// Then piece together the string
$Lock = $Chunks[0].$Lock[$c].$Char.$Chunks[1];
} else {
// Put the lock back to the way it was
$Lock = $Char.$Lock;
// If we are not going right, reverse the string back
if ($direction != 'right') $Lock = strrev($Lock);
| This will generate the original charset and character index |
| |
| @return void |
function ResetLock($lockType = ''){
// Get the base 64 compatible character set
$CharSet = $this->GetCharSet();
// Loop through the keys we have
foreach ($this->Keys as $LockType => $Key){
// If we were supplied a lock type to reset
if ($lockType){
// If this is our lock
if ($LockType == $lockType){
// Then reset the lock
$this->Locks[$LockType] = $CharSet;
// And we're done
} else {
// Reset this lock
$this->Locks[$LockType] = $CharSet;
// Character Set Methods
| This will lookup the encrypted/decrypted version of a character |
| |
| @return string |
function GetChar($char, $encrypt = FALSE){
// If we are not encrypting, flip the locks
if (!$encrypt) $this->Locks = array_reverse($this->Locks);
// Initate the lock counter
$i = 0;
// Loop through each lock
foreach ($this->Locks as $LockType => $Lock){
// If this is the first lock, set the initial position
if ($i == 0){
// Get the initial position
$Position = strpos($Lock, $char);
// If the lock counter is odd, or this is the final iteration
if ($i % 2 > 0){
// If we are encrypting
if ($encrypt){
// Swap position
$Position = strpos($Lock, $char);
} else {
// Swap character
$char = $Lock[$Position];
} else {
// If we are encrypting
if ($encrypt){
// Swap character
$char = $Lock[$Position];
} else {
// Swap position
$Position = strpos($Lock, $char);
// Increment the lock counter
// If we are not encrypting, flip the locks
if (!$encrypt) $this->Locks = array_reverse($this->Locks);
// Return the character
return $char;
| This will generate and return a base 64 compatible charset |
| |
| @return string |
function GetCharSet(){
// This is what we will be returning
$return = '';
// These are forbidden characters that fall in the range of chars we iterate
$ForbiddenChars = array_merge(range(44, 46), range(58, 64), range(91, 96));
// Loop through the base64 compatible range of characters
for ($i = 43; $i < 123; $i++){
// If this is not a forbidden character
if (!in_array($i, $ForbiddenChars)){
// Then add this to the final character set
$return .= chr($i);
// Return the final character set
return $return;
// Error Reporting Methods
| This will add an error message to the error message stack |
| |
| @return void |
function Error($msg){
// Add the error to the stack
$this->Errors[] = $msg;
| This will display the error messages specific to the current env |
| |
| @return void |
function ShowErrors($returnVal = FALSE){
// Loop through all the errors
foreach ($this->Errors as $Error){
// If we are being called from the web
if (strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) > 0){
// Format the errors for the web
$return .= '<strong>Error:</strong> '.$Error.'<br />';
} else {
// Format the error message for the command line
$return .= '[-] '.$Error."\n";
// Now that we are showing the errors, we can clear them too
$this->Errors = array();
// If we are supposed to the return the errors
if ($returnVal){
// Then return them we shall
return $return;
} else {
// Output the errors directly
echo $return;
// Debug Methods
| This will output a message instantly for debugging purposes |
| |
| @return void |
function Debug($msg){
// Turn implicit output buffering on incase it is off
// If we are being called from the web
if (strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])){
// Then format the message for the web
$msg = '<strong>Debug:</strong> '.$msg.'<br />';
} else {
// Format the message for a CLI
$msg = '[i] '.$msg."\n";
// Output the message
echo $msg;