This is the official PixLab PHP Client for the PixLab Machine Vision API. The client is a single PHP class which let you interact with the API server using the GET and POST HTTP methods.
For the full list of samples using this class, please refer to:
First Example: Blur all human faces:
require_once "pixlab.php";
* Detect all human faces in a given image or video frame via `facedetect` and blur all of them via `mogrify`.
* & for additional information.
# Target Image: Feel free to change to whatever image holding faces you want
$img = '';
$key = 'My_Pix_Key';
$pix = new Pixlab($key);
echo "Detecting faces first...\n";
/Invoke facedetect first/
if( !$pix->get('facedetect',array('img' => $img)) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message();
/Grab the total number of detected faces/
$faces = $pix->json->faces;
if( count($faces) < 1 ){
echo "No human faces were were detected on this picture\n";
echo "Total number of detected faces: ".count($faces)."\n";
echo "Censuring faces...\n";
/Call mogrify (Only POST)/
if( !$pix->post('mogrify',array('img' => $img,'cord' => $faces)) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message();
echo "Censured Faces: ".$pix->json->link."\n";
Second Example: Mimic Snapchat Filters
* PixLab PHP Client which is just a single class PHP file without any dependency that you can get from Github
require_once "pixlab.php";
# Detect all human faces & extract their landmark regions via facelandmarks & make a small Snapchat filter effect.
# Only three commands are actually needed in order to mimic the Snapchat filters effects:
# face landmarks:
# smart resize:
# merge:
# Optionally: blur, grayscale, oilpaint, etc. for cool background effects.
$img = '';
$pix = new Pixlab('My_Pix_Key');
/Grab the face landmarks first/
if( !$pix->get('facelandmarks',[
'img' => $img
]) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message()."\n";
$total = count($pix->json->faces); # Total detected faces
print($total." faces were detected\n");
$snap = [];
# Iterate all over the detected faces
foreach ($pix->json->faces as $face){
$cord = $face->rectangle;
# Show the face coordinates
print ("Coordinates...\n");
print ("\n\twidth: " . $cord->width . ' height: ' . $cord->height . ' x: ' . $cord->left .' y: ' . $cord->top);
# Show landmarks:
print ("\nLandmarks...\n");
$landmarks = $face->landmarks;
print ("\n\tNose: X: " . $landmarks->nose->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->nose->y);
print ("\n\tBottom Lip: X: " . $landmarks->bottom_lip->x. ", Y: ".$landmarks->bottom_lip->y);
print ("\n\tTop Lip: X: " . $landmarks->top_lip->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->top_lip->y);
print ("\n\tChin: X: " . $landmarks->chin->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->chin->y);
print ("\n\tBone Center: X: " . $landmarks->bone->center->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->bone->center->y);
print ("\n\tBone Outer Left: X: " . $landmarks->bone->outer_left->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->bone->outer_left->y);
print ("\n\tBone Outer Right: X: ". $landmarks->bone->outer_right->x. ", Y: ".$landmarks->bone->outer_right->y);
print ("\n\tBone Center: X: " . $landmarks->bone->center->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->bone->center->y);
print ("\n\tEye Pupil Left: X: " . $landmarks->eye->pupil_left->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->eye->pupil_left->y);
print ("\n\tEye Pupil Right: X: " . $landmarks->eye->pupil_right->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->eye->pupil_right->y);
print ("\n\tEye Left Brown Inner: X: " . $landmarks->eye->left_brow_inner->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->eye->left_brow_inner->y);
print ("\n\tEye Right Brown Inner: X: " . $landmarks->eye->right_brow_inner->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->eye->right_brow_inner->y);
print ("\n\tEye Left Outer: X: " . $landmarks->eye->left_outer->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->eye->left_outer->y);
print ("\n\tEye Right Outer: X: " . $landmarks->eye->right_outer->x . ", Y: ".$landmarks->eye->right_outer->y);
# More landmarks on the docs..
# Pick the last face in this loop for the sack of simplicity. Refer to the sample set for a complete example
$snap = $face;
# Make a quick Snapchat filter on top of the last detected face
if ($total < 1){
# No faces were detected
# The flower crown to be composited on top of the target face
$flower = '';
# Resize the flower crown which is quite big right now to exactly the face width using smart resize.
print ("\nResizing the snap flower crown...\n");
if( !$pix->get('smartresize',[
'img' => $flower,
'width' => 20 + $snap->rectangle->width, # Face width
'height' => 0 # Let Pixlab decide the best height for this picture
]) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message()."\n";
$flower = $pix->json->link;
# Finally, Perform the composite operation
print ("Composite operation...\n");
if( !$pix->post('merge',[
'src' => $img,
'cord' => [
array( /Array for each landmarks/
'img' => $flower,
'x' => $snap->landmarks->bone->outer_left->x,
'y' => $snap->landmarks->bone->outer_left->y /Adjust for optimal effect/
]]) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message();
# Optionally call blur, oilpaint, grayscale for more stuff..
print ("Snap Filter Effect: ".$pix->json->link);
echo "\n";
Third example: Blur an image or video frame based on its NSFW score
require_once "pixlab.php";
# Target Image: Change to any link (Possibly adult) you want or switch to POST if you want to upload your image directly.
# The target API endpoint we'll be using here: nsfw (
$img = '';
# Your PixLab key
$key = 'My_Pixlab_Key';
# Blur an image based on its NSFW score
$pix = new Pixlab($key);
/Invoke NSFW/
if( !$pix->get('nsfw',array('img' => $img)) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message();
/Grab the NSFW score/
$score = $pix->json->score;
if( $score < 0.5 ){
echo "No adult content were detected on this picture\n";
echo "Censuring NSFW picture...\n";
/Call blur with the highest possible radius and sigma/
if( !$pix->get('blur',array('img' => $img,'rad' => 50,'sig' =>30)) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message();
echo "Censured Picture: ".$pix->json->link."\n";
Last example: Detect input language & extract text content from there using PixLab OCR.
* PixLab PHP Client which is just a single class PHP file without any dependency that you can get from Github
require_once "pixlab.php";
# Given an image with human readable characters. Detect input language & extract text content from there.
# for additional information.
/Target image with human readable text input/
$img = '';
# Your PixLab key
$key = 'My_PixLab_Key';
$pix = new Pixlab($key);
if( !$pix->get('ocr',array('img' => $img)) ){
echo $pix->get_error_message()."\n";
echo "Input language: ".$pix->json->lang;
echo "\nText Output: ".$pix->json->output."\n";
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