datefromIncTimestamp class is simple class which use an algorithm based on Incredible timestamp
package to compute the exact date and time for an Incredible timestamp from year 0 to the year 99999
the 31st December at 23:59:59.
The class constructor:
public function __construct($x){
"The parameter must be a numeric."
if $x<0 the tag 'BFJC' will be add to the result.
if $x>0 the tag 'AFJC' will be add to the result.
if $x==0 the tag 'First Day will be add to the result.
The class contains except the constructor, 3 methods:
which computes and return the exact date and time for an Incredible timestamp:
$christtag is used to specify if you want the tag or no.
which computes and return the exact date an Incredible Timestamp;
$christtag is used to specify if you want the tag or no.
- GetjustTime()
which computes and return as its name shows just the exact time an event happens for a chosen Incredible Timestamp;
See the testDatefromInc.php file for example of how to use.
This script is too short to provide more
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