* Name: Pictoru's Thumb *
* Author: Ciprian Voicu *
* Version: 1.0 *
* Date: 2006-08-08 *
* Description: • creates, saves, outputs thumbs *
* License: GNU GPL *
include "class.pThumb.php";
$img=new pThumb();
# sets the max width of thumb to 200
# sets the max height of thumb to 150
# sets the max width and max height of thumb
$img->pSetSize(250, 200);
# set quality of the output image if jpeg
# all of them will be overwrited by this function if more than 1 parameter is call
# pCreate(image path, max width, max height, quality)
# max width, max height, quality are optional
# if no image present will be drawn one
# this class rotate the image
# the second parameter is optional. specifies the direction of rotation
# the default is CW. you can set it to CCW either
# ot you can use 1 instead of CW and 2 instead of CCW
# the third parameter is optional. specifies the color of the uncovered zone after the rotation.
# save the image
# if the directory is not present will be created
# send the image to browser
# the argument is set to false will promt to download
# ex: $img->pOutput(false);