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File: form_fields.php

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File: form_fields.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: class file which contains the HTML form extraction methods
Class: Form fields
Parse HTML forms to extract input names and values
Author: By
Last change: desc typo
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 4,698 bytes


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   class deciphers a <form> and its field names and values from a given $html string

   can return data as array list

   or inject into browser/http object

class form_fields {

// init HTTP_Request object from $HTML string
function apply_form(&$browser, $HTML_form) {
// get fields
extract( $this->form_to_data($HTML_form) );
// fill out browser object
# $browser->type($enctype);
foreach ($data as $name=>$val) {
          foreach (
$val as $value=>$desc) {
             if (
strlen($name)) {
$browser->setPostData($name, $value);


// decode HTML <form> into browser object
function form_to_data($HTML_form) {

// extract from first <form> block
if (preg_match("/<form.+?<\/form[^>]*>/ims", $HTML_form, $uu)) {
$form = $uu[0];
// fetch METHOD=
if (preg_match("/<form[^>]+method=[\"']?(\w+)/ims", $form, $uu)) {
$method = strtoupper($uu[1]);
          else {
$method = "GET";
// and URL=
if (preg_match("/<form[^>]+?action=[\"']?([^\"'>\s]+)/ims", $form, $uu)) {
$url = $uu[1];
          else {
$url = $browser->url;

// and type= if any
if (preg_match("/<form[^>]+enctype=[\"']?([^\"'>\s]+)/ims", $form, $uu)) {
$ct = $uu[1];
          else {
$ct = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// getall fields
$d = array();
$d_possible = array();
preg_match_all("/ (<input[^>]+>) | <select[^>]+>(.+?)<\/select | <textarea[^>]+>([^<]+) /xims", $form, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $i=>$_full) {
// general fields
$name = "";
$value = "";
$type = "";
$desc = "";
             if (
preg_match("/<[^>]+name=\"(.+?)\"[^>]*>/ims", $_full, $uu)) {
$name = $uu[1];
             if (
preg_match("/<[^>]+value=\"(.+?)\"[^>]*>/ims", $_full, $uu)) {
$value = $uu[1];
             if (
preg_match("/<[^>]+type=\"(.+?)\"[^>]*>/ims", $_full, $uu)) {
$type = strtolower($uu[1]);
             if (
preg_match("/<label[^>]+for=\"$name\"[^>]*>(.+?)<\/label>/ims", $_full, $uu)) {
$desc = strip_tags($uu[1]);
$selected = preg_match("/<[^>]+\s(selected|checked)[=>\s]/ims", $_full, $uu);

// input
if (strlen($matches[1][$i])) {
                if ((
$type != "radio") or ($selected)) {
$d[$name][$value] = "$desc";

// select
elseif (strlen($matches[2][$i])) {
preg_match_all("/<option(?: [^>]+value=[\"']?([^\"'>]*)[^>]* )?>([^<]*)/xims", $_full, $uu);
                foreach (
$uu[1] as $n=>$value) {

// either from value= or plain text following opening <option> tag
$desc = $uu[2][$n];
                   if (!
$value) {
$value = $desc;
// only add the allowed ones
if ($selected = preg_match("/<[^>]+\s(selected|checked)[=>\s]/ims", $uu[0][$n])) {
$d[$name][$value] = "";

// add possible values + desc
$d_possible[$name][$value] = trim($desc);
// but skip base
// textarea
elseif (strlen($matches[3][$i])) {
$value = $matches[3][$i];
$d[$name][$value] = "$desc";

             else {
// ..
// add always
$d_possible[$name][$value] = "$desc";
       // multiple return values
return array(
"method" => $method,
"url" => $url,
"enctype" => $type,
"data" => $d,
"data_possible" => $d_possible,
