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File: shop.php

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  Classes of Joshua  >  merchantfront  >  shop.php  >  Download  
File: shop.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Actual Basket
Class: merchantfront
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2002-02-20 09:41
Size: 7,532 bytes


Class file image Download



if (!session_is_registered("basket")) {
	$basket=new Basket;

// Perform Cart Actions
if (isset($A))

if ($A=="Remove")

// End Cart Actions

if ($A=="Add") {
$basket->Add_Item("FORE2","George Foreman Grill",1,19.95,"YadaYada",".0675","black","XXL");
// $basket->Set_Item_Quantity(0,2);


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<table class="mainpage" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
        <div align="center">
        <table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="1" width="75%" border="0">
              <td width="95"></td>
              <td width="252"></td>
              <td class="smallboldtabletop" align="right" width="66">price ($)</td>
              <td class="smallboldtabletop" align="right" width="59">
                <p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; qty</p>
              <td width="57"></td>
<form method="post" action="shop.php?A=Update">
            if ($basket->Get_Basket_Count()>0) {  # are there items in the basket
	$pos = $basket->Enum_Items(true);
	while ($pos>=0) {
	    // Update Cart Quantities
         if (isset($A)) {
          if ($A=="Update")

           $mytext="<tr class='mainpagetableline2'>";
	       $mytext.="<td class='medboldtable' colSpan='6' width='614'> ".$basket->Get_Item_Name($pos)." - ".$basket->Get_Item_Color($pos)." - ".$basket->Get_Item_Size($pos)."</td>";
	        $mytext.="<td class='smallnormaltable' vAlign='center' width='95'><a href='product.php?product=WHATEVER&V=27&ph=basket'>See Item</a></td>";
            $mytext.="<td class='smallnormaltable' vAlign='center' align='left' width='252'>".$basket->Get_Item_ID($pos)."</td>";
           $mytext.="<td class='smallboldtable' vAlign='center' align='right' width='66'>".$basket->Get_Item_Price($pos)."</td>";
           $mytext.="<td vAlign='center' align='right' width='59'><input size='3' value='".$basket->Get_Item_Quantity($pos)."' name='howmany[$pos]'></td>";
           $mytext.="<td class='smallnormaltable' vAlign='center' align='right' width='57'><a href='shop.php?A=Remove&P=".$pos."'>Remove</a></td>";
           $total=number_format(($total + ($price*$quantity)), 2, '.', '');
          print $mytext;
		$pos = $basket->Enum_Items();

           if (!isset($pos)) { ?>
           <? }


              <table width="75%">
              <td class="smallboldtabletop" align="right" width="100%">Total($): $<? print $total; ?></td>
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update Quantities">
<a href="add.php?A=Add&itemid=FORE2">Add Product - FORE 2</a>
<a href="add.php?A=Add&itemid=FORE1">Add Product - FORE 1</a>
<a href="add.php?A=Add&itemid=FORE3">Add Product - FORE 3</a>
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
