#!/usr/bin/php <?php /** *+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ *| GenDummyClass - 02 Jul 2006 | *+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ *| Diego do Nascimento Feitosa | *| diego@dnfeitosa.com | *| www.dnfeitosa.com | *| São Paulo/SP - Brasil | *+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ *| GenDummyClass is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | *| the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or | *| (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| GenDummyClass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | *| WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | *| General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with GenDummyClass; if not, write to the Free Software | *| Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA | *| 02111-1307 USA | *+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **/
/* Exemplo de uso: # ./genDummyClass.php -c ArrayIterator -e php -r
Irá retornar aum arquivo da classe ArrayIterator e cada uma das interfaces ArrayAccess ArrayIterator Countable Iterator SeekableIterator Traversable
Ou para usar a classe de teste: # ./genDummyClass.php -c TestClass -e php -r
class TestParent { private function parentMethod($param = "aaaaa") { // do something } }
interface TestInterface { function method($param1); }
class TestClass extends TestParent implements TestInterface {
const CONST_STRING = "String"; const CONST_INTEGER = 1; const CONST_FLOAT = 0.3; const CONST_BOOL = true;
static public $property2; private $property3; protected $property4;
public function __construct($param1, $param2 = false) { if ($param2) { // do something } $this->method($param1); }
public function method($param1) { // do something }
static public function staticMethod($param) { // do something }
protected function protectedMethod() { // do something }
} require_once("GenDummyClassFile.inc");
$argv = $_SERVER["argv"];
$output = null; $classname = null; $extension = null; $recursive = null; foreach ($argv as $key => $value) { if ($key == 0 || !($key % 2)) continue; switch ($value) { case "-o": $value = $argv[++$key]; $output = $value; break; case "-c": $value = $argv[++$key]; $classname = $value; break; case "-e": $value = $argv[++$key]; $extension = $value; break; case "-r": $recursive = true; break; case "-h": case "-help": case "--help": echo "Usage: genDummyClass [options] -c className\n"; echo " Options:\n"; echo " -o\tOutput Directory\n"; echo " -e\tOutput File Extension\n"; echo " -h,-H\tThis help message\n\n"; exit; default: echo "Unknown option \"$value\" \n"; echo "Usage: genDummyClass [options] -c className\n"; echo " Options:\n"; echo " -o\tOutput Directory\n"; echo " -e\tOutput File Extension\n"; echo " -h,-H\tThis help message\n\n"; exit; } }
if (!$classname) { echo "Usage: genDummyClass [options] -c className\n"; echo " Options:\n"; echo " -o\tOutput Directory\n"; echo " -e\tOutput File Extension\n"; echo " -r\tRecursive (Generate all Classes and Interfaces)\n"; echo " -h,-H\tThis help message\n\n"; exit; }
if ($output || $extension) { $gen = new GenDummyClassFile($classname, $extension, $recursive); $gen->generate($output); } else { $gen = new GenDummyClassRecursive($classname); print_r($gen->generate()); } ?>