* @author Dick Munroe <munroe@csworks.com>
* @copyright copyright @ 2006 by Dick Munroe, Cottage Software Works, Inc.
* @license http://www.csworks.com/publications/ModifiedNetBSD.html
* @version 1.0.0
* @package dm.DB
* @example ./example.php
* This script assumes that the MySQL database created by DB.sql exists.
//error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
//set_error_handler('errors') ;
include_once "class.factory.DB.php" ;
include_once '../SDD/class.SDD.php' ;
* Put the value of your database login name into this variable.
//$dblogin = "put your login name here" ;
$dblogin = "munroe" ;
* Put the value of your database login password into this variable.
$dbpassword = "foreverpeace" ;
* Should you change the name of the database created by DB.sql, then
* put the new name in the following variable.
$dbdatabase = "DB" ;
$db = FactoryDB::factory($dblogin, $dbpassword, $dbdatabase, NULL, dmDB_PostgreSQL81);
$theTableNames = $db->showTables() ;
var_dump($theTableNames) ;
$theCreateTable = $db->showCreateTable($theTableNames[0]) ;
echo $theCreateTable, "\n" ;
$db->queryConstant('SELECT "fullname" FROM "table" LIMIT 10');
include_once('../SDD/class.SDD.php') ;
/* loop through several rows of data */
while ($db->fetchRow()) {
echo $db->record["fullname"]."<br>\n";
/* this will echo "10" as the result count */
echo $db->resultCount()."<br>\n";
/* example of retrieving only one record and displaying it */
$db->queryConstant('SELECT "fullname" FROM "table" LIMIT 1');
echo $db->record["fullname"]."<br>\n";
/* this will echo "1" as the result count */
echo $db->resultCount()."<br>\n";
/* if there were any records from the previous SELECT query, then "WOOHOO" will be printed */
if ($db->resultExist()) {
echo "WOOHOO";
/* optional clearing of result set before issuing a "SELECT" statement */
/* Begin a transaction, INSERT a new record and get the last inserted id */
$db->queryConstant('INSERT INTO "table" ("user", "password") values (\'am\', \'am2\') ;');
echo "<br>".$db->fetchLastInsertId('table_id_seq')."<br><br>\n";
/* diconnect and show errors */
function errors($theCode, $theString, $theFile = NULL, $theLine = NULL)
echo $theFile . ':' . $theLine . ': ' . $theString . "\n" ;