/** * $Id: inc.cropinterface.php 49 2006-11-29 14:35:46Z Andrew $ * * [Description] * * Required file for class.cropinterface.php. * * [Author] * * Andrew Collington <php@amnuts.com> <http://php.amnuts.com/> */
list($w, $h) = $this->calculateCropDimensions($this->crop['default']); list($x, $y) = $this->calculateCropPosition($w, $h);
<!-- Styles for the interface. Don't change any of the php code segments or #theCrop, unless you know what you are doing. Feel free to change the rest if you so desire. -->
<style type="text/css"> #cropInterface { border: 1px solid black; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: center; background-color: #fff; color: #000; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; width: <?php echo $this->getImageWidth(); ?>px; } #cropDetails { margin: 5px; padding: 0; } #cropResize, #cropResize p { margin: 5px; padding: 0; font-size: 11px; display: <?php echo ($this->crop['change'] && $this->crop['resize']) ? 'inherit' : 'none'; ?>; } #cropSizes { margin: 5px; padding: 0; font-size: 11px; display: <?php echo (!empty($this->crop['sizes']) && $this->crop['resize']) ? 'inherit' : 'none'; ?>; } #cropImage { border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #cropSubmitButton { font-size: 10px; font-family: "MS Sans Serif", Geneva, sans-serif; background-color: #D4D0C8; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 5px; width: 100%; } #theCrop { position: absolute; background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid yellow; background-image: url(<?php echo $this->getImageSource(); ?>); background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #cropImage, #theImage { width: <?php echo $this->getImageWidth(); ?>px; height: <?php echo $this->getImageHeight(); ?>px; }
/* box model hack stuff */
#theCrop { width: <?php echo $w; ?>px; font-family: "\"}\""; font-family:inherit; width:<?php echo ($w - 2); ?>px; } #theCrop { height: <?php echo $h; ?>px; font-family: "\"}\""; font-family:inherit; height:<?php echo ($h - 2); ?>px; } html>body #theCrop { width:<?php echo ($w - 2); ?>px; height:<?php echo ($h - 2); ?>px; } </style>
<!-- The main interface. You must not rename the ids because things may break! -->
<div id="theCrop"></div> <div id="cropInterface"> <div id="cropDetails"> <strong><?php echo basename($this->file); ?> (<?php echo $this->img['sizes'][0]; ?> x <?php echo $this->img['sizes'][1]; ?>)</strong> <div id="cropDimensions"> </div> </div> <div id="cropImage"><img src="<?php echo $this->getImageSource(); ?>" alt="image" title="crop this image" name="theImage" id="theImage" /></div> <div id="cropResize"> <p>Hold down 'shift' or 'control' while dragging to resize cropping area</p> <input type="radio" id="cropResizeAny" name="resize" onClick="cc_SetResizingType(0);"<?php if ($this->crop['type'] == ccRESIZEANY) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <label for="cropResizeAny">Any Dimensions</label> <input type="radio" name="resize" id="cropResizeProp" onClick="cc_SetResizingType(1);"<?php if ($this->crop['type'] == ccRESIZEPROP) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <label for="cropResizeProp">Proportional</label> </div> <div id="cropSizes"> <select id="setSize" name="setSize" onchange="cc_setSize();"> <option value="-1">Select a cropping size</option> <?php if (!empty($this->crop['sizes'])) { foreach ($this->crop['sizes'] as $size => $desc) { echo '<option value="', $size, '">', $desc, '</option>'; } } ?> </select> </div> <div id="cropSubmit"> <input type="submit" value="crop the image" id="cropSubmitButton" onClick="cc_Submit();" /> </div> </div>
<!-- Main javascript routines. Changing things here may break functionality, so don't tweak unless you know what you are doing. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="wz_dragdrop.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function my_DragFunc() { dd.elements.theCrop.maxoffr = dd.elements.theImage.w - dd.elements.theCrop.w; dd.elements.theCrop.maxoffb = dd.elements.theImage.h - dd.elements.theCrop.h; dd.elements.theCrop.maxw = <?php echo $this->getImageWidth(); ?>; dd.elements.theCrop.maxh = <?php echo $this->getImageHeight(); ?>; cc_showCropSize(); cc_reposBackground(); }
function my_ResizeFunc() { dd.elements.theCrop.maxw = (dd.elements.theImage.w + dd.elements.theImage.x) - dd.elements.theCrop.x; dd.elements.theCrop.maxh = (dd.elements.theImage.h + dd.elements.theImage.y) - dd.elements.theCrop.y; cc_showCropSize(); cc_reposBackground(); }
function cc_Submit() { self.location.href = '<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?file=<?php echo $this->file; ?>&sx=' + Math.round((dd.elements.theCrop.x - dd.elements.theImage.x)<?php echo ($this->getRatio()) ? ' * ' . $this->getRatio() : ''; ?>) + '&sy=' + Math.round((dd.elements.theCrop.y - dd.elements.theImage.y)<?php echo ($this->getRatio()) ? ' * ' . $this->getRatio() : ''; ?>) + '&ex=' + Math.round(((dd.elements.theCrop.x - dd.elements.theImage.x) + dd.elements.theCrop.w)<?php echo ($this->getRatio()) ? ' * ' . $this->getRatio() : ''; ?>) + '&ey=' + Math.round(((dd.elements.theCrop.y - dd.elements.theImage.y) + dd.elements.theCrop.h)<?php echo ($this->getRatio()) ? ' * ' . $this->getRatio() : ''; ?>) + '<?php echo $this->params['str']; ?>'; }
function cc_SetResizingType(proportional) { if (proportional) { dd.elements.theCrop.defw = dd.elements.theCrop.w; dd.elements.theCrop.defh = dd.elements.theCrop.h; dd.elements.theCrop.scalable = 1; dd.elements.theCrop.resizable = 0; } else { dd.elements.theCrop.scalable = 0; dd.elements.theCrop.resizable = 1; } }
function cc_reposBackground() { xPos = (dd.elements.theCrop.x - dd.elements.theImage.x + 1); yPos = (dd.elements.theCrop.y - dd.elements.theImage.y + 1);
if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('theCrop').style.backgroundPosition = '-' + xPos + 'px -' + yPos + 'px'; } else if (document.all) { document.all['theCrop'].style.backgroundPosition = '-' + xPos + 'px -' + yPos + 'px'; } else { document.layers['theCrop'].backgroundPosition = '-' + xPos + 'px -' + yPos + 'px'; } }
function cc_showCropSize() { dd.elements.cropDimensions.write('Crop size: ' + dd.elements.theCrop.w + ' / ' + dd.elements.theCrop.h); }
function cc_setSize() { element = document.getElementById('setSize'); switch(element.value) { <?php $str = "case '%s': cc_setCropDimensions(%d, %d); dd.elements.theCrop.moveTo(dd.elements.theImage.x + %d, dd.elements.theImage.y + %d); cc_reposBackground(); break\n"; if ($this->crop['sizes']) { foreach ($this->crop['sizes'] as $s => $d) { list($w, $h) = $this->calculateCropDimensions($s); list($x, $y) = $this->calculateCropPosition($w, $h); printf($str, $s, $w, $h, $x, $y); } } ?> } cc_showCropSize(); }
function cc_setCropDimensions(w, h) { dd.elements.theCrop.moveTo(dd.elements.theImage.x, dd.elements.theImage.y); dd.elements.theCrop.resizeTo(w, h); dd.elements.theCrop.defw = w; dd.elements.theCrop.defh = h; cc_reposBackground(); } </script>