# - 'str_', 'int_', 'dbl_' and 'bool_' are all special type prefixes for the variables.
# - Comments should start with '#' and must NOT appear on lines which specify
# a key and value (unless it's part of the value itself).
# - Leading whitespace, trailing whitespace and whitespace either side of '=' (assignment operator) allowed
# - Vars are case sensitive (http_version is not HTTP_Version).
# - Boolean values should be either: true or false (case sensitive),
# if you use a value of False or FALSE in a boolean var it will evaluate to true
# - To use the default value specified in class file, comment out the line in this file
# http options
# (string) http version number - string
str_http_version = '1.0'
# (int) default http port
int_http_port = 80
# (int) socket timeout for connecting (seconds)
int_socket_timeout = 30
# (int) number of times to retry fsockopen
int_socket_retry = 2
# (int) maximum bytes http response header can be
int_max_head_bytes = 5000
# (int) maximum bytes http response body can be
int_max_body_bytes = 400000
# (int) stop reading if longer than this (seconds) (disabled = 0)
int_read_timeout = 60
# (bool) return HTTP header only (skips downloading body)
bool_header_only = false
# (string) Reject if regular expression match - reject if any header response line
# matches regular expression in this value (used with preg_* function)
# example value: "/^Server:.*?Apache.*?/i"
str_reject_if_match = ''
# (string) Reject if mime match - reject if any mime type listed is found in content-type
# header field, list of mime types seperated by only one comma,
# example: "text/*,image/jpeg"
# If using cURL, the body will be downloaded before header can be checked, to
# avoid this problem, set $this->curl_head_first to true
str_reject_if_mime = ''
# header fields
# (string) Accept-Language header
str_hd_accept_lang = 'en-gb'
# (string) User-Agent header, see here for alternatives: http:#mozilla-evangelism.bclary.com/sidebars/ua/
str_hd_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-GB; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011019 Netscape6/6.2'
# (string) Accept header (mime types)
str_hd_accept = '*/*'
# (string) Accept-Encoding header (best leave blank, otherwise there's the extra step of decoding)
# example value: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9
str_hd_accept_encoding = ''
# disk storage (for basic auth and cookies)
# (string) used as part of filename (eg. cookies.storage_name), leave
# as empty string if you do not wish save values to disk
str_store_name = 'demo'
# ** these vars (below) will have no effect if storage_name is empty **
# (string) serialize cookies? (""=no, "plain"=yes, "encrypt"=encrypted)
str_store_cookies = 'plain'
# (string) serialize basic auth details? (""=no, "plain"=yes, "encrypt"=encrypted)
str_store_basic_auth = 'plain'
# (string) full path to directory where storage vars will be serialized and stored
str_store_path = '/home/me/secret/'
# (string) 1-24 chars - if not empty, the vars marked "encrypt" (see above) will be
# encrypted and stored (this requires php be compiled with mcrypt support,
# libmcrypt 2.4.x). If string empty ("") values will not be encrypted,
# even if they're marked as "encrypt"
str_store_crypt_key = 'secret'
# basic authentication
# (bool) store basic auth details for future sends (in $this->basic_auth)
bool_basic_auth_save = true
# (bool) allow base64 encoded user and pass to be sent back to servers
bool_basic_auth_send = true
# (int) number of seconds, setting this to 0 will clear the
# $obj->basic_auth array when $obj->del_old_basic_auth() is called
int_basic_auth_life = 0
# referer
# (bool) use last URL ($this->url_last) as referer
bool_referer_use_last = false
# (string) holds referer URL
str_referer = ''
# cookies
# (bool) save cookies returned by server
bool_cookie_save = true
# (bool) use saved cookies for further requests
bool_cookie_send = true
# (int) ((60 * 60) * 24) * 10 = 10 days (864000), setting this to 0 will clear the
# $obj->cookie array when $obj->del_old_cookies() is called
int_cookie_life = 172800
# redirect
# (int) maximum number of continuous http redirects (disabled: 0)
int_redirect_auto = 5
# (int) refresh only if delay in meta tag is less than this
int_redirect_meta_limit = 10
# (bool) treats redirect as a new site request ($this->new_site())
bool_redirect_as_new = true
# cURL
# (bool) use cURL (only enable if PHP has built in support)
bool_curl = false
# (bool) use cURL for SSL requests (only enable if PHP has built in support)
bool_curl_ssl = false
# (int) transfer speed in bytes per second that the transfer
# should be below during $this->curl_low_speed_time seconds for PHP to
# consider it too slow and abort. (-1: disabled)
#int_curl_low_speed_limit = -1
# (int) seconds that the transfer should be below for PHP to consider it
# too slow and abort. (-1: $this->read_timeout)
#int_curl_low_speed_time = -1
# (int) SSL version (2 or 3). (-1: PHP will try and determine this by itself)
#int_curl_ssl_version = -1
# (bool) cURL grab head first - process head first, then, if appropriate, grab body as well.
# This will speed things up if you would like to reject content based on HTTP header,
# but if most of the sites are OK, you should set it to false.
# If true, cURL will make 2 requests (if the header is not rejected first)
bool_curl_head_first = true
# proxy
# (bool) use proxy?
bool_proxy = false
# (string) proxy server
str_proxy_server = ''
# (int) proxy port
int_proxy_port = 0
# (string) proxy user
str_proxy_user = ''
# (string) proxy pass
str_proxy_pass = ''
# html parsing
# (bool) parse body, if false, everything below will have no effect
bool_parse_body = true
# ** html parsing details below will have no effect if parse_body (above) is false **
# (string) Parse if mime match - parse body only if mime type matches (obviously we wouldn't
# want to search through the contents of an image file for html tags)
str_parse_if_mime = 'text/html'
# (bool) sets $this->redirect_cur if redirect found
bool_parse_meta_refresh = true
# (bool) sets $this->title_cur with value found in <title></title>
bool_parse_title = true
# config cache
# (bool) if true, will create config_filename.cache file with serialized
# values found in your main config file (this), this is then used to quickly
# retrieve the values (rather than parse this config again)
bool_config_cache = true
# (string) cache directory
# Path where cache file will be created (must be writable)
# If empty (''), same path as config file will be used
# Only used if $config_cache is set to true.
str_config_cache_dir = ''
# debug
# (bool) Debug - if true, will print debug information
bool_debug = false
# (bool) Debug array - if true, will store debug information in $this->debug_log array
bool_debug_array = false