/* vim: set ai tabstop=4: */
// $Date: 2002/04/21 03:39:41 $
// $Revision: 1.5 $
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | HTTP mini NAVIGATOR 0.2 alpha - 20-Apr-2002 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Keyvan Minoukadeh - keyvan@k1m.com - http://www.k1m.com |
// | Copyright (c) 2002 Keyvan Minoukadeh |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP class to simplify content grabbing from web sites, |
// | while also keeping track of previous sites, auth details, |
// | and cookies set along the way (similar to a browser). |
// | |
// | Note: experimental class, haven't had a chance to test it properly |
// | yet, please let me know if you come across any problems, or |
// | have any comments, or if you've fixed/added something useful. |
// | |
// | *** see readme.txt for more info *** |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
// | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
// | version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
// | |
// | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | Lesser General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
// | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, |
// | MA 02111-1307 USA |
// | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
define('HTTPNAV_RESPONSE', 'http_response');
define('HTTPNAV_REQUEST', 'http_request');
define('HTTPNAV_CURRENT', 'cur');
define('HTTPNAV_LAST', 'last');
define('HTTPNAV_HEADER', 'head');
define('HTTPNAV_BODY', 'body');
// codes below are NOT http status codes,
// do not use these to compare agains HTTP status codes
// warning
define('HTTPNAV_WRN_BODY_SIZE', 303);
// error
define('HTTPNAV_ERR_CONNECT', 401);
define('HTTPNAV_ERR_TIMED_OUT', 402);
define('HTTPNAV_ERR_URL_FORMAT', 403);
define('HTTPNAV_ERR_CURL_INIT', 450);
define('HTTPNAV_ERR_UNKNOWN', 499);
* HTTP Navigator class
* PHP class to simplify content grabbing from web sites,
* while also keeping track of previous sites, auth details,
* and cookies set along the way (similar to a browser).
* @author Keyvan Minoukadeh <keyvan@k1m.com>
* @version 0.2 alpha
class http_navigator
// options
* HTTP version number to use in requests
var $http_version = '1.0';
* HTTP default port number
var $http_port = 80;
* Socket connection timeout (seconds)
var $socket_timeout = 30;
* Socket retry attempts
var $socket_retry = 2;
* Maximum bytes http header can be
var $max_head_bytes = 5000;
* Maximum bytes http body can be - rest truncated
var $max_body_bytes = 400000;
* Read timeout (seconds) - disabled: 0
var $read_timeout = 60;
* Return HTTP header only - skips downloading body
var $header_only = false;
* Reject if regular expression match - reject if any header response line
* matches regular expression in this value (used with preg_* function)
* example value: '/^Server:.*?Apache.*?/i'
var $reject_if_match = '';
* Reject if mime match - reject if any mime type listed is found in content-type
* header field, list of mime types seperated by only one comma,
* example: 'text/*,image/jpeg'
* If using cURL, the body will be downloaded before header can be checked, to
* avoid this problem, set $this->curl_head_first to true
var $reject_if_mime = '';
// header fields
* Accept-Language - value to use in field of HTTP request
* Why? - Some dynamic sites can return content based on this value
var $hd_accept_lang = 'en-gb';
* User-Agent - value to use in field of HTTP request
* Why? - Some dynamic sites will modify/change output based on this
* See: http://mozilla-evangelism.bclary.com/sidebars/ua/ for alternative
* User-Agent strings
var $hd_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-GB; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011019 Netscape6/6.2';
* Accept - mime type value to use in field of HTTP request
var $hd_accept = '*/*';
* Accept-Encoding - value to use in field of HTTP request
* best leave empty if you want to see plain html, otherwise, if server supports it,
* the returned body could be encoded based on this value.
var $hd_accept_encoding = '';
// referer
* Use last referer - use last URL ($this->_last['url']) as referer
var $referer_use_last = false;
* Referer - holds referer URL
var $referer = '';
// cookies
* Save cookies - save cookies returned in server response
var $cookie_save = true;
* Send cookies - use saved cookies in HTTP requests (if site and cookie criteria match)
var $cookie_send = true;
* Cookie life - lifetime of saved cookies since being set (seconds),
* setting this to 0 will clear the $this->cookie array when
* $this->del_old_cookies() is called
var $cookie_life = 172800; // ((60 * 60) * 24) * 2 = 2 days
// redirect
* Auto redirects - maximum number of continuous http redirects (disabed: 0)
var $redirect_auto = 5;
* Meta refresh delay - redirect if delay found in meta refresh is less than
* this value (seconds)
* Why? - Some sites with dynamic content set a meta tag to refresh every few minutes,
* this serves a different purpose than those sites wanting to redirect us to the
* correct page
var $redirect_meta_limit = 10;
* Redirect as new - treats a redirect as a new site request (calling $this->new_site())
* so $this->_last['url'] would be the url the redirect was detected in.
* Setting this to false would make redirects under same site id
var $redirect_as_new = true;
// proxy
* Proxy - use proxy? (untested by me, let me know if this works)
var $proxy = false;
* Proxy server
var $proxy_server = '';
* Proxy port
var $proxy_port = 0;
* Proxy username (if required)
var $proxy_user = '';
* Proxy password (if required)
var $proxy_pass = '';
// html parsing
* Parse body - some infomation can be grabbed from the body of the response that could
* be useful, set this to true if you'd like the html to be parsed.
var $parse_body = true;
// ** html parsing details below will have no effect if parse_body (above) is false **
* Parse if mime match - parse body only if mime type matches (obviously we wouldn't
* want to search through the contents of an image file for html tags)
var $parse_if_mime = 'text/html';
* Parse meta refresh - sets $this->_cur['redirect'] if meta refresh tag is found
var $parse_meta_refresh = true;
* Parse title - sets $this->_cur['title'] with value found between <title></title> tags
var $parse_title = true;
// debug
* Debug - if true, will print debug information
var $debug = false;
* Debug array - if true, will store debug information in $this->debug_log array
var $debug_array = false;
* Current site
* Holds each piece of information about current site as an array element:
* 'scheme' : scheme (eg. 'http' or 'https')
* 'url' : full URL
* 'path' : http path
* 'host' : http host
* 'port' : http port
* 'status_v' : http response status: version number
* 'status_c' : http response status: code
* 'status_p' : http response status: phrase
* 'title' : html found between <title></title>
* 'redirect' : redirect URL found in http header
* 'basic_auth' : username and pass for basic auth (array)
* 'time_taken' : time taken to grab page in seconds
* 'curl_info' : associative array with info from cURL transfer
* 'http_request' : HTTP request array (HTTPNAV_HEADER, HTTPNAV_BODY)
* 'http_response' : HTTP response array (HTTPNAV_HEADER, HTTPNAV_BODY)
* @access private
var $_cur = array();
* Last site
* Holds each piece of information about last site as an array element:
* (see $_cur)
* @access private
* @see $_cur
var $_last = array(); // holds last site array
* Holds cookies in associative array:
* [domain][path][name]['value'] (string)
* ['secure'] (bool)
* ['expires'] (int - unix timestamp)
* ['date_added'] (int - unix timestamp)
* @see _set_cookie
var $cookie = array(); // holds cookies found in response headers
* Holds previous site URLs in array
var $site = array();
* Holds debug lines array (if $this->debug_array is true)
var $debug_log = array();
* Holds HTTP status codes as index and meaning as value
var $status_code = array();
var $_nl_rn = "\r\n"; // new line to seperate each header with
var $_nl_n = "\n"; // new line to explode returned headers with
var $_http_header_field = array(); // holds header field names and position numbers
var $_http_header = null; // holds http request header in array
var $_time_start = null; // holds start time
var $_time_end = null; // holds end time
var $_was_redirect = false; // true if current site was a result of automatic redirect
var $_realm = null; // holds realm if 401 returned
var $_cur_id = 0; // holds current site id
var $_cur_redirect_auto = 0; // holds current number of continuous redirects
* Can pass config file name to load (this will call $this->config_load()
* @param bool $debug if true, will turn debug on
* @return bool
function http_navigator($debug=null)
// set debug
if (!is_null($debug)) {
$this->debug = $debug;
// delete old vars
// store status code meanings
$this->status_code[100] = 'Continue';
$this->status_code[101] = 'Switching Protocols';
$this->status_code[200] = 'OK';
$this->status_code[201] = 'Created';
$this->status_code[202] = 'Accepted';
$this->status_code[203] = 'Non-Authoritative Information';
$this->status_code[204] = 'No Content';
$this->status_code[205] = 'Reset Content';
$this->status_code[206] = 'Partial Content';
$this->status_code[300] = 'Multiple Choices';
$this->status_code[301] = 'Moved Permanently';
$this->status_code[302] = 'Found';
$this->status_code[303] = 'See Other';
$this->status_code[304] = 'Not Modified';
$this->status_code[305] = 'Use Proxy';
$this->status_code[307] = 'Temporary Redirect';
$this->status_code[400] = 'Bad Request';
$this->status_code[401] = 'Unauthorized';
$this->status_code[402] = 'Payment Required';
$this->status_code[403] = 'Forbidden';
$this->status_code[404] = 'Not Found';
$this->status_code[405] = 'Method Not Allowed';
$this->status_code[406] = 'Not Acceptable';
$this->status_code[407] = 'Proxy Authentication Required';
$this->status_code[408] = 'Request Time-out';
$this->status_code[409] = 'Conflict';
$this->status_code[410] = 'Gone';
$this->status_code[411] = 'Length Required';
$this->status_code[412] = 'Precondition Failed';
$this->status_code[413] = 'Request Entity Too Large';
$this->status_code[414] = 'Request-URI Too Large';
$this->status_code[415] = 'Unsupported Media Type';
$this->status_code[416] = 'Requested range not satisfiable';
$this->status_code[417] = 'Expectation Failed';
$this->status_code[500] = 'Internal Server Error';
$this->status_code[501] = 'Not Implemented';
$this->status_code[502] = 'Bad Gateway';
$this->status_code[503] = 'Service Unavailable';
$this->status_code[504] = 'Gateway Time-out';
$this->status_code[505] = 'HTTP Version not supported';
// store valid field names used for HTTP requests and order in which they should appear in
// the request. Shuffle these in the order the fields should appear in the actual request.
// If a header is not listed here, you won't be able to add it using
// $obj->add_http_header(), so if there's any missing, just add it to this list.
$x = 1;
// general headers
$this->_http_header_field['cache-control'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['connection'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['date'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['pragma'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['trailer'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['transfer-encoding'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['upgrade'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['via'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['warning'] = $x++;
// request headers
$this->_http_header_field['accept'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['accept-charset'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['accept-encoding'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['accept-language'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['authorization'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['cookie'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['expect'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['from'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['host'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['if-match'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['if-modified-since'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['if-none-match'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['if-range'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['if-unmodified-since'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['max-forwards'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['proxy-authorization'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['range'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['referer'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['te'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['user-agent'] = $x++;
// entity headers
$this->_http_header_field['allow'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-encoding'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-language'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-length'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-location'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-md5'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-range'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['content-type'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['expires'] = $x++;
$this->_http_header_field['last-modified'] = $x++;
* Clear
* Clears current site info ($this->_cur), last site info ($this->_last), or both
* (does not affect cookies or auth details, which are held in seperate arrays)
* @param string $which either HTTPNAV_CURRENT or HTTPNAV_LAST, if none specified, both will be clared
* @return bool
* @access public
function clear($which=null)
if (is_null($which)) {
$this->_cur = array();
$this->_last = array();
} elseif ($which == HTTPNAV_CURRENT) {
$this->_cur = array();
} elseif ($which == HTTPNAV_LAST) {
$this->_last = array();
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Prepare new site
* Sets last site details from current site,
* splits URL up into various parts, increments $this->_cur_id,
* resets a few private vars
* @param string $url full url (eg. http://example.com/dir/file.php?querystring=foo)
* @return bool
* @see get_url
function new_site($url)
// set current site as last site
if (!empty($this->_cur['host'])) {
// increment site id
if ($this->_set_cur_url($url)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("--- PREPARING HTTP REQUEST - ID: {$this->_cur_id} - URL: {$this->_cur['url']} ----");
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get var
* Return var content
* @param string $var name of var to return
* @return mixed
* @see set_var
function &get_var($var)
return $this->$var;
* Set var
* Set var content
* @param string $var name of var to assign value to
* @param string $value value to assign to $var
* @return bool
* @see get_var
function set_var($var, $value)
if ($this->$var = $value) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get HTTP status
* Return HTTP version, status code or phrase returned by server
* @param string $status either 'version', 'code' (default), or 'phrase' (or 'v','c','p')
* @param string $which either HTTPNAV_CURRENT for current or HTTPNAV_LAST for last, default: HTTPNAV_CURRENT
* @return string
function get_status($status='code', $which=HTTPNAV_CURRENT)
$status = substr(strtolower($which), 0, 1);
if ($which === HTTPNAV_CURRENT) {
$info = &$this->_cur;
} elseif ($which === HTTPNAV_LAST) {
$info = &$this->_last;
switch ($status) {
case 'v':
return @$info['status_v'];
case 'c':
return @$info['status_c'];
case 'p':
return @$info['status_p'];
return false;
* Get info
* Return value from site info, or return all info as array
* @param string $var info name, (eg. 'time_taken')
* @param string $which either HTTPNAV_CURRENT for current or HTTPNAV_LAST for last, default: HTTPNAV_CURRENT
* @return string
function &get_info($var=null, $which=HTTPNAV_CURRENT)
if ($which == HTTPNAV_CURRENT) {
$info = &$this->_cur;
} elseif ($which == HTTPNAV_LAST) {
$info = &$this->_last;
} else {
return false;
if (is_null($var)) {
return $info;
} elseif (is_string($var) && isset($info[strtolower($var)])) {
return $info[strtolower($var)];
} else {
return false;
* Rebuild current URL as string (can override values by passing array)
* Rebuilds current URL replacing some parts with ones supplied in $array
* Note: this will not include Basic Auth user and pass
* @param array $array Associative array with valid keys being: 'host', 'port', 'path'
* @param bool $with_auth If true and array has 'user' and 'pass' keys, they will be
* built into the string, otherwise ignored
* @return string URL with host, port and path
* @access public
function rebuild_cur_url($array=array(), $with_auth=false)
$scheme = (isset($array['scheme']) ? $array['scheme'] : $this->_cur['scheme']);
$host = (isset($array['host']) ? $array['host'] : $this->_cur['host']);
$port = (isset($array['port']) ? $array['port'] : $this->_cur['port']);
$path = (isset($array['path']) ? $array['path'] : $this->_cur['path']);
$auth = '';
if ($scheme != 'http') {
$scheme = 'http';
if ($port == $this->http_port) {
return $scheme.'://'.$auth.$host.$path;
} else {
return $scheme.'://'.$auth.$host.':'.$port.$path;
* Status phrase / group
* Returns array with status phrase and group
* @param int $code HTTP status code (eg. 404)
* @return array associative array with keys: 'meaning' and 'range_meaning'
* @access public
function status_info($code)
$code = intval($code);
$r_meaning = 'Unrecognised';
$meaning = 'Unrecognised';
if (isset($this->status_code[$code])) {
$meaning = $this->status_code[$code];
if ($code >= 100 && $code <= 199) {
$r_meaning = 'Informational: Request received, continuing process';
} elseif ($code >= 200 && $code <= 299) {
$r_meaning = 'Success: The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted';
} elseif ($code >= 300 && $code <= 399) {
$r_meaning = 'Redirection: Further action must be taken in order to complete the request';
} elseif ($code >= 400 && $code <= 499) {
$r_meaning = 'Client Error: The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled';
} elseif ($code >= 500 && $code <= 599) {
$r_meaning = 'Server Error: The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request';
return array('meaning'=>$meaning, 'range_meaning'=>$r_meaning);
* Get body
* Returns body as string
* @param string $type either HTTPNAV_RESPONSE or HTTPNAV_REQUEST, default: HTTPNAV_RESPONSE
* @param string $which either HTTPNAV_CURRENT for current or HTTPNAV_LAST for last, default: HTTPNAV_CURRENT
* @return string body
* @access public
function &get_body($type=HTTPNAV_RESPONSE, $which=HTTPNAV_CURRENT)
if ($which == HTTPNAV_CURRENT) {
$info = &$this->_cur;
} elseif ($which == HTTPNAV_LAST) {
$info = &$this->_last;
} else {
return false;
return $info[$type][HTTPNAV_BODY];
* Get headers
* Returns headers as string
* @param string $type either HTTPNAV_RESPONSE or HTTPNAV_REQUEST, default: HTTPNAV_RESPONSE
* @param string $which either HTTPNAV_CURRENT for current or HTTPNAV_LAST for last, default: HTTPNAV_CURRENT
* @return string headers
* @access public
* @see explode_headers
function &get_headers($type=HTTPNAV_RESPONSE, $which=HTTPNAV_CURRENT)
if ($which == HTTPNAV_CURRENT) {
$info = &$this->_cur;
} elseif ($which == HTTPNAV_LAST) {
$info = &$this->_last;
} else {
return false;
return $info[$type][HTTPNAV_HEADER];
* Explode headers
* Returns associative array with each header as an array element,
* with the header field name as the key.
* @param string $type either HTTPNAV_RESPONSE or HTTPNAV_REQUEST, default: HTTPNAV_RESPONSE
* @param string $which either HTTPNAV_CURRENT for current or HTTPNAV_LAST for last, default: HTTPNAV_CURRENT
* @return array associative array
* @access public
* @see get_headers
function explode_headers($type=HTTPNAV_RESPONSE, $which=HTTPNAV_CURRENT)
if ($which == HTTPNAV_CURRENT) {
$info = &$this->_cur;
} elseif ($which == HTTPNAV_LAST) {
$info = &$this->_last;
} else {
return false;
$ret = array();
$exploded = explode($this->_nl_n, $info[$type][HTTPNAV_HEADER]);
foreach ($exploded as $line) {
if (substr_count($line, ':') > 0) {
list($key, $val) = explode(':', $line, 2);
$ret[strtolower(trim($key))] = trim($val);
return $ret;
* Add / edit HTTP header
* Adds header and value, or modifies existing header field if it exists.
* You can specify if you want the header to appear in all requests
* or only for the next request.
* Using this will not allow you have mutliple headers of the same name,
* You should use a comma to seperate the values.
* @param string $name HTTP header field name (stored as array key)
* @param string $value HTTP header value
* @param bool $sticky (optional) will use header and value for further requests (if true)
* @param bool $only_if_empty (optional) will only add if it does not already exist
* @return bool
* @access public
function add_http_header($name, $value, $sticky=false, $only_if_unset=false)
$func_name = 'add_http_header';
$sticky = ($sticky) ? 1 : 0;
if (trim($name) != '') {
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
if (isset($this->_http_header_field[strtolower(trim($name))])) {
$num_key = $this->_http_header_field[strtolower(trim($name))];
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: key: '$name' does not appear to be valid field name");
return false;
if (isset($this->_http_header[$num_key]) && $only_if_unset) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Field: '$name' already set");
return false;
$this->_http_header[$num_key][$sticky]["$name"] = "$value";
return true;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No header field provided");
return false;
* Delete HTTP header
* Builds string containing each HTTP header field and value, found in $this->_http_header,
* on a seperate line.
* @return string contains each HTTP header field and value on seperate lines
* @access public
function del_http_header($name)
$func_name = 'del_http_header';
$name = trim($name);
if ($name == 'all') {
$this->_http_header = array();
} elseif ($name == 'all-non-sticky') {
// loop through and remove non sticky headers
foreach ($this->_http_header as $key => $val) {
if (!key($val)) {
} else {
// find this header position number
if (isset($this->_http_header_field[strtolower($name)])) {
$del_key = $this->_http_header_field[strtolower($name)];
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Incorrect field name: '$name'");
return false;
if (isset($this->_http_header[$del_key])) {
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: This field: '$name' is not set, therefore cannot delete");
return false;
return true;
* Check if valid URL
* Checks to see if URL contains the necessary parts (scheme and host).
* @param string $url full URL to check for validity
* @return bool true if valid, false otherwise
* @access public
function is_valid_url($url)
$url = trim($url);
if (!empty($url)) {
$split = @parse_url($url);
if (isset($split['scheme']) && isset($split['host'])) {
if (strtolower($split['scheme']) == 'http') {
return true;
return false;
* Split URL
* Returns exploded parts of url (uses default values for some parts) in associative array.
* @param string $url full URL to explode
* @return array exploded parts of URL, same associative keys as parse_url(),
* returns false if URL is not valid
* @access public
function split_url($url)
$func_name = 'split_url';
$url = trim($url);
if ($this->is_valid_url($url)) {
$matches = @parse_url($url);
$matches['port'] = (!empty($matches['port'])) ? $matches['port'] : $this->http_port;
$matches['path'] = (!empty($matches['path'])) ? trim($matches['path']) : '/';
return $matches;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Incorrect URL");
return false;
* Get cookie domains
* Compares $host to domains stored in $this->cookie (stored as keys),
* it tries to match $host to the end of each domain, so if a site stores a cookie
* with the domain attribute set to .example.com and we're searching to find
* www.example.com or support.example.com then .example.com will match and be stored in the
* array.
* @param string $host domain to match, eg. support.example.com
* @return array array of domain matches found
* @access public
function get_cookie_domains($host)
$host = strtolower($host);
$matches = array();
foreach ($this->cookie as $domain => $domain_val) {
if (preg_match('!'.preg_quote($domain).'$!', $host)) {
$matches[] = $domain;
return $matches;
* Get cookie
* Returns string with cookie names and values matching arguments passed to it in array, or,
* if empty string passed (default), current host and path ($this->_cur['host'] $this->_cur['path'])
* will be used to find the cookies.
* @param array $array associative array with keys ('domain', 'path', 'name', 'secure')
* if passing an array, the 'domain' key is required
* @return string cookie names and values (eg. NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2 ...)
* @access public
function get_cookie($array='')
$func_name = 'get_cookie';
// sample cookie
// NAME=VALUE; path=/; domain=.mydomain.com; expires=Wednesday, 31-Dec-2010 12:10:00 GMT;
if (!$this->cookie_send) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Sending cookies disabled");
return false;
$cookies = array();
$tmp_cookies = array();
if (!is_array($array) && empty($array)) {
$array = array('domain'=>$this->_format_cookie_domain($this->_cur['host']),
if (!is_array($array)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Argument not array");
return false;
// set secure flag to false (don't include cookies marked for secure communication)
if (!isset($array['secure'])) {
$array['secure'] = false;
// extract vars from array and prefix them
extract($array, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'cookie');
if (!isset($cookie_domain)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Domain must be supplied");
return false;
// grab all cookies in domain (required)
$cookie_domain_matches = $this->get_cookie_domains($cookie_domain);
if (count($cookie_domain_matches) == 0) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No cookies set under this domain ($cookie_domain)");
return false;
foreach ($cookie_domain_matches as $domain_match) {
$cookies["$domain_match"] = $this->cookie["$domain_match"];
// grab all cookies in path (if set)
if (isset($cookie_path)) {
// find cookies where path begins with path passed by argument
// return the values of matching paths into a new array
foreach ($cookies as $dom => $dom_value) {
foreach ($dom_value as $path => $path_value) {
if (preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($path).'!', $cookie_path)) {
$tmp_cookies["$dom"]["$path"] = $path_value;
$cookies = $tmp_cookies;
if (count($cookies) == 0) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No cookies set under this domain ($cookie_domain) AND path ($cookie_path)");
return false;
// grab cookie with this name
if (isset($cookie_name)) {
// find cookies which match this name
$tmp_cookies = array();
foreach ($cookies as $dom => $dom_value) {
foreach ($dom_value as $path => $path_value) {
if (is_array($path_value["$cookie_name"])) {
$tmp_cookies["$dom"]["$path"]["$cookie_name"] = $path_value["$cookie_name"];
$cookies = $tmp_cookies;
if (count($cookies) == 0) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: The cookie ($cookie_name) was not found");
return false;
// no need to sort by domain length :)
// sort cookies by domain
// uksort($cookies, array($this, '_cmp_length'));
// reverse cookies array
// $cookies = array_reverse($cookies, true);
// copy paths over
$tmp_cookies = array();
foreach ($cookies as $dom => $dom_value) {
foreach ($dom_value as $path => $path_value) {
$tmp_cookies["$path"] = $path_value;
$cookies = $tmp_cookies;
// sort cookies by path string length
uksort($cookies, array($this, '_cmp_length'));
// return cookies
$tmp_cookies = array();
foreach ($cookies as $path => $path_val) {
foreach ($path_val as $name => $name_val) {
// exclude secure cookies, unless current site is SSL
if ((!$name_val['secure']) ||
($name_val['secure'] && $this->_cur['scheme'] == 'https') || (isset($cookie_secure) && $cookie_secure)) {
$tmp_cookies[] = $name.'='.$name_val['value'];
$tmp_cookies = implode('; ', $tmp_cookies);
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Using cookies: $tmp_cookies");
return $tmp_cookies;
* Delete old cookies
* Deletes cookies older than $this->cookie_life and cookies which have expired.
* Note: if $this->cookie_life is set to 0 the number of deleted cookies will not be
* returned, instead true will be returned, you can test with === true (3 equal signs)
* to see if all cookies where deleted.
* @param bool $session_cookies if true, session cookies will be removed as well
* @return int number of cookies deleted, or true if all cookies deleted
* @access public
* @see end
function del_old_cookies($session_cookies=true)
$func_name = 'del_old_cookies';
if ($this->cookie_life == 0) {
if (count($this->cookie) == 0) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No details found");
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: All cleared");
$this->cookie = array();
return true;
$deleted = 0;
if (count($this->cookie) == 0) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No cookies found");
return $deleted;
foreach ($this->cookie as $domain => $domain_val) {
foreach ($domain_val as $path => $path_val) {
foreach ($path_val as $cookie => $cookie_val) {
if ((time() - (int)$cookie_val['date_added']) > $this->cookie_life) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: old: $domain - $path - $cookie removed!");
} elseif (isset($cookie_val['expires']) && is_int($cookie_val['expires']) && (time() > $cookie_val['expires'])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: expired: $domain - $path - $cookie removed!");
} elseif (!isset($cookie_val['expires']) && $session_cookies) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: session cookie: $domain - $path - $cookie removed!");
// delete path if empty
if (count($this->cookie["$domain"]["$path"]) == 0) {
// delete domain if empty
if (count($this->cookie["$domain"]) == 0) {
return $deleted;
* Delete cookie
* Deletes cookies in $this->cookie which match the details passed to $array (must
* be an associative array with keys 'domain', 'path', 'name' - 'domain' is required)
* @param array $array associative array with keys 'domain' (required), 'path', 'name'
* @return bool true if cookie(s) removed, false otherwise
* @access public
function del_cookie($array)
$func_name = 'del_cookie';
// sample cookie
// NAME=VALUE; path=/; domain=.mydomain.com; expires=Wednesday, 31-Dec-2010 12:10:00 GMT;
$cookies = array();
$delete = array();
if (!is_array($array)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Argument not array");
return false;
// extract vars from array and prefix them
extract($array, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'cookie');
if (!isset($cookie_domain)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Domain must be supplied");
return false;
// check domain for cookies
if (is_array($this->cookie[$cookie_domain]) && count($this->cookie[$cookie_domain]) > 0) {
$delete['domain'] = $cookie_domain;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No cookies set under this domain ($cookie_domain)");
return false;
// check domain and path for cookies
if (isset($cookie_path)) {
if (is_array($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$cookie_path]) && count($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$cookie_path]) > 0) {
$delete['path'] = $cookie_path;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: No cookies set under this domain ($cookie_domain) AND path ($cookie_path)");
return false;
// check name and delete
if (isset($cookie_name)) {
if (isset($cookie_path)) {
if (isset($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$cookie_path][$cookie_name]) &&
is_array($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$cookie_path][$cookie_name])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("(-) Deleting cookie ($cookie_name)");
// delete path if no more entries
if (count($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$cookie_path]) == 0) {
// delete domain if no more entries
if (count($this->cookie[$cookie_domain]) == 0) {
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Cookie not found ($cookie_name)");
return false;
} else {
foreach ($this->cookie[$cookie_domain] as $path => $path_val) {
if (isset($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$path][$cookie_name])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("(-) Deleting cookie ($cookie_name)");
// delete path if no more entries
if (count($this->cookie[$cookie_domain][$path]) == 0) {
// delete domain if no more entries
if (count($this->cookie[$cookie_domain]) == 0) {
return true;
// delete path
if (isset($delete['path'])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("(-) Deleting cookies in path ($cookie_path)");
// delete domain if no more entries
if (count($this->cookie[$delete['domain']]) == 0) {
return true;
// delete domain
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("(-) Deleting cookies in domain ($cookie_domain)");
return true;
* Calls $this->_process() passing along data to post.
* @param string $formdata data to post (eg. 'name=john&age=22&foo=bar'), or array:
* (eg. 'key'=>'val', 'name'=>'john', 'age'=>'22', 'foo'=>'bar')
* @param string $url full URL to post to, $this->_process() will then pass it to
* $this->new_site(), (if not supplied, current site details used)
* @return array contains HTTP head and body (if returned) with keys HTTPNAV_HEADER and HTTPNAV_BODY
* @access public
function post_url($formdata, $url='')
if (is_array($formdata)) {
$formdata_str = '';
foreach ($formdata as $key => $val) {
$formdata_str .= urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($val).'&';
if (!empty($formdata_str)) {
$formdata_str = substr($formdata_str, 0, -1);
$formdata = $formdata_str;
return $this->_process('POST', $formdata, $url);
* Calls $this->_process() to fetch URL as a GET request.
* @param string $url full URL to fetch, $this->_process() will then pass it to
* $this->new_site(), (if not supplied, current site details used)
* @return array contains HTTP head and body (if returned) with keys HTTPNAV_HEADER and HTTPNAV_BODY
* @access public
function get_url($url='')
return $this->_process('GET', '', $url);
* Calls $this->_process() to ask server for HTTP headers only (no body should be returned).
* @param string $url full URL, $this->_process() will then pass it to
* $this->new_site(), (if not supplied, current site details used)
* @return array contains HTTP headers with key HTTPNAV_HEADER
* @access public
function head_url($url='')
return $this->_process('HEAD', '', $url);
* Use when finished with the class, if disk storage enabled, vars will be written to disk
* @return bool
* @access public
function end($session_cookies=true)
return true;
* Is warning?
* Return true if $warning is an error array (containing warning)
* @param array $warning Array containing warning details
* @param int $errno (optional) match specific warning, otherwise return false,
* should be one of the warning constants.
* @return bool true if warning, false otherwise
* @access public
* @see _error
function is_warning($array, $errno=null)
return $this->is_error($array, $errno, 300, 399);
* Is error?
* Return true if $error is an error array (containing error)
* @param array $error Array containing error details
* @param int $errno (optional) match specific error, otherwise return false,
* should be one of the error constants.
* @param int $_errno_s (optional) error number start range, leave default (used internally)
* @param int $_errno_e (optional) error number end range, leave default (used internally)
* @return bool true if error, false otherwise
* @access public
* @see _error
* @see is_warning
function is_error($array, $errno=null, $_errno_s=400, $_errno_e=499)
if (!is_array($array)) {
return false;
if (isset($array['errno']) && isset($array['error'])) {
if (($array['errno'] >= $_errno_s) && ($array['errno'] <= $_errno_e)) {
// if looking for specific error
if (!is_null($errno)) {
if ($array['errno'] === $errno) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Debug
* Adds debug line to array and echos it if allowed
* @param string $msg string to echo or store in debug log
* @access private
function _debug($msg)
if ($this->debug_array) {
$this->debug_log[][time()] = $msg;
if ($this->debug) {
echo "# $msg<br>\n";
return true;
* Raise error / warning
* Return array with error code and meaning (can test for by using $this->is_error() or
* $this->is_warning())
* @param int $code One of the HTTPNAV_ERR_* constants
* @param string $text (optional) extra info about error
* @return array Associative array with keys: 'errno' and 'error'
* @access private
* @see is_error
* @see is_warning
function _error($code=HTTPNAV_ERR_UNKNOWN, $text='')
static $error;
if (!isset($error)) {
$error = array(
// reject
HTTPNAV_WRN_MIME_REJECTED => 'MIME content-type rejected',
HTTPNAV_WRN_MATCH_REJECTED => 'Header regex match rejected',
HTTPNAV_WRN_BODY_SIZE => 'Body truncated',
// error
HTTPNAV_ERR_CONNECT => 'Connecting',
HTTPNAV_ERR_TIMED_OUT => 'Connection timed out',
HTTPNAV_ERR_URL_FORMAT => 'Incorrect URL format',
HTTPNAV_ERR_HEADER_SIZE => 'Invalid header size',
HTTPNAV_ERR_HEADER_STATUS => 'Invalid header status line',
HTTPNAV_ERR_CURL_INIT => 'Unable to initialize cURL',
$text = (!empty($text) ? @$error[$code].' - '.$text : @$error[$code]);
return (array('errno'=>$code, 'error'=>$text));
* Build HTTP headers
* Builds string containing each HTTP header field and value, found in $this->_http_header,
* on a seperate line.
* @return string contains each HTTP header field and value on seperate lines
* @access private
function _build_http_headers()
$headers = array();
ksort($this->_http_header, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($this->_http_header as $val) {
$val = $val[key($val)];
$headers[] = key($val).': '.$val[key($val)];
return implode($this->_nl_rn, $headers);
* Set current URL (splits URL string into parts, and stores)
* Splits URL into parts and stores those parts in the appropriate
* vars.
* @param string $url full URL to set as current
* @return bool returns false if $url is not valid or cannot be split properly
* @access private
* @see new_site
function _set_cur_url($url)
$func_name = '_set_cur_url';
$url = trim($url);
if (!$this->is_valid_url($url)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Invalid URL - $url");
return false;
if ($split = $this->split_url($url)) {
$this->_cur['scheme'] = strtolower($split['scheme']);
$this->_cur['host'] = strtolower($split['host']);
$this->_cur['port'] = (isset($split['port']) ? $split['port'] : $this->http_port);
$this->_cur['path'] = $split['path'].(!empty($split['query']) ? '?'.$split['query'] : '');
$this->_cur['url'] = $this->rebuild_cur_url();
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Set last URL
* Clears last site details, then adds current site details as the last details,
* also stores these details in $this->site array.
* @return bool
* @access private
* @see new_site
function _set_last_url()
$func_name = '_set_last_url';
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Setting current site as last site and saving in site array");
// clear last URL
// copy current info to last info array
$this->_last = $this->_cur;
// add current url to site history
$this->site[$this->_cur_id] = $this->_cur['url'];
return true;
* Reset vars
* Resets a few private vars
* @access private
* @see new_site
function _reset_vars()
$this->_time_start = null;
$this->_time_end = null;
$this->_was_redirect = false;
$this->_realm = null;
return true;
* Set cookie
* Split set-cookie http header and store it in $this->cookie array, will also remove
* expired cookies from $this->cookie array.
* @param string $cookie set-cookie header (name, path, domain, etc..)
* @return bool true if cookie is set, false otherwise
* @access private
* @see _parse_http_header
function _set_cookie($cookie)
$func_name = '_set_cookie';
// sample cookie
// NAME=VALUE; path=/; domain=.mydomain.com; expires=Wednesday, 31-Dec-2010 12:10:00 GMT;
// cookie spec
// http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html
if (!$this->cookie_save) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Saving cookies disabled");
return false;
$cur_cookie = array();
$cur_cookie['secure'] = false;
$cookie = trim($cookie);
if (substr($cookie, -1) == ';') $cookie = substr($cookie, 0, -1);
$cookie = explode(';', $cookie, 2);
$cookie_attributes = trim($cookie[1]);
$cookie_name_val = explode('=', $cookie[0], 2);
// Check if secure cookie
if ((substr_count($cookie_attributes, ' secure') > 0) || (substr_count($cookie_attributes, ';secure') > 0)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Cookie marked as secure");
$cur_cookie['secure'] = true;
// Name
$cur_cookie['name'] = trim($cookie_name_val[0]);
if ($cur_cookie['name'] == '') {
return false;
// Value
$cur_cookie['val'] = trim($cookie_name_val[1]);
if ($cur_cookie['val'] == '') {
return false;
// Domain
$cur_cookie['domain'] = $this->_cur['host'];
if (preg_match('/domain=([^;]+)/i', $cookie_attributes, $matches)) {
if (trim($matches[1]) != '') {
$cur_cookie['domain'] = trim($matches[1]);
$cur_cookie['domain'] = $this->_format_cookie_domain($cur_cookie['domain']);
// Path
$cur_cookie['path'] = $this->_cur['path'];
if (preg_match('/path=([^;]+)/i', $cookie_attributes, $matches)) {
if (trim($matches[1]) != '') {
$cur_cookie['path'] = trim($matches[1]);
unset ($matches);
$cur_cookie['path'] = $this->_format_cookie_path($cur_cookie['path']);
// Expires
if (preg_match('!expires=[a-z, ]*([0-9]{1,2}[- ][a-z]+[- ][0-9]{2,4} +[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})!i', $cookie_attributes, $matches)) {
if (strtotime($matches[1]) < time()) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug('(-) Cookie Expired: '.implode(';', $cookie));
$this->del_cookie(array('domain'=>$cur_cookie['domain'], 'path'=>$cur_cookie['path'], 'name'=>$cur_cookie['name']));
return false;
} else {
$cur_cookie['expires'] = strtotime($matches[1]);
// set domain
if (!isset($this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']])) {
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']] = array();
// set path
if (!isset($this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']])) {
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']] = array();
// set name
if (!isset($this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']][$cur_cookie['name']])) {
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']][$cur_cookie['name']] = array();
// set secure flag
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']][$cur_cookie['name']]['secure'] = $cur_cookie['secure'];
// set value
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']][$cur_cookie['name']]['value'] = $cur_cookie['val'];
// set expires
if (isset($cur_cookie['expires'])) {
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']][$cur_cookie['name']]['expires'] = $cur_cookie['expires'];
// include current date
$this->cookie[$cur_cookie['domain']][$cur_cookie['path']][$cur_cookie['name']]['date_added'] = time();
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug('(+) Set-Cookie: '.implode(';', $cookie));
return true;
* Start timer
* @access private
function _timer_start()
list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$this->_time_start = ((float)$msec + (float)$sec);
$this->_time_end = false;
return true;
* Stop timer
* @access private
function _timer_stop()
list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$this->_time_end = ((float)$msec + (float)$sec);
return true;
* Time taken
* Based on start and stop time, will return how long the process took (seconds)
* @return double Time taken between $this->_time_start and $this->_time_end (seconds)
* @access private
function _timer_current()
if ($this->_time_start === false || $this->_time_start == '') {
return false;
} elseif ($this->_time_end === false || $this->_time_end == '') {
$current = $this->_time_end - $this->_time_start;
return (double)sprintf('%.10f', $current);
* Process HTTP request
* Core function, will build a HTTP request, submit to server, grab results,
* process results, update current vars, time the operation
* @param string $type type of HTTP request (can only be 'GET', 'POST' or 'HEAD'
* @param string $formdata if $type is 'POST', supply the post value here
* @param string $url full URL, if provided will set as new site, if not provided, will use existing
* @return array if successful will return associative array (keys: HTTPNAV_HEADER, HTTPNAV_BODY) containing results
* @access private
* @see get_url
function _process($type='', $formdata='', $url='')
$func_name = '_process';
$return = true;
if (($type = strtoupper($type)) && ($type == 'GET' || $type == 'POST' || $type == 'HEAD')) {
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Request type must be either: GET, POST or HEAD");
return false;
if (!empty($url)) {
if (!$this->new_site($url)) {
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_URL_FORMAT);
// set referer
if ($this->referer_use_last && empty($this->referer)) {
$this->referer = @$this->_last['url'];
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Starting HTTP $type request");
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: URL: ".$this->_cur['url']);
if ($type == 'POST') {
$this->add_http_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
$this->add_http_header('Content-Length', strlen($formdata));
// begin building http header string
$req = "$type {$this->_cur['path']} HTTP/{$this->http_version}".$this->_nl_rn;
$req .= $this->_build_http_headers();
$req .= $this->_nl_rn.$this->_nl_rn.$formdata;
// unset referer
if ($this->referer_use_last) {
$this->referer = '';
// start timer
if (empty($this->_time_start)) {
// fetch URL
if (!$this->_open_socket($fp))
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_CONNECT);
if ($this->read_timeout)
@socket_set_timeout($fp, $this->read_timeout);
// send request
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Sending request");
fwrite($fp, $req);
// check if timeout exceeded
if ($this->_timed_out($fp))
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_TIMED_OUT);
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Grabbing response header");
$result = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line_cur = fgets($fp, 4096);
$result .= $line_cur;
if (($line_cur == $this->_nl_rn) || ($line_cur == $this->_nl_n)) {
} elseif (strlen($result) > $this->max_head_bytes) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Response header size exceeded limit ({$this->max_head_bytes} bytes)");
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_HEADER_SIZE, "exceeded limit: {$this->max_head_bytes} bytes");
// check if timeout exceeded
if ($this->_timed_out($fp))
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_TIMED_OUT);
// parse response header, return false if there's a problem
$parse_res = $this->_parse_http_header($result);
if ($this->is_error($parse_res) || $this->is_warning($parse_res)) {
return $parse_res;
// read body
if ($this->header_only) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Header only enabled (will not bother grabbing body)");
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Grabbing response body");
$result .= fread($fp, $this->max_body_bytes);
if (!feof($fp)) {
$return = $this->_error(HTTPNAV_WRN_BODY_SIZE);
// check if timeout exceeded
if ($this->_timed_out($fp))
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_TIMED_OUT);
// stop timer
$this->_cur['time_taken'] = $this->_timer_current();
if ($this->parse_body)
// if redirect found, follow it
if ($this->redirect_auto && !empty($this->_cur['redirect'])) {
$return = $this->_auto_redirect();
$this->_cur_redirect_auto = 0;
return $return;
* Auto redirect
* If auto redirects are allowed and a Location header is found, this will be called
* to redirect (get_url() the new URL). Will also pass Basic Auth details to the new URL
* if the last host matches the new host.
* @param string $redirect if supplied, this URL will be the redirect destination,
* otherwise, $this->_cur['redirect'] will be used.
* @return bool false if auto redirects exceed $this->redirect_auto or if both
* $redirect and $this->_cur['redirect'] are empty, otherwise true.
* @access private
* @see _process
function _auto_redirect($redirect='')
$func_name = '_auto_redirect';
$return = false;
if ($this->_cur_redirect_auto >= $this->redirect_auto) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Maximum auto redirects reached ({$this->redirect_auto})");
return false;
if (empty($redirect) && !empty($this->_cur['redirect'])) {
$redirect = $this->_cur['redirect'];
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Redirect URL not supplied and redirect not found in headers");
return false;
if (!empty($redirect) && $this->is_valid_url($redirect)) {
if ($this->redirect_as_new && $this->new_site($redirect)) {
// redirect, setting new URL as a new site
$this->_was_redirect = true;
} elseif (!$this->redirect_as_new) {
// redirect, without setting new site
if ($this->referer_use_last) {
$this->referer = $this->_cur['url'];
if ($this->_set_cur_url($redirect)) {
$this->_was_redirect = true;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Problem redirecting");
return false;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Problem trying to redirect!");
return false;
// success
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Redirecting to {$this->_cur['url']} - redirect count: {$this->_cur_redirect_auto}");
$return = $this->get_url();
} else {
return false;
return $return;
* Parse HTTP response header
* Parses HTTP header
* stores cookies found, http status, redirect path.
* @param string $head HTTP response header to parse
* @return array associative array containg header info (most of this info will have been written to current vars)
* @access private
* @see _process
function _parse_http_header($head)
$func_name = '_parse_http_header';
$head = trim($head);
if (empty($head)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Header string empty");
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_HEADER_SIZE, 'Invalid size of response header');
$return = array();
$return['cookies_set'] = 0;
$return['cookies_found'] = 0;
$return['status_version'] = null;
$return['status_code'] = null;
$return['status_phrase'] = null;
$return['redirect_url'] = null;
$return['redirect_path'] = null;
$header_parts = explode($this->_nl_n, $head);
if (preg_match("!^HTTP/([^\\s]+)\\s+([0-9]{3})\\s+(.*)\$!i", trim($header_parts[0]), $matches)) {
$return['status_version'] = $matches[1];
$return['status_code'] = $matches[2];
$return['status_phrase'] = $matches[3];
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Incorrect status line ({$header_parts[0]})");
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_ERR_HEADER_STATUS, 'unrecognized status line returned');
// check against regex or mime (reject if found)
if (!empty($this->reject_if_match) || !empty($this->reject_if_mime)) {
if (!empty($this->reject_if_mime)) {
$reject_mime = explode(',', $this->reject_if_mime);
$reject_mime = str_replace('*', '[^/ ]+?', $reject_mime);
$reject_mime = implode('|', $reject_mime);
foreach ($header_parts as $key => $val) {
$header_parts[$key] = trim($val);
if (!empty($this->reject_if_mime) && preg_match("!^content-type:.*?(".$reject_mime.")(;|\\s|\$)!i", $header_parts[$key], $match)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Header (mime) rejected: '{$header_parts[$key]}'");
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_WRN_MIME_REJECTED, "content-type matched: {$match[1]}");
} elseif (!empty($this->reject_if_match) && preg_match("{$this->reject_if_match}", $header_parts[$key])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Header (regex) rejected: '{$header_parts[$key]}'");
return $this->_error(HTTPNAV_WRN_MATCH_REJECTED, "header line rejected: '{$header_parts[$key]}'");
// save status
$this->_cur['status_v'] = $return['status_version'];
$this->_cur['status_c'] = $return['status_code'];
$this->_cur['status_p'] = $return['status_phrase'];
foreach ($header_parts as $key => $val) {
if (strtolower(substr($val, 0, 10)) == 'location: ') {
$location = trim(substr($val, 10));
} elseif ($this->cookie_save && strtolower(substr($val, 0, 12)) == 'set-cookie: ') {
$result = $this->_set_cookie(substr($val, 12));
if ($result) {
} else {
if (!empty($location)) {
if (substr($location, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
$return['redirect_url'] = $location;
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Found HTTP URL redirect to: $location");
} else {
$location = ($location[0] != '/') ? $this->_format_path($this->_cur['path']).'/'.$location : $location;
$location = str_replace('//', '/', $location);
$return['redirect_path'] = $location;
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Found PATH redirect to: $location");
// save redirect if present
if (!empty($return['redirect_url'])) {
$this->_cur['redirect'] = $return['redirect_url'];
} elseif (!empty($return['redirect_path'])) {
$this->_cur['redirect'] = $this->rebuild_cur_url(array('path'=>$return['redirect_path']));
return $return;
* Parse HTTP body
* Parses body for things like html title, meta redirects, etc..
* Doesn't do much at the moment, but working on it.
* @return bool returns false if parsing of body is disabled ($this->parse_body) or body not found
* @access private
* @see _process
function _parse_http_body()
$func_name = '_parse_http_body';
if (!$this->parse_body) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Parsing http body disabled");
return false;
if (empty($this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE][HTTPNAV_BODY])) {
return false;
// check mime type
if (!empty($this->parse_if_mime)) {
$mime = explode(',', $this->parse_if_mime);
$mime = str_replace('*', '[^/ ]+?', $mime);
$mime = implode('|', $mime);
$header_parts = $this->explode_headers();
if (isset($header_parts['content-type'])) {
if (!preg_match("!.*?(".$mime.")(;|\\s|\$)!i", $header_parts['content-type'])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: mime: '{$this->parse_if_mime}' not matched");
return false;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: content-type field not found in header");
return false;
// set title
if ($this->parse_title && preg_match('!<title>([^<]+)</title>!i', $this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE][HTTPNAV_BODY], $matches)) {
$matches[1] = trim($matches[1]);
if ($matches[1] != '') {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: HTML title found: {$matches[1]}");
$this->_cur['title'] = $matches[1];
// set meta redirect
// ex: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://blah.com">
if ($this->parse_meta_refresh &&
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE][HTTPNAV_BODY], $matches)) {
$delay = @intval($matches[1]);
if ($this->redirect_meta_limit < $delay) {
$this->_cur['redirect'] = '';
} elseif (empty($matches[3])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Meta redirect found to current URL");
$this->_cur['redirect'] = $this->_cur['url'];
} else {
$found = true;
$url_parts = @parse_url($matches[3]);
// check if it's HTTP
if (isset($url_parts['scheme'])) {
if (!$this->is_valid_url($matches[3])) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Meta redirect not pointing to proper URL");
$found = false;
if ($found) {
// check if path is set
if (!isset($url_parts['path']) || (isset($url_parts['path']) && $url_parts['path'] == '')) {
$url_parts['path'] = '/';
// format path
if (substr($url_parts['path'], 0, 1) != '/') {
$url_parts['path'] = $this->_format_path($this->_cur['path']).'/'.$url_parts['path'];
$url_parts['path'] = str_replace('//', '/', $url_parts['path']);
// append querystring if available
if (isset($url_parts['query'])) {
$url_parts['path'] .= '?'.$url_parts['query'];
// build full url
$this->_cur['redirect'] = $this->rebuild_cur_url($url_parts, true);
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Meta redirect found to: {$this->_cur['redirect']}");
* Check if socket timed out
* Checks if $this->read_timeout seconds has been exceeded
* @param resource $fp file pointer to open HTTP connection (passed by ref)
* @return bool true if $this->read_timeout has been exceeded, false otherwise
* @access private
* @see _process
function _timed_out(&$fp)
if ($this->read_timeout && $fp) {
$status = socket_get_status($fp);
if ($status['timed_out']) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("Socket timed out (exceeded {$this->read_timeout} seconds)");
return true;
return false;
* Close socket
* Closes open HTTP connection (fclose)
* @param resource $fp file pointer to open HTTP connection (passed by ref)
* @return bool true if fclose succeeds, false otherwise
* @access private
* @see _process
function _close_socket(&$fp)
$func_name = '_close_socket';
$result = @fclose($fp);
if ($result) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Socket closed successfully");
return true;
} else {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: fclose returned false");
return false;
* Open socket
* Opens HTTP connection to current site (or proxy server, if supplied),
* retries $this->socket_retry times if it fails
* @param resource $fp file pointer (passed by ref)
* @return bool true if fsockopen succeeds, false otherwise
* @access private
* @see _process
function _open_socket(&$fp)
$func_name = '_open_socket';
$retry_count = 0;
do {
if ($this->proxy) {
$fp = @fsockopen($this->proxy_server, $this->proxy_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->socket_timeout);
} else {
$fp = @fsockopen($this->_cur['host'], $this->_cur['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->socket_timeout);
if (!$fp) {
if ($retry_count >= $this->socket_retry) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Reached maximum retries and failed to open socket! ($errno - $errstr)");
return false;
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Retrying ($errno - $errstr)");
} while(!$fp && $retry_count < $this->socket_retry);
if (!$fp) {
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Failed to open socket");
return false;
if ($this->debug) $this->_debug("$func_name: Socket opened successfully");
return true;
* Create HTTP headers
* Based on existing settings, cookies, auth, proxy, etc.. this will
* create the headers to be sent out to the server
* @param string $url if supplied will create new site and, based on that, create the headers
* @return bool
* @access private
* @see _process
function _create_http_header($url='')
// create new site entry if required
if (!empty($url)) {
$this->add_http_header('Host', $this->_cur['host']);
if (!empty($this->referer)) {
$this->add_http_header('Referer', $this->referer, false, true);
$this->add_http_header('User-Agent', $this->hd_user_agent, false, true);
$this->add_http_header('Accept', $this->hd_accept, false, true);
$this->add_http_header('Accept-Language', $this->hd_accept_lang, false, true);
if (!empty($this->hd_accept_encoding)) {
$this->add_http_header('Accept-Encoding', $this->hd_accept_encoding, false, true);
if ($this->cookie_send && $cookies = $this->get_cookie()) {
$this->add_http_header('Cookie', $cookies, false, true);
$this->add_http_header('Connection', 'close', false, true);
if ($this->proxy && (($this->proxy_user != '') || ($this->proxy_pass != ''))) {
$this->add_http_header('Proxy-Authorization', 'Basic '.base64_encode($this->proxy_user.':'.$this->proxy_pass), false, true);
return true;
* Set HTTP request
* Splits request in two, header and body (if body available), and stores in
* $this->_cur[HTTPNAV_REQUEST] as associative array with keys HTTPNAV_HEADER and HTTPNAV_BODY.
* Similar to $this->_set_http_response
* @param string $request full HTTP request, usually passed by $this->_process
* @return bool false if $request empty
* @access private
* @see _process
function _set_http_request($request)
$request = trim($request);
if (empty($request)) {
return false;
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_REQUEST] = array();
if (substr_count($request, $this->_nl_rn.$this->_nl_rn) > 0)
$request = explode($this->_nl_rn.$this->_nl_rn, $request, 2);
if (is_array($request) && trim($request[0]) != '' && trim($request[1]) != '') {
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_REQUEST][HTTPNAV_HEADER] = trim($request[0]);
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_REQUEST][HTTPNAV_BODY] = trim($request[1]);
} else {
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_REQUEST][HTTPNAV_HEADER] = $request;
return true;
* Set HTTP response
* Splits response in two, header and body (if body available), and stores in
* $this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE] as associative array with keys HTTPNAV_HEADER and HTTPNAV_BODY.
* Similar to $this->_set_http_request
* @param string $response full HTTP response, usually passed by $this->_process
* @return bool false if $response empty
* @access private
* @see _process
function _set_http_response($response)
$response = trim($response);
if (empty($response)) {
return false;
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE] = array();
if (substr_count($response, $this->_nl_rn.$this->_nl_rn) > 0) {
$response = explode($this->_nl_rn.$this->_nl_rn, $response, 2);
} elseif (substr_count($response, $this->_nl_n.$this->_nl_n) > 0) {
$response = explode($this->_nl_n.$this->_nl_n, $response, 2);
if (is_array($response) && trim($response[0]) != '' && trim($response[1]) != '') {
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE][HTTPNAV_HEADER] = trim($response[0]);
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE][HTTPNAV_BODY] = trim($response[1]);
} else {
$this->_cur[HTTPNAV_RESPONSE][HTTPNAV_HEADER] = $response;
return true;
* Format cookie domain
* Basic formatting of domain so it can be stored in cookie array,
* trying to follow cookie spec: http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html
* @param string $domain domain to format
* @return string formatted domain
* @access private
function _format_cookie_domain($domain)
// seems netscape stores cookies with domain values of bbc.co.uk
// even though cookie spec says it should be .bbc.co.uk
// so I'm not bothering with 3 dots
// http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html
if (substr_count($domain, '.') < 2) {
$domain = '.'.$domain;
return strtolower($domain);
* Format cookie path (for storage and future lookups)
* Basic formatting of path so it can be stored in cookie array,
* trying to follow cookie spec: http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html
* @param string $path path to format
* @return string formatted path
* @access private
* @see _format_path
function _format_cookie_path($path)
return $this->_format_path($path);
* Format path
* Basic formatting of path so it can be stored in cookies or auth array,
* removes filename and querystring if present.
* @param string $path path to format
* @return string formatted path
* @access private
function _format_path($path)
$path = trim($path);
if (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
$path = '/'.$path;
$split = @parse_url($path);
$path = $split['path'];
$path = preg_replace("![^/]+?\\.[^/]+?\$!", '', $path);
return $path;
* Compare string length (used in sorting arrays)
* This is only used with sort to return array based on key/value string length.
* @param string $a
* @param string $b
* @return int 0 if both are equal, -1 if length $a > $length b, 1 if length $a < $length b
* @access private
* @see get_cookie
function _cmp_length($a, $b)
$la = strlen(strval($a));
$lb = strlen(strval($b));
if ($la == $lb) {
return 0;
return ($la > $lb) ? -1 : 1;