# dvote class
# coded by Alessandro Rosa
# e-mail : zandor_zz@yahoo.it
# site : http://malilla.supereva.it
# Copyright (C) 2006 Alessandro Rosa
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Compiled with PHP 4.4.0
class dvote
function dvote( $iniP )
$this->INIpath = $iniP ;
function generateVotingTable()
$question = get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'question', $this->INIpath );
$entriesNUM = get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'entriesNUM', $this->INIpath );
$expires = get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'expires', $this->INIpath );
echo "<table class='vote'>\r\n";
echo "\t\t<form name=\"voteFORM\" method=\"POST\" action=\"vote.php\">\r\n";
echo "<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "\t\t<tr><td><b>$question</b></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "\t\t<tr><td style=\"height:3px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "\t\t<tr><td class=\"expires\">( $expires )</td></tr>\r\n";
echo "\t\t<tr><td style=\"height:10px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $entriesNUM ; $i++ )
$entry = get_params_ini( 'EntriesName', $i, $this->INIpath );
echo "\t\t<tr><td class=\"vote\">";
echo "<input style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" value=\"$i\" type=\"radio\" name=\"votingRADIO\" />";
echo "$entry";
echo "</td></tr>\r\n" ;
echo "\t\t<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
$btnLabel = $this->getVoteBtnLabel();
echo "\t\t<tr><td><input class=\"votebtn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"$btnLabel\" /></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "\t\t<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "</table>\r\n";
function generateStatistics()
$question = $this->getQuestion();
$entriesNUM = $this->getEntriesAmount();
$votes = $this->getTotalVotes();
echo "<table align=\"center\" class=\"vote\">\r\n";
echo "<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
if ( !$this->checkVoter( "cookiename", "testtable" ) )
$errMSG = $this->getErrMSG() ;
echo "<tr><td class=\"errMSG\" colspan=\"3\">$errMSG</td></tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr><td class=\"votetitle\" colspan=\"3\"><b>$question</b></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
$totalVotesLabel = $this->getTotalVotesLabel();
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\">$totalVotesLabel: <b>$votes</b></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
$full = 100.0 ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $entriesNUM ; $i++ )
$reply = get_params_ini( 'EntriesName', $i, $this->INIpath );
$votesPERentry = get_params_ini( 'EntriesVotes', $i, $this->INIpath );
$perc = $votesPERentry / $votes * 100.0 ;
$perc = round( $perc, 1 );
if ( $i < $entriesNUM ) $full -= $perc ;
echo "<tr><td class=\"percentage\"><b>$reply</b></td>" ;
if ( $i < $entriesNUM ) echo $this->bar($perc) ;
else echo $this->bar($full) ;
if ( $i < $entriesNUM ) echo "<td class=\"percentage\">$perc %</td></tr>\r\n";
else echo "<td class=\"percentage\">$full %</td></tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr><td style=\"height:7px;\"></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "</table>\r\n";
function bar( $perc )
echo "<td class=\"bar\" style=\"width:100px;\">\r\n";
echo "\t\t\t<table class=\"bar\">\r\n";
echo "\t\t\t<tr>";
$perc = round( $perc, 0 );
echo "<td style=\"width:".$perc."px;\" class=\"dotbar\"></td>";
$rest = 100 - $perc ;
echo "<td style=\"width:".$rest."px;\" class=\"restbar\"></td>";
echo "</tr>" ;
echo "\t\t\t</table>\r\n";
echo "</td>\r\n";
function vote( $voteENTRYindex )
$votes = get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'votes', $this->INIpath );
set_params_ini( 'Globals', 'votes', $votes, $this->INIpath );
$votesPERentry = get_params_ini( 'EntriesVotes', $voteENTRYindex, $this->INIpath );
$votesPERentry++ ;
set_params_ini( 'EntriesVotes', $voteENTRYindex, $votesPERentry, $this->INIpath );
function getTotalVotes() { return get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'votes', $this->INIpath ); }
function getEntriesAmount() { return get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'entriesNUM', $this->INIpath ); }
function getEntryVotes( $entryINDEX ) { return get_params_ini( 'EntriesVotes', $entryINDEX, $this->INIpath ); }
function getErrMSG() { return get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'errorMSG', $this->INIpath ); }
function getQuestion() { return get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'question', $this->INIpath ); }
function getVoteBtnLabel() { return get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'voteBtnLabel', $this->INIpath ); }
function getTotalVotesLabel() { return get_params_ini( 'Globals', 'totalVotesLabel', $this->INIpath ); }
function setVoteBtnLabel( $label ) { return set_params_ini( 'Globals', 'voteBtnLabel', $label, $this->INIpath ); }
function setTotalVotesLabel( $label ) { return set_params_ini( 'Globals', 'totalVotesLabel', $label, $this->INIpath ); }
// General entry get function, for customizable initialization files
function getEntry( $section, $entry ) { return get_params_ini( $section, $entry, $this->INIpath ); }
function checkVoter( $cookieNAME, $yourvalue )
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[ $cookieNAME ] ) ) return false ;
setcookie( $cookieNAME, $yourvalue );
return true ;
var $INIpath ;