PHP Classes

File: src/MySQLReplication/Cache/ArrayCache.php

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  Classes of Kacper Rowinski   PHP MySQL Replication   src/MySQLReplication/Cache/ArrayCache.php  
File: src/MySQLReplication/Cache/ArrayCache.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP MySQL Replication
Client to get MySQL replication events in pure PHP
Author: By
Last change: Feature/php71 (#53)

- Removed: support for lesser then php7
- Added: strong and string types
- Changed: ConfigFactory removed and method make form array moved to Config
- Changed: MariaDbGtidLogDTO replaced getSequenceNumber with getMariaDbGtid
- Fixed: Insert NULL in a boolean column returns no rows
- Fixed: float problem about time field type
- Fixed: column order
- Changed: getFields and getMasterStatus returns no VO
- Changed: Column to ColumnDTO and added ColumnDTOCollection
- Changed: replaced getFields with getColumnDTOCollection in TableMap
- Added: more compatibility for mysql 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, maria 10 and 8.0
- Removed: makeConfigFromArray
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,077 bytes

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