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File: testnumericalclock.php

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  Classes of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse   PHP Realtime Clock   testnumericalclock.php   Download  
File: testnumericalclock.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example script
Class: PHP Realtime Clock
Display clock or timer updated in real time
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 8,390 bytes



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<?php session_start();?>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>DYNAMIC NUMERICAL CLOCK</title>

    <style type="text/css">

         #clock {
            font-family: verdana;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-size: 24px;
            background-color: green;
            width: auto;
            margin-left: 60%;
         #other {
            font-family: verdana;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-size: 14px;
            color: #FFFFFF;
            background-color: grey;
            width: auto;
            margin-left: 15%;
            margin-right: 15%;
<div id="clock">
     * Example file
// $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock(explode('-',date('H-I-s')),0,1,true);//simple exemple to make a true clock
    // $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock(isset($_SESSION['time'])?$_SESSION['time']:null,0,1);//timer without buttons allways procede like this on every page you use it
    // $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock('',1,1,0,'$numericalclock1');//timer with button
    // $numericalclock1 = new numericalclock(array(23,59,55));//timer without buttons but which will always start from 23:59:55 instead of keep in memory time
$numericalclock1 = new numericalclock('',1,1);//timer with button and no specification of which instanceof numericalclock class; you could just use this to allow the same timer on all the chosen pages
echo $numericalclock1->chronoscript();
</div><div id="other">
<h1>About the String Foreach class</h1>
Stringforeach class is a usefull way to handle some actions over the string type of PHP.<br>
It allows user to look and go trough a string just like an array and then make easier the manipulation like
search, replacement, deletion,explosion,case transformation .<br>

<h2>About the String Foreach class methods</h2>

class Stringforeach{<br>
        protected $str, $length;<br>
                    public function __construct($string){<br>
                        the constructor<br>
                    public function explodemore ($separate=''){<br>
                    can be used to explode the string in array<br>
                    $separate can be chosen in this set of values {word,ponctuation,phrase} or any string or even a numeric<br>
                    when $separate is a numeric the string is split in array of string of which the length is equal to the chosen numeric<br>
                    when $separate is a string==word the string will be split in array of words<br>
                    when $separate is is a string==ponctuation the string will be split before ponctuation in array of string <br>
                    when $separate is a string==phrase the string will be split in array of phrases.<br>
                    when $separate is a string=="" the string will be split in array before any space type character<br>
                    when $separate is just any other string, the method will just act like the function explode of PHP.<br>
                    public function strforeach(){<br>
                        can be used to explode the string in array of characters<br>
                    public function strposall($s){<br>
                        can be used to find all the occurences of the string $s and their precise position in the string<br>
                    public function strposreplace($s,$s2,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to replace the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos by the given string $s2<br>
                    public function strposadd($s,$s2,$pos,$before=true){<br>
                    can be used to add $before or after the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos , the given string $s2<br>

                    public function addstratpos($s,$pos,$before=true){<br>
                        can be used to add $before or after the position $pos , the given string $s<br>
                    public function upper_1stletter(){<br>
                        can be used to upper the first letter of all the phrases contained in the string<br>
                    public function upper_pos($pos){<br>
                        can be used to upper the letter in the position $pos in the string<br>

                    public function lower_pos($pos){<br>
                    can be used to lower the letter in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function upper_strpos($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to upper the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function lower_strpos($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to lower the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function upper_preciseletter($s){<br>
                        can be used to upper all the occurences of the letter $s in the string<br>
                    public function lower_preciseletter($s){<br>
                        can be used to lower all the occurences of the letter $s in the string<br>
                    public function delete_posletter($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to delete the occurence of the letter $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function delete_pos($pos){<br>
                        can be used to delete the character in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function delete_preciseletter($s){<br>
                        can be used to delete all the occurences of the letter $s in the string<br>
                    public function delete_strpos($s,$pos){<br>
                        can be used to delete the occurence of the string $s in the position $pos in the string<br>
                    public function delete_strelements($offset,$length){<br>
                        can be used to delete some string's elements by specifying the starting point $offset and the $length to specify the precise number<br>
                        of characters to delete<br>
                    public function delete_last(){<br>
                        can be used to delete the last character in the string<br>
                    public function delete_first(){<br>
                        can be used to delete the first character in the string<br>
                    public function wordmatches($pattern){<br>
                        can be used to control if the given pattern is in the string<br>
                        $pattern must use the pcre language<br>
                    public function patternsmatches($patterns){<br>
                        can be used to control if the given $patterns in array are in the string<br>
                        $patterns must be an array of which each value use the pcre language<br>
                    public function wordmatchespos($pattern){<br>
                    can be used to find all the occurences and the postions of the given pattern in the string<br>
                        $pattern must use the pcre language<br>
                    public function patternsmatchespos($patterns){<br>
                        can be used to find all the occurences and the postions of each given pattern in the array of $patterns in the string<br>
                        $patterns must be an array of which each value use the pcre language<br>
                    public function len(){<br>
                        return the string length<br>
                    public function numberdetect($lan='php'){<br>
                        return the first occurence of special format number in the string and its offset<br>
                        $lan is used to specify if the numbers in the string are in french format with a comma instead of point for float number<br>
                        (example: 25.000,025) <br>
                        or if numbers are in english format (example: 25,000.025) or simply in PHP format (example: 25000.025) <br>
                    public function allnumberdetect($lan){<br>
                        return all the occurences of special format number in the string and their offset<br>
                        $lan is used to specify if the numbers in the string are in french format with a comma instead of point for float number<br>
                        (example: 25.000,025) <br>
                        or if numbers are in english format (example: 25,000.025) or simply in PHP format (example: 25000.025) <br>

for some examples of use see the teststrforeach.php script file<br>
bug reporting qnd feeback to or just use the dedicated forum of the package.<br>
