* ButtonGroup.js
* Released under LGPL License.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This control enables you to put multiple buttons into a group. This is
* useful when you want to combine similar toolbar buttons into a group.
* @example
* // Create and render a buttongroup with two buttons to the body element
* tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
* type: 'buttongroup',
* items: [
* {text: 'Button A'},
* {text: 'Button B'}
* ]
* }).renderTo(document.body);
* @-x-less ButtonGroup.less
* @class tinymce.ui.ButtonGroup
* @extends tinymce.ui.Container
define("tinymce/ui/ButtonGroup", [
], function(Container) {
"use strict";
return Container.extend({
Defaults: {
defaultType: 'button',
role: 'group'
* Renders the control as a HTML string.
* @method renderHtml
* @return {String} HTML representing the control.
renderHtml: function() {
var self = this, layout = self._layout;
return (
'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes + '">' +
'<div id="' + self._id + '-body">' +
(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
'</div>' +