* EditorObservable.js
* Released under LGPL License.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This mixin contains the event logic for the tinymce.Editor class.
* @mixin tinymce.EditorObservable
* @extends tinymce.util.Observable
define("tinymce/EditorObservable", [
], function(Observable, DOMUtils, Tools) {
var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM, customEventRootDelegates;
* Returns the event target so for the specified event. Some events fire
* only on document, some fire on documentElement etc. This also handles the
* custom event root setting where it returns that element instead of the body.
* @private
* @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Editor instance to get event target from.
* @param {String} eventName Name of the event for example "click".
* @return {Element/Document} HTML Element or document target to bind on.
function getEventTarget(editor, eventName) {
if (eventName == 'selectionchange') {
return editor.getDoc();
// Need to bind mousedown/mouseup etc to document not body in iframe mode
// Since the user might click on the HTML element not the BODY
if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|click|contextmenu|drop|dragover|dragend/.test(eventName)) {
return editor.getDoc().documentElement;
// Bind to event root instead of body if it's defined
if (editor.settings.event_root) {
if (!editor.eventRoot) {
editor.eventRoot = DOM.select(editor.settings.event_root)[0];
return editor.eventRoot;
return editor.getBody();
* Binds a event delegate for the specified name this delegate will fire
* the event to the editor dispatcher.
* @private
* @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Editor instance to get event target from.
* @param {String} eventName Name of the event for example "click".
function bindEventDelegate(editor, eventName) {
var eventRootElm = getEventTarget(editor, eventName), delegate;
if (!editor.delegates) {
editor.delegates = {};
if (editor.delegates[eventName]) {
if (editor.settings.event_root) {
if (!customEventRootDelegates) {
customEventRootDelegates = {};
editor.editorManager.on('removeEditor', function() {
var name;
if (!editor.editorManager.activeEditor) {
if (customEventRootDelegates) {
for (name in customEventRootDelegates) {
editor.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(editor, name));
customEventRootDelegates = null;
if (customEventRootDelegates[eventName]) {
delegate = function(e) {
var target = e.target, editors = editor.editorManager.editors, i = editors.length;
while (i--) {
var body = editors[i].getBody();
if (body === target || DOM.isChildOf(target, body)) {
if (!editors[i].hidden) {
editors[i].fire(eventName, e);
customEventRootDelegates[eventName] = delegate;
DOM.bind(eventRootElm, eventName, delegate);
} else {
delegate = function(e) {
if (!editor.hidden) {
editor.fire(eventName, e);
DOM.bind(eventRootElm, eventName, delegate);
editor.delegates[eventName] = delegate;
var EditorObservable = {
* Bind any pending event delegates. This gets executed after the target body/document is created.
* @private
bindPendingEventDelegates: function() {
var self = this;
Tools.each(self._pendingNativeEvents, function(name) {
bindEventDelegate(self, name);
* Toggles a native event on/off this is called by the EventDispatcher when
* the first native event handler is added and when the last native event handler is removed.
* @private
toggleNativeEvent: function(name, state) {
var self = this;
if (self.settings.readonly) {
// Never bind focus/blur since the FocusManager fakes those
if (name == "focus" || name == "blur") {
if (state) {
if (self.initialized) {
bindEventDelegate(self, name);
} else {
if (!self._pendingNativeEvents) {
self._pendingNativeEvents = [name];
} else {
} else if (self.initialized) {
self.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, self.delegates[name]);
delete self.delegates[name];
* Unbinds all native event handlers that means delegates, custom events bound using the Events API etc.
* @private
unbindAllNativeEvents: function() {
var self = this, name;
if (self.delegates) {
for (name in self.delegates) {
self.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, self.delegates[name]);
delete self.delegates;
if (!self.inline) {
self.getBody().onload = null;
EditorObservable = Tools.extend({}, Observable, EditorObservable);
return EditorObservable;