$choice = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#1', '', $_POST['choice']);
if($choice > 5)
echo "Stop playing around, you arse hole";
}else if($choice<1)
echo "Stop playing around, you arse hole";
$ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
include_once 'core/init.php';
$sql_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM book_rating WHERE a_id='$id' AND ipaddress='$ipaddress' LIMIT 1");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sql_check);
if($num_rows > 0)
echo '<p style=color:#F00;">Sorry, You have already rated this book</p>';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT ratings FROM books WHERE id='$id'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
$booknums = $row["ratings"];
$bookrating = explode(",", $booknums);
array_push($bookrating, $choice);
$string = implode(",", $bookrating);
$firstChar = substr($string, 0, 1);
$lastChar = substr($string, strlen($string) -1, 2);
if($firstChar ==",")
$string = $choice;
if ($lastChar == ",")
$string = substr($string, strlen($string) - 1, 1);
$update = mysql_query("UPDATE books SET ratings='$string' WHERE id='1'");
$insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO book_ratings (a_id, ipaddress) VALUES ('1', '$ipaddress')");
echo '<p>Thanks! You have given this book a rating of ' . $choice . '</p>';