PHP Classes

File: WIAdmin/WIInc/js/main.js

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File: WIAdmin/WIInc/js/main.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 4,036 bytes


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$(document).ready(function(){ cat(); brand(); products(); function cat(){ $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { category : 1 }, success : function(data){ $("#get_cat").html(data); } }) } function brand(){ $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { brand : 1 }, success : function(data){ $("#get_brand").html(data); } }) } function products(){ $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { get_product : 1 }, success : function(data){ $("#get_products").html(data); } }) } $("body").delegate(".category", "click", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var cid = $(this).attr('cid'); //alert(cid); $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { get_selected_cat : 1, cat_id : cid }, success : function(data){ $("#get_products").html(data); } }) }) $("body").delegate(".brand", "click", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var bid = $(this).attr('bid'); //alert(cid); $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { get_selected_brand : 1, brand_id : bid }, success : function(data){ $("#get_products").html(data); } }) }) $("#search_btn").click(function(){ var keyword = $("#search").val(); if(keyword != " " ){ $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { search : 1, keyword : keyword }, success : function(data){ $("#get_products").html(data); } }) } }); $("#sign_up_btn").click(function(){ event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url : "register.php", method : "POST", data : $("form").serialize(), success : function(data){ $("#singup_msg").html(data); } }) }); $("#login").click(function(){ event.preventDefault(); var email = $("#email").val(); var pass = $("#password").val(); $.ajax({ url : "login.php", method : "POST", data : { Login: 1, email : email, pass :pass }, success : function(data){ if(data == "true"){ //alert(data); window.location.href = "profile.php"; } } }) }); $("body").delegate("#product","click",function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var pid = $(this).attr('pid'); $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { addProduct: 1, pid : pid }, success : function(data){ //alert(data); $("#product_msg").html(data); } }) }); $("#cart").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); //alert(0); $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { getCart: 1 }, success : function(data){ //alert(data); $("#cart_product").html(data); } }) }); Cart_Checkout(); function Cart_Checkout(){ $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { cart_checkout: 1 }, success : function(data){ //alert(data); $("#cart_checkout").html(data); } }) } $("body").delegate(".qty", "keyup", function(){ var pid = $(this).attr("pid"); var qty = $("#qty-"+pid).val(); var price = $("#price-"+pid).val(); var total = qty* price; $("#total-"+pid).val(total); }); $("body").delegate(".update", "click", function(){ event.preventDefault(); var pid = $(this).attr("update_id"); $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { updateCart: 1 }, success : function(data){ //alert(data); $("#cart_checkout").html(data); } }) }); $("body").delegate(".delete", "click", function(){ event.preventDefault(); var pid = $(this).attr("delete_id"); $.ajax({ url : "action.php", method : "POST", data : { deleteItem: 1, delete_id: }, success : function(data){ //alert(data); $("#cart_checkout").html(data); } }) }); });