// serbian
return array(
// front page
"site_name" => "Debate.com",
"current_topics" => "???????? ????????? ??????",
"admin" => "?????????????",
"info" => "???????????",
"add_user" => "Add User",
"username" => "Username",
"email" => "Email",
"register_date" => "Register Date",
"confirmed" => "Confirmed",
"action" => "Action",
"no" => "No",
"yes" => "Yes",
"edit" => "Edit",
"details" => "Details",
"ban" => "Ban",
"unban" => "Unban",
"delete" => "Delete",
"change_role" => "Change Role",
"loading" => "Loading",
"first_name" => "First NAme",
"last_name" => "Last Name",
"address" => "Address",
"phone" => "Phone",
"last_login" => "Last Login",
"ok" => "Ok",
"pick_user_role" => "Pick User Role",
"select_role" => "Select Role",
"cancel" => "Cancel",
"add" => "Add",
//login, register and password reset
"email" => "??. ?????",
"login" => "??????????????",
"username" => "??? ????????????",
"password" => "??????",
"male" => "???????",
"female" => "???????",
"your_email" => "va?a ?????",
"login_with" => "????????? ??",
"email_confirmed" => "
????? ????????",
"create_account" => "????????? ??",
"forgot_password" => "?????????? ??? ????????",
"repeat_password" => "
???????? ???????",
"reset_password" => "??????? ?????",
"email_confirmation" => "????? ???????",
"you_can_login_now" => "??????<a href='{link}'>
??? ??</a> ????.",
"user_with_key_doesnt_exist" => "
???????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ? ????? ????.",
"gender" => "???",
"dob" => "???",
"country" => "?????",
"january" => "??????",
"february" => "???????",
"march" => "????",
"april" => "?????",
"may" => "????",
"june" => "???",
"july" => "????",
"august" => "??????",
"sept" => "?????????",
"oct" => "???????",
"nov" => "????????",
"dec" => "????????",
/// Panel
"welcome" => "??????????",
"TO" => "??",
// panel mini admin
"panel_mini_admin" => "????? ???? ?????",
"view_profile_page" => "???????? ?????? ??????",
"log_off" => "?????? ??",
"admin_panel" => "????? ???????????",
// member panel
"member_panel" => "?????????? ?????",
"HELLO" => "??????",
// passwordreset.php
"password_reset" => "
?????????? ???????",
"reset_password" => "??????? ?????",
// user_roles.php
"add" => "??????",
"action" => "??????",
"role_name" => "????? ?????",
"users_with_role" => "#
????????? ?? ???? ??????",
// users.php
"ok" => "??",
"ban" => "???????",
"yes" => "??",
"no" => "??",
"edit" => "????",
"next" => "???????",
"previous" => "?????????",
"unban" => "???",
"cancel" => "????????",
"delete" => "?????????",
"details" => "??????",
"loading" => "??????? ...",
"register_date" => "???????? ????",
"last_login" => "Last Login",
"confirmed" => "Confirmed",
"select_role" => "Select Role",
"change_role" => "Change Role",
"add_user" => "Add User",
"pick_user_role" => "Pick User Role",
"never_logged_in" => "Never logged in",
// users table
"records_per_page" => "records per page",
"nothing_found" => "Nothing found - sorry",
"no_data_in_table" => "No users in database",
"showing" => "Showing",
"to" => "to",
"of" => "of",
"records" => "records",
"filtered_from" => "filtered from",
"total_records" => "total records",
"search" => "Search",
// misc
"at" => "at",
"logout" => "Logout",
"welcome" => "Welcome",
"copyright_by" => "Copyright by",
// validation messages
"user_banned" => "This user account is banned by administrator!",
"field_required" => "Field cannot be empty!",
"role_taken" => "Role already exist.",
"email_required" => "Email is required.",
"email_wrong_format" => "Please enter valid email.",
"email_not_exist" => "This email doesn't exist in our database.",
"email_taken" => "User with this email is already registred.",
"username_taken" => "???????????? ? ????? ?????? ??? ??????????.",
"dragon_name_taken" => "???????????? ? ????? ?????? ??? ??????????.",
"user_not_confirmed" => "Please confirm your email first.",
"password_required" => "Password is required.",
"wrong_username_password" => "Wrong username/password combination.",
"passwords_dont_match" => "Passwords don't match.",
"wrong_old_password" => "Wrong old password!",
"wrong_sum" => "Wrong sum. Please check it again.",
"brute_force" => "You exceeded maximum attempts limit for today. Try again tomorrow.",
"success_registration_with_confirm" => "Registration successful. Please check your email.",
"success_registration_no_confirm" => "Registration successful. You can log in now.",
"user_added_successfully" => "User added successfully.",
"user_updated_successfully" => "User updated successfully.",
"user_dont_exist" => "This user doesn't exist.",
"leave_blank" => "Leave blank if you don't want to change it.",
"invalid_password_reset_key" => "Password reset key is invalid or expired",
"password_length" => "Password must be at least 6 characters long.",
"error_writing_to_db" => "Error writing to database. Please try again.",
// javascript
"posting" => "Posting...",
"logging_in" => "Loging in...",
"resetting" => "Resetting...",
"password_updated_successfully" => "Password successfully updated.",
"password_updated_successfully_login" => "Password successfully updated. You can <a href='login.php'>login now</a>.",
"working" => "Working...",
"password_reset_email_sent" => "Password reset email sent. Check your inbox (and spam) folder.",
"message_couldn_be_sent" => "Message could not be sent! Please try again.",
"updating" => "Updating...",
"details_updated" => "Details updated successfully.",
"error_updating_db" => "Error while updating database. Please try again.",
"are_you_sure" => "Are you sure?",
"creating_account" => "Creating acount...",