PHP Classes

File: WIAdmin/WICore/WILang/en.php

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WIAdmin/WICore/WILang/en.php   Download  
File: WIAdmin/WICore/WILang/en.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change: WI CMS

I am in process of building up my own cms system, its not quiet complete
There are multiple PDO classes, database driven, in process of making an
installer package for it.
The back end is being built UI with drag and drop, for a simple set up
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 7,758 bytes


Class file image Download

return array(

// front page

"site_name" => "",

"current_topics" => "View Current Topics",

"admin" => "Admin",

"info" => "Info",

"add_user" => "Add User",

"username" => "Username",

"email" => "Email",

"register_date" => "Register Date",

"confirmed" => "Confirmed",

"action" => "Action",

"no" => "No",

"yes" => "Yes",

"edit" => "Edit",

"details" => "Details",

"ban" => "Ban",

"unban" => "Unban",

"delete" => "Delete",

"change_role" => "Change Role",

"loading" => "Loading",

"first_name" => "First Name",

"last_name" => "Last Name",

"address" => "Address",

"phone" => "Phone",

"last_login" => "Last Login",

"ok" => "Ok",

"pick_user_role" => "Pick User Role",

"select_role" => "Select Role",

"cancel" => "Cancel",

"add" => "Add",

// navigation menu

"home" => "Home",

"users" => "Users",

"my_profile" => "My Profile",

"user_roles" => "User Roles",

"index" => "Index",

"contact_us" => "Contact Us",

"services" => "Services",

"support_us" => "Support Us",

"forum" => "Forum",

"shop" => "Shop",

"cafe" => "Cafe",

"submit" => "Submit",

"about_us" => "About Us",

"info" => "Info",

"management" => "Managment",

"faq" => "FAQ",

"friending" => "Suggest to a friend",

//login, register and password reset

"email" => "Email",

"login" => "Login",

"username" => "Username",

"password" => "Password",

"male" => "Male",

"female" => "Female",

"your_email" => "Your Email",

"login_with" => "Login With",

"email_confirmed" => "Email confirmed",

"create_account" => "Create Account",

"forgot_password" => "Forgot Password?",

"repeat_password" => "Repeat Password",

"reset_password" => "Reset Password",

"email_confirmation" => "Email Confirmation",

"you_can_login_now" => "You can <a href='{link}'>log in</a> now.",

"user_with_key_doesnt_exist" => "User with this key doesn't exist in our database.",

"gender" => "Gender",

"dob" => "DOB",

"january" => "January",

"february" => "february",

"march" => "March",

"april" => "April",

"may" => "May",

"june" => "June",

"july" => "July",

"august" => "August",

"sept" => "September",

"oct" => "October",

"nov" => "November",

"dec" => "December",

/// Panel
"welcome" => "Welcome",

"TO" => "to",

"site_name" => "Debate",

// panel mini admin
"panel_mini_admin" => "Admin Mini Panel",

"view_profile_page" => "View profile page",

"log_off" => "Logoff",

"admin_panel" => "Admin Panel",

// member panel

"member_panel" => "Member's Panel",

"HELLO" => "Hello",

// sidebar

"site" => "Site",

"manage_users" => "Manage Users",

"role" => "Roles",

"header" => "Header",

// passwordreset.php

"password_reset" => "Password Reset",

"reset_password" => "Reset Password",

// user_roles.php

"add" => "Add",

"action" => "Action",

"role_name" => "Role Name",

"users_with_role" => "# of users with this role",

// users.php

"ok" => "Ok",

"ban" => "Ban",

"yes" => "Yes",

"no" => "No",

"edit" => "Edit",

"next" => "Next",

"previous" => "Previous",

"unban" => "Unban",

"cancel" => "Cancel",

"delete" => "Delete",

"details" => "Details",

"loading" => "Loading...",

"register_date" => "Register Date",
"last_login" => "Last Login",

"confirmed" => "Confirmed",

"select_role" => "Select Role",

"change_role" => "Change Role",

"add_user" => "Add User",

"pick_user_role" => "Pick User Role",

"never_logged_in" => "Never logged in",

// users table

"records_per_page" => "records per page",

"nothing_found" => "Nothing found - sorry",

"no_data_in_table" => "No users in database",

"showing" => "Showing",

"to" => "to",

"of" => "of",

"records" => "records",

"filtered_from" => "filtered from",

"total_records" => "total records",

"search" => "Search",

// misc

"at" => "at",

"logout" => "Logout",

"welcome" => "Welcome",

"copyright_by" => "Copyright by",

// validation messages

"user_banned" => "This user account is banned by administrator!",

"field_required" => "Field cannot be empty!",

"role_taken" => "Role already exist.",

"email_required" => "Email is required.",

"email_wrong_format" => "Please enter valid email.",

"email_not_exist" => "This email doesn't exist in our database.",

"email_taken" => "User with this email is already registred.",

"dragon_username_required" => "????????? ?????? ????????????.",

"username_taken" => "???????????? ? ????? ?????? ??? ??????????.",

"dragon_name_taken" => "???????????? ? ????? ?????? ??? ??????????.",

"user_not_confirmed" => "Please confirm your email first.",

"password_required" => "Password is required.",

"wrong_username_password" => "Wrong username/password combination.",

"passwords_dont_match" => "Passwords don't match.",

"wrong_old_password" => "Wrong old password!",

"wrong_sum" => "Wrong sum. Please check it again.",

"brute_force" => "You exceeded maximum attempts limit for today. Try again tomorrow.",

"success_registration_with_confirm" => "Registration successful. Please check your email.",

"success_registration_no_confirm" => "Registration successful. You can log in now.",

"user_added_successfully" => "User added successfully.",

"user_updated_successfully" => "User updated successfully.",

"user_dont_exist" => "This user doesn't exist.",

"leave_blank" => "Leave blank if you don't want to change it.",

"invalid_password_reset_key" => "Password reset key is invalid or expired",

"password_length" => "Password must be at least 6 characters long.",

"error_writing_to_db" => "Error writing to database. Please try again.",

// javascript

"posting" => "Posting...",

"logging_in" => "Loging in...",

"resetting" => "Resetting...",

"password_updated_successfully" => "Password successfully updated.",

"password_updated_successfully_login" => "Password successfully updated. You can <a href='login.php'>login now</a>.",

"working" => "Working...",

"password_reset_email_sent" => "Password reset email sent. Check your inbox (and spam) folder.",

"message_couldn_be_sent" => "Message could not be sent! Please try again.",

"updating" => "Updating...",

"details_updated" => "Details updated successfully.",

"error_updating_db" => "Error while updating database. Please try again.",

"are_you_sure" => "Are you sure?",

"creating_account" => "Creating acount...",

"usergroup" => "Usergroup",


"successfully_updated_site_settings" => "successfully Updated Site Settings",

"Pick_Category" => "Pick Category",

"Pick_Brand" => "Pick Brand",

"Change_cat" => "Change Category",

"brand" => "Brand",

"Category" => "Category",

"product_name" => "Product Name",

"product_desc" => "Product Description",

"product_price" => "Product Price",

"product_image" => "Product Image",


"edit_css" => "Edit CSS",

"edit_meta" => "Edit Meta",

"edit_css_href" => "Href",

"meta_name" => "Meta Name",

"meta_content" => "Meta Content",

"meta_author" => "Meta Author",

"add_meta" => "Add Meta",

"trans_lang" => "Lang",

"lang_keyword" => "Keyword",

"lang_trans" => "Translation",

"add_trans" => "Add Translation",

"add_lang" => "Add Language",

"css_name" => "Add CSS",

//admins menu
"admins" => "Administrators",

"logs" => "Logs",

"add_todo" => "Add To do Item",

"ToDoItem" => "To Do Item",

"Delete_page" => "Delete Page"
