#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
/* Jabber Class Example
* Copyright 2002-2005, Steve Blinch
* http://code.blitzaffe.com
* ============================================================================
* Provides a very basic example of how to use class_Jabber.php.
* This example connects to a Jabber server, logs in, and waits until a message
* is received from another contact.
* It then starts a countdown which, in sequence:
* 1) sends a "composing" event to the other contact (eg: "so-and-so is typing a message"),
* 2) sends a "composing stopped" event,
* 3) sends another "composing" event",
* 4) sends a message to the other contact,
* 5) logs out
// set your Jabber server hostname, username, and password here
define("RUN_TIME",30); // set a maximum run time of 30 seconds
define("CBK_FREQ",1); // fire a callback event every second
// This class handles all events fired by the Jabber client class; you
// can optionally use individual functions instead of a class, but this
// method is a bit cleaner.
class TestMessenger {
function TestMessenger(&$jab) {
$this->jab = &$jab;
echo "Created!\n";
$this->countdown = 0;
// called when a connection to the Jabber server is established
function handleConnected() {
echo "Connected!\n";
// now that we're connected, tell the Jabber class to login
// called after a login to indicate the the login was successful
function handleAuthenticated() {
echo "Authenticated!\n";
// browser for transport gateways
// retrieve this user's roster
// set this user's presence
$this->jab->set_presence("","Ya, I'm online... so what?");
// called after a login to indicate that the login was NOT successful
function handleAuthFailure($code,$error) {
echo "Authentication failure: $error ($code)\n";
// set terminated to TRUE in the Jabber class to tell it to exit
$this->jab->terminated = true;
// called periodically by the Jabber class to allow us to do our own
// processing
function handleHeartbeat() {
echo "Heartbeat!\n";
// display our countdown progress
echo "[$this->countdown]\n";
// if the countdown is in progress, determine if we need to take any action
if ($this->countdown>0) {
// first, we want to fire our composing event
if ($this->countdown==7) {
echo "Composing start!\n";
// next, we want to indicate that we've stopped composing a message
if ($this->countdown==5) {
echo "Composing stop!\n";
// next, we indicate that we're composing again
if ($this->countdown==3) {
echo "Composing start!\n";
// and finally, we send a message to the remote user and tell the Jabber class
// to exit
if ($this->countdown==0) {
echo "Fire message!\n";
$this->jab->message($this->last_msg_from,"chat",NULL,"Hallo? Is me!");
$this->jab->terminated = true;
foreach ($this->jab->roster as $jid=>$details) {
echo "$jid\t\t\t".$details["transport"]."\t".$details["show"]."\t".$details["status"]."\n";
// called when an error is received from the Jabber server
function handleError($code,$error,$xmlns) {
echo "Error: $error ($code)".($xmlns?" in $xmlns":"")."\n";
// called when a message is received from a remote contact
function handleMessage($from,$to,$body,$subject,$thread,$id,$extended) {
echo "Incoming message!\n";
echo "From: $from\t\tTo: $to\n";
echo "Subject: $subject\tThread; $thread\n";
echo "Body: $body\n";
echo "ID: $id\n";
echo "\n";
$this->last_msg_id = $id;
$this->last_msg_from = $from;
// for the purposes of our example, we start a countdown here to do some
// random events, just for the sake of demonstration
$this->countdown = 10;
echo "[$this->countdown]\n";
// include the Jabber class
// create an instance of the Jabber class
$jab = new Jabber();
// create an instance of our event handler class
$test = new TestMessenger($jab);
// set handlers for the events we wish to be notified about
// connect to the Jabber server
if (!$jab->connect(JABBER_SERVER)) {
die("Could not connect to the Jabber server!\n");
// now, tell the Jabber class to begin its execution loop
// Note that we will not reach this point (and the execute() method will not
// return) until $jab->terminated is set to TRUE. The execute() method simply
// loops, processing data from (and to) the Jabber server, and firing events
// (which are handled by our TestMessenger class) until we tell it to terminate.
// This event-based model will be familiar to programmers who have worked on
// desktop applications, particularly in Win32 environments.
// disconnect from the Jabber server