
Brute-Force method is used from many hackers but the <b>brutalforce</b> will help you void this problem by check the client IP and will count how many request in less than a 2 seconds how many request was done.
Automaticly a file will be create and saved that ip and will save for futures request.
It is very simple setup and can be used in any frameworks.
very simple setup
$firewall = new BrutalForce\Firewall\Firewall(__DIR__, "sitekey", "secret");
specify type of handler
check if the firewall is locked
if ($firewall->isLocked()) {
// here you check the recaptcha is already able to display
if ($firewall->verify()->recaptcha['valid'] == false) {
echo "<form method='post' action=''>";
// diplay message
echo $firewall->verify()->recaptcha['form_message'];
// show input
echo $firewall->verify()->recaptcha['form'];
echo "<button>send</button></form>";
} else {
echo $firewall->verify()->recaptcha['form_message']; PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "free to go" . PHP_EOL;
Reset the lock completely to original
by doing this the cound down will start from zero and the recaptcha will be called again from the last 3 counts
found issue on setup the file and folder to holder the ip
add new method to reset lock
remove setup file on handler
add request uri so the full url is recored and can be redirect to it if is need to