* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: SQ05
* Date: 08/02/2017
* Time: 11:43 PM
require_once ('../interface/BeerePdoOperations.php'); //load dependencies
* This 'Beere' Class is of PHP 7, other lower version might have problem to use the query methods.<br>
* This 'Beere' class reduces many mysqli query you need to do on every service request<br>
* this 'Beere' class helps to structure all operations of your app in one file.<br>
* it make use of array of key and value of which the key correspond to table field and value is content to save.<br>
* request are sent in array form and response is send in Json to the caller.<br>
* There are many operations this class of BeerePdoOperations can perform to help develop a restful response service synchronously and asynchronously.<br>
* To save nested array of level 2, use saveMultiples.<br>
* The response returns json of five category of data, which are:<br>
* Status which is Integer to denote 200 for success and 400 for failure.<br>
* Message which is string, <br>
* Data which can either be json of data queried<br>
* Code is bool to denote success<br>
* Total: this is majorly used while using list based on limit. <br>
* We will cover a limited execution of queries with CRUD using our class.<br>
* Kindly change the connection in utils folder to connect with your own database and create a table user with email, first_name, * status fields.<br>
* <br><b>Study it well to see how powerful it is by using one or more together to achieve your goal. it is well optimised.</b>
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
$_POST=array('first_name'=>'Kazeem Olanipekun','email'=>'[email protected]','status'=>'Mr','middle_name'=>"Lilian"); //Assuming this is a post request
function saveUser(){
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Saving with Beere Class Asynchronously</b>"."<br>";
$beere= new BeerePdoOperations();
$save=$beere->save('user', $_POST); //request with asynchronous response without the saved id;
echo"<b>Asynchronous save of data</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
print_r(json_decode($save,true)); //convert json back to array
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
//load syncronously with key_fetch
echo"<b>always create key_fetch of the same type and pass to each row of nested array or to an array to receive response
synchronously.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Saving with Beere Class Synchronously</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$save=$beere->save('user', $_POST);
print_r($_GET['user']); //convert json back to array
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function updateUser(){
echo"<b>Update Data using parameters</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
$delete= new BeerePdoOperations();
$sets=array('first_name'=>'Fola Olawale','email'=>'[email protected]','status'=>'mr');
$result= $delete->update('user', $where, $sets);
//You pass a single conditional operator such as AND etc as 3rd parameter in update method, default is AND
function listUser(){
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Listing respond with list of arrays</b>"."<br>";
echo"List Data using empty data array"."<br>";
$list=new BeerePDoOperations();
//to list all, pass empty array, while to list based on some data, pass array of data.
//$res=$list->list('user', $data);
// print_r(json_decode($res,true));
//You pass a single conditional operator such as AND etc as 3rd parameter in update method, default is AND
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>List Data using Parameter(s)</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$res=$list->list('user', $data);
function validateUser(){
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Validate User by Parameter</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$val=new BeerePdoOperations();
$data=array('email'=>'[email protected]');
$res=$val->validate('user', $data);
print_r(json_decode($res,true)); //convert json back to array
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function getData(){
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>A get respond with an array unlike list with multiple arrays"."<br>";
echo"Get Data using empty data array will throw error, cause daya must not be empty</b>"."<br>";
$get=new BeerePdoOperations();
//to list all, pass empty array, while to list based on some data, pass array of data.
$data=array('id'=>25); //data must not be empty array
$res=$get->getADataByParam('user', $data);
//You pass a single conditional operator such as AND etc as 3rd parameter in getADataByParam method, default is AND
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Get Data using Parameter(s) return a single array of data</b>"."<br>";
$res=$get->getADataByParam('user', $data);
echo "<br>";
function saveUsingMultiple(){
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
array('first_name'=>'Fola Olawale','email'=>'[email protected]','status'=>'Mr'),
array('first_name'=>'Kunle Olawale','email'=>'[email protected]','status'=>'Mr'),
array('first_name'=>'Kunle Loveth','email'=>'[email protected]','status'=>'Miss')
echo "<b>Saving using MULTIPLE Data with Beere Class Asynchronously</b>"."<br>";
$beere= new BeerePdoOperations();
$save=$beere->saveMultiple('user', $data); //request with asynchronous response without the saved id;
echo"Asynchronous save of data"."<br>";echo "<br>";
print_r(json_decode($save,true)); //convert json back to array
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Saving using MULTIPLE Data with Beere Class Synchronously by adding key_fetch to request</b>"."<br>";
foreach ($data as $index => &$item) {
//load syncronously with key_fetch
echo"<b>always create key_fetch of the same type and pass to each row of nested array or to an array to receive response
synchronously.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$save=$beere->saveMultiple('user', $data);
print_r($_GET['userMultiple']); //convert json back to array
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function listByLimitPager(){
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo "<b>List By Limit Pager</b>"."<br>";
$val=new BeerePdoOperations();
//pass parameter or not, it is work
$page=1; //default is one but make sure you increment page and send d next page to fetch the next data.
$limit=10; //default is 200;
$logic='&&'; //default is AND.
while($page<3) {
echo" List ".$page.'<br>';
$res=$val->listByLimit('user', array(), $logic, $page, $limit,['first_name']);
print_r(json_decode($res, true)); //convert json back to array
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<br>";
function deleteUser(){
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Delete Data using parameters</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$delete= new BeerePdoOperations();
$result= $delete->delete('user', $data);
//You pass a single conditional operator such as AND etc as 3rd parameter in delete method, default is AND
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function updateAllUser() {
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Async Update All User using parameters sets.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$user= new BeerePdoOperations();
$sets =array(
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function getAllUser() {
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Get All User using parameters.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$user= new BeerePdoOperations();
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function getLastIndex() {
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Get The Last Index User.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$user= new BeerePdoOperations();
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function getUserByRole() {
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Get User By list or an array of roles.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$user= new BeerePdoOperations();
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
function countByParam() {
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo"<b>Count User By parameters.</b>"."<br>";echo "<br>";
$user= new BeerePdoOperations();
echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
//Call Functions