/*,, VarsA.know - an example for local and global variables for XbertClass.php.
Variables can be embedded in a word or stand by themselves.
3 ,loc, <north> 360 degrees
,loc, <south> 180 degrees
,loc, <kids> ren
,loc,<_reply_> Bla Bla Bla
,loc,<_enter_> The big Enter key
,glob, <number> 22.34
,glob, <gtxt> What the heck
,,Local variable value for 'south' is <south>,
,, and 'north' is <north>, and global for
,pau, 'number' is <number> and "<gtxt>" is 'gtxt'!
,ask,Say something about child<kids>!!
# the universal <> is copied to <abc>
,glob, <abc>
,ask,Say something else!!
,pau,The prior response was "<abc>" and current response is "<>"...