/* OpenTest2.xbt -- An example for opening multiple input files with XbertClass.php.
This is called from OpenTest.php but can be run by itself.
,global, <tried> yup
,,! ! ! ! !
,,Welcome to test file 2.
10 ,ASKY,Shall we open the 3rd file?
// ,, if answer was NO, we will not open 3rd file, but look for another node 10.
,,Response was YES.
,,So we are opening test CSV file 3.
# Note that the user message being assembled is carried over to the 3rd file.
# -- comment -- Returning from 3 to file 2.
,, * * * * *
,,Just returned to file 2 from file 3.
# Now we bypass the 'not opened' message. It looks for a node <= 6 so finds 4.
10 ,, > > > >
,,The answer was NO, so the 3rd test file was not opened.
,,You will never know what you missed!
4 ,, - - - -
,pau,This is the last line of the 2nd file.