/* Math.xbt -- Math Tests for XbertClass.php
For the following commands, the result is saved in variable3 if it is given.
The result is always saved in the local variable <>.
MAXimum value1 value2 [variable3] -- the greater of value1 or value2 is saved
MINimum value1 value2 [variable3] -- the lesser of value1 or value2
ADD value1 value2 [variable3] -- value1 plus value2
SUBtract value1 value2 [variable3] -- value1 minus value2
MULtiply value1 value2 [variable3] -- value1 * value2
DIVide value1 value2 [variable3] -- value1 / value2
Tests are compared with the contents of <>.
[variable3] is not used for these tests.
4 ,,Testing math commands
,,--- Menu ----
,,1. MAX maximum string or numbers
,,2. MIN minimum string or numbers
,,3. ADD add numbers
,,4. SUB subtract numbers
,,5. MUL multiply numbers
,,6. DIV divide numbers
,,Anything else = no test.
,,- - - - -
,ask,Run which test?
,gte,<> 1
,lte, <> 6
#,,Test the MAX command at node 5
++ ,EQU,1
,glo,<test> MAX
#,,Test the MIN command at node 5
-+ ,EQU,2
,glo,<test> MIN
#,,Test the ADD command
5 ,EQU,3
,glo,<test> ADD
#,,Test the SUB command
5 ,EQU,4
,glo,<test> SUB
#,,Test the MUL command
5 ,EQU,5
,glo,<test> MUL
#,,Test the DIV command
5 ,EQU,6
,glo,<test> DIV
#,,Ended tests
4 ,,= = = = =
5 ,pau,That is all.