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File: components.php

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File: components.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Springy
Microframework for Web application development
Author: By
Last change: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into development
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 17,208 bytes


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#!/usr/bin/php <?php /** * Components manager. * * @copyright 2015 Fernando Val * @author Fernando Val <> * * @version 4.0.14 * * This is script is not a Composer plugin. * * This post install/update script for Composer is not a packager version number. * It is a helper program to copy (and minify) component files from the download * destination directories to final folders in the web server accessible tree. * Than you can use your favorite package manager like Composer, NPM, Yarn, etc. * * The composer.json file is loaded and the "extra" section is used to it's * configuration. * * If the script find a "post-install" section inside the "extra" section, it * do a copy of files downloaded by Composer to the "target" defined for every * "vendor/package" listed. * * If there is no "files" defined for every "vendor/package", their bower.json * file is used by this script to decide which files will be copied. * * Also a "components.json" file will be loaded if it exists. Then the list of * components listed inside "components" entry. * * The following attributes will be used: * * "source" - (only in components.json) The source folder where to find the files; * "target" - Destination folder to the files; * "ignore-subdirs" - If true all files will be sabed in same folder; * "minify" - "on" or "off" to minify or not the Javascript and CSS files; * "files" - The array of files or the file to be copied. Wildcards accepted. * * NOTE: To minify CSS and JS files, is recommended the use of the Minify class * by Matthias Mullie. * */ define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('LF', "\n"); define('CS_GREEN', "\033[32m"); define('CS_RED', "\033[31m"); define('CS_RESET', "\033[0m"); define('TAB', ' '); define('LOCK_FILE', 'components.lock'); define('BOWER_FILE', 'bower.json'); new Main(); /** * The program's main class. */ class Main { private $installed = []; private $components = []; private $vendorDir = 'vendor'; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->loadComposerJson(); $this->loadComponentsJson(); // Load the Composer's autoload file if (file_exists($this->vendorDir . DS . 'autoload.php')) { require $this->vendorDir . DS . 'autoload.php'; } echo CS_GREEN, 'Starting the installation of the extra components', CS_RESET, LF; $this->loadLockFile(); $this->checkRemovedComponents(); // Process every component foreach ($this->components as $component => $data) { $this->procede($component, $data); } $this->writeLock(); } /** * Adds the file or directory to list of created/copied. * * @param string $component the component name * @param array $struc the structured array with file or folder data. * * @return void */ private function addInstalled($component, array $struc) { $this->installed[$component][] = $struc; } /** * Gets the component source path. * * Also checks if the destination is defined. * * @param array $data * * @return string|bool */ private function checkComponentPath($data) { if (!isset($data['source'])) { $this->fatalError(TAB . 'Component source path undefined.'); } // Component sub directory $path = '.' . DS . implode(DS, explode('/', $data['source'])); // Check component's source path if (!is_dir($path)) { echo TAB, CS_RED, 'Component\'s "', $path, '" does not exists.', CS_RESET, LF; return false; } // Check compnent's configuration if (!isset($data['target'])) { echo TAB, CS_RED, 'Target directory not defined.', CS_RESET, LF; return false; } return $path; } /** * Verifies all installed components that is no more listed inside Json. * * @return void */ private function checkRemovedComponents() { // Verify if any component was removed foreach (array_reverse($this->installed) as $component => $files) { if (!isset($this->components[$component])) { echo ' - Deleting ', CS_GREEN, $component, CS_RESET, ' files', LF; foreach (array_reverse($files) as $file) { switch ($file['type']) { case 'd': if (is_dir($file['path'])) { if (!rmdir($file['path'])) { echo TAB, CS_RED, 'Fail to delete "', $file['path'], '" file.', CS_RESET, LF; } } break; case 'f': if (is_file($file['path'])) { if (!unlink($file['path'])) { echo TAB, CS_RED, 'Fail to delete "', $file['path'], '" file.', CS_RESET, LF; } } break; } } } } $this->installed = []; } /** * Recursive Copy Function. * * @param string $path * @param string $dest * @param bool $minify * @param string $component * * @return void */ private function recursiveCopy($path, $dest, $minify, $component) { // Is the source a file? if (is_file($path)) { // Destination exists? $dir = dirname($dest); if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (!mkdir($dir, 0775, true)) { echo TAB, CS_RED, 'Can\'t create "', $dir, '" directory.', CS_RESET, LF; return; } $this->addInstalled($component, [ 'path' => $dir, 'type' => 'd', ]); } $this->addInstalled($component, [ 'path' => $dest, 'type' => 'f', ]); // Copy only if source is new or newer if (is_file($dest) && filemtime($path) < filemtime($dest)) { return; } if (!$this->realCopy($path, $dest, $minify)) { echo TAB, CS_RED, '[ERROR] Copying (', $path, ') to (', $dest, ')', CS_RESET, LF; } return; } // Is the source a directory? if (is_dir($path)) { $objects = scandir($path); foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $this->recursiveCopy($path . DS . $file, $dest . DS . $file, $minify, $component); } return; } // Oh! Is a wildcard path. $success = false; $dest = dirname($dest); foreach (glob($path) as $filename) { $success = $this->recursiveCopy($filename, $dest . DS . basename($filename), $minify, $component); } } /** * Terminates the program with an error message. * * @param string $error * * @return void */ private function fatalError($error) { echo CS_RED, $error, CS_RESET, LF; exit(1); } /** * Gets the list of files of the component. * * @param array $data * @param string $path * * @return array */ private function getComponentFiles($data, $path) { if (isset($data['files'])) { return is_array($data['files']) ? $data['files'] : [$data['files']]; } if (file_exists($path . DS . BOWER_FILE)) { if (!$str = file_get_contents($path . DS . BOWER_FILE)) { $this->fatalError(TAB . 'Can\'t open "' . $path . DS . BOWER_FILE . '" file.'); } $bower = $this->parseJson($str); if (!isset($bower['main'])) { echo TAB, CS_RED, 'Main section does not exists in "' . $path . DS . BOWER_FILE . '" file.', CS_RESET, LF; return []; } return is_array($bower['main']) ? $bower['main'] : [$bower['main']]; } return ['*']; } /** * Gets the destination folder for the component. * * Creates the folder if does not exists. * * @param string $component * @param array $data * * @return string */ private function getDestinantion($component, $data) { $destination = '.' . DS . implode(DS, explode('/', $data['target'])); if (!is_dir($destination)) { if (!mkdir($destination, 0775, true)) { $this->fatalError(TAB . 'Can\'t create "' . $destination . '" directory.'); } } $this->addInstalled($component, [ 'path' => $destination, 'type' => 'd', ]); return $destination; } /** * Inserts the component structure for the lock file. * * @param string $component * * @return void */ private function initializeComponent($component) { $this->installed[$component] = []; } /** * Loads the components.json file. * * @return void */ private function loadComponentsJson() { if (!file_exists('components.json')) { return; } if (!$str = file_get_contents('components.json')) { $this->fatalError('Can\'t open components.json file.'); } $components = $this->parseJson($str); if (!isset($components['components'])) { return; } if (!is_array($components['components'])) { $this->fatalError('Syntax error in components.json'); } foreach ($components['components'] as $component => $data) { $this->components[$component] = $data; } } /** * Loads the composer.json file. * * @return void */ private function loadComposerJson() { if (!$str = file_get_contents('composer.json')) { $this->fatalError('Can\'t open composer.json file.'); } $composer = $this->parseJson($str); if (isset($composer['config']) && isset($composer['config']['vendor-dir'])) { $this->vendorDir = $composer['config']['vendor-dir']; } if (!isset($composer['extra'])) { return; } if (!isset($composer['extra']['post-install'])) { return; } if (!is_array($composer['extra']['post-install'])) { $this->fatalError('Invalid format for entry'); } foreach ($composer['extra']['post-install'] as $component => $data) { $data['source'] = $this->vendorDir . DS . $component; $this->components[$component] = $data; } } /** * Loads the components.lock file. * * @return void */ private function loadLockFile() { // The control lock file if (file_exists(LOCK_FILE)) { if (!$components = file_get_contents(LOCK_FILE)) { $this->fatalError('Can\'t open ' . LOCK_FILE . ' file.'); } $this->installed = unserialize($components); } } /** * Minify the file if turned on. * * @param string $buffer * @param string $minify * * @return mixed */ private function minify($buffer, $minify) { if ($minify == 'off') { return $buffer; } if (class_exists('MatthiasMullie\Minify\Minify')) { switch ($minify) { case 'css': $minifier = new MatthiasMullie\Minify\CSS($buffer); break; case 'js': $minifier = new MatthiasMullie\Minify\JS($buffer); break; default: echo TAB, CS_RED, '[ERROR] Invalid minify method: ', $minify, CS_RESET, LF; return false; } $buffer = $minifier->minify(); return $buffer; } // Matthias Mullie's Minify class not found. I Will try by myself but this is not the best way. switch ($minify) { case 'css': $buffer = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', TAB, ' '], '', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace(['(( )+{)', '({( )+)'], '{', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace(['(( )+})', '(}( )+)', '(;( )*})'], '}', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace(['(;( )+)', '(( )+;)'], ';', $buffer); break; case 'js': $buffer = preg_replace("/((?:\/\*(?:[^*]|(?:\*+[^*\/]))*\*+\/)|(?:\/\/.*))/", '', $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\t", "\n", ' ', TAB, ' '], '', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace(['(( )+\))', '(\)( )+)'], ')', $buffer); break; default: echo TAB, CS_RED, '[ERROR] Invalid minify method: ', $minify, CS_RESET, LF; return false; } return $buffer; } /** * Parses the Json file. * * @param string $json * * @return array */ private function parseJson($json) { $parsed = json_decode($json, true); $error = json_last_error(); if ($error === JSON_ERROR_NONE) { return $parsed; } $jsonErrors = [ JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded', JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH => 'Invalid or malformed JSON', JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded', JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'Syntax error', JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded', JSON_ERROR_RECURSION => 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded', JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN => 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded', JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE => 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given', ]; if (!isset($jsonErrors[$error])) { $this->fatalError('Unknown error occurred'); } $this->fatalError($jsonErrors[$error]); } /** * Procedes the copy of component files. * * @param string $component * @param array $data * * @return void */ private function procede($component, $data) { echo ' - Processing ', CS_GREEN, $component, CS_RESET, ' files', LF; $this->initializeComponent($component); if (!$path = $this->checkComponentPath($data)) { return; } // Component properties $files = $this->getComponentFiles($data, $path); $noSubdirs = isset($data['ignore-subdirs']) && $data['ignore-subdirs']; $minify = isset($data['minify']) ? $data['minify'] : 'off'; $destination = $this->getDestinantion($component, $data); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = implode(DS, explode('/', $file)); $dstFile = $file; if ($noSubdirs) { $dstFile = explode('/', $file); $dstFile = array_pop($dstFile); } $this->recursiveCopy($path . DS . $file, $destination . DS . $dstFile, $minify, $component); } } /** * Copy file minifyint if necessary. * * @param string $source * @param string $destiny * @param string $minify * * @return bool */ private function realCopy($source, $destiny, $minify = 'auto') { if ($minify == 'auto' || $minify == 'on') { $minify = (substr($source, -4) == '.css' ? 'css' : (substr($source, -3) == '.js' ? 'js' : 'off')); } $buffer = file_get_contents($source); if ($buffer == false) { echo TAB, CS_RED, '[ERROR] Failed to open ', $source, CS_RESET, LF; return false; } $buffer = $this->minify($buffer, $minify); if ($buffer === false) { return false; } $return = file_put_contents($destiny, $buffer); if ($return !== false) { chmod($destiny, 0664); } return $return; } /** * Saves the components.lock file. * * @return void */ private function writeLock() { // Write the lock file echo CS_GREEN, 'Writing lock file', CS_RESET, LF; if (!file_put_contents(LOCK_FILE, serialize($this->installed))) { $this->fatalError('Can\'t write ' . LOCK_FILE . ' file.'); } } }