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File: config/theme.php

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  Classes of Shipu Ahamed   Themevel   config/theme.php   Download  
File: config/theme.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: Themevel
Manage themes and assets for Laravel applications
Author: By
Last change: Apply StyleCi Fixing and adding phpunit.xml
Merge branch 'master' of

Date: 7 years ago
Size: 3,404 bytes


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return [

    | Default active Theme
    | Default active themename. like as
    | 'active' => 'themeone',
'active' => '',

    | Themes path
    | This path used for save the generated theme. This path also will added
    | automatically to list of scanned folders.
'theme_path' => base_path('Themes'),

    | Symbolic link
    | If you theme_path is not in public folder then symlink must be true
    | otherwise theme assets not working. If your theme_path under public folder
    | then symlink can be false or true as your wish.
'symlink' => true,

    | Theme types where you can set default theme for particular middleware.
    | 'types' => [
    | 'enable' => true or false,
    | 'middleware' => [
    | 'middlewareName' => 'themeName',
    | ]
    | ],
    | For Example route
    | Route::get('/', function () {
    | return view('welcome');
    | })->middleware('example');
'types' => [
'enable' => false,
'middleware' => [
'example' => 'admin',

    | Theme config name and change log file name
    | Here is the config for theme.json file and changelog
    | for version control status
'config' => [
'name' => 'theme.json',
'changelog' => 'changelog.yml',

    | Themes folder structure
    | Here you may update theme folder structure.
'folders' => [
'assets' => 'assets',
'views' => 'views',
'lang' => 'lang',
'lang/en' => 'lang/en',

'css' => 'assets/css',
'js' => 'assets/js',
'img' => 'assets/img',

'layouts' => 'views/layouts',

    | Theme Stubs
    | Default theme stubs.
'stubs' => [
'path' => base_path('vendor/shipu/themevel/src/Console/stubs'),
'files' => [
'css' => 'assets/css/app.css',
'layout' => 'views/layouts/master.blade.php',
'page' => 'views/welcome.blade.php',
'lang' => 'lang/en/content.php',
