* complete.ly 1.0.0
* MIT Licensing
* Copyright (c) 2013 Lorenzo Puccetti
* This Software shall be used for doing good things, not bad things.
function completely(container, config) {
config = config || {};
config.fontSize = config.fontSize || '16px';
config.fontFamily = config.fontFamily || 'sans-serif';
config.promptInnerHTML = config.promptInnerHTML || '';
config.color = config.color || '#333';
config.hintColor = config.hintColor || '#aaa';
config.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor || '#fff';
config.dropDownBorderColor = config.dropDownBorderColor || '#aaa';
config.dropDownZIndex = config.dropDownZIndex || '100'; // to ensure we are in front of everybody
config.dropDownOnHoverBackgroundColor = config.dropDownOnHoverBackgroundColor || '#ddd';
var txtInput = document.createElement('input');
txtInput.type ='text';
txtInput.spellcheck = false;
txtInput.style.fontSize = config.fontSize;
txtInput.style.fontFamily = config.fontFamily;
txtInput.style.color = config.color;
txtInput.style.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor;
txtInput.style.width = '100%';
txtInput.style.outline = '0';
txtInput.style.border = '0';
txtInput.style.margin = '0';
txtInput.style.padding = '0';
var txtHint = txtInput.cloneNode();
txtHint.style.position = 'absolute';
txtHint.style.top = '0';
txtHint.style.left = '0';
txtHint.style.borderColor = 'transparent';
txtHint.style.boxShadow = 'none';
txtHint.style.color = config.hintColor;
txtInput.style.backgroundColor ='transparent';
txtInput.style.verticalAlign = 'top';
txtInput.style.position = 'relative';
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.style.position = 'relative';
wrapper.style.outline = '0';
wrapper.style.border = '0';
wrapper.style.margin = '0';
wrapper.style.padding = '0';
var prompt = document.createElement('div');
prompt.style.position = 'absolute';
prompt.style.outline = '0';
prompt.style.margin = '0';
prompt.style.padding = '0';
prompt.style.border = '0';
prompt.style.fontSize = config.fontSize;
prompt.style.fontFamily = config.fontFamily;
prompt.style.color = config.color;
prompt.style.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor;
prompt.style.top = '0';
prompt.style.left = '0';
prompt.style.overflow = 'hidden';
prompt.innerHTML = config.promptInnerHTML;
prompt.style.background = 'transparent';
if (document.body === undefined) {
throw 'document.body is undefined. The library was wired up incorrectly.';
var w = prompt.getBoundingClientRect().right; // works out the width of the prompt.
prompt.style.visibility = 'visible';
prompt.style.left = '-'+w+'px';
wrapper.style.marginLeft= w+'px';
var dropDown = document.createElement('div');
dropDown.style.position = 'absolute';
dropDown.style.visibility = 'hidden';
dropDown.style.outline = '0';
dropDown.style.margin = '0';
dropDown.style.padding = '0';
dropDown.style.textAlign = 'left';
dropDown.style.fontSize = config.fontSize;
dropDown.style.fontFamily = config.fontFamily;
dropDown.style.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor;
dropDown.style.zIndex = config.dropDownZIndex;
dropDown.style.cursor = 'default';
dropDown.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
dropDown.style.borderWidth = '1px';
dropDown.style.borderColor = config.dropDownBorderColor;
dropDown.style.overflowX= 'hidden';
dropDown.style.whiteSpace = 'pre';
dropDown.style.overflowY = 'scroll'; // note: this might be ugly when the scrollbar is not required. however in this way the width of the dropDown takes into account
var createDropDownController = function(elem) {
var rows = [];
var ix = 0;
var oldIndex = -1;
var onMouseOver = function() { this.style.outline = '1px solid #ddd'; }
var onMouseOut = function() { this.style.outline = '0'; }
var onMouseDown = function() { p.hide(); p.onmouseselection(this.__hint); }
var p = {
hide : function() { elem.style.visibility = 'hidden'; },
refresh : function(token, array) {
elem.style.visibility = 'hidden';
ix = 0;
elem.innerHTML ='';
var vph = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);
var rect = elem.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
var distanceToTop = rect.top - 6; // heuristic give 6px
var distanceToBottom = vph - rect.bottom -6; // distance from the browser border.
rows = [];
for (var i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
if (array[i].indexOf(token)!==0) { continue; }
var divRow =document.createElement('div');
divRow.style.color = config.color;
divRow.onmouseover = onMouseOver;
divRow.onmouseout = onMouseOut;
divRow.onmousedown = onMouseDown;
divRow.__hint = array[i];
divRow.innerHTML = token+'<b>'+array[i].substring(token.length)+'</b>';
if (rows.length===0) {
return; // nothing to show.
if (rows.length===1 && token === rows[0].__hint) {
return; // do not show the dropDown if it has only one element which matches what we have just displayed.
if (rows.length<2) return;
if (distanceToTop > distanceToBottom*3) { // Heuristic (only when the distance to the to top is 4 times more than distance to the bottom
elem.style.maxHeight = distanceToTop+'px'; // we display the dropDown on the top of the input text
elem.style.top ='';
elem.style.bottom ='100%';
} else {
elem.style.top = '100%';
elem.style.bottom = '';
elem.style.maxHeight = distanceToBottom+'px';
elem.style.visibility = 'visible';
highlight : function(index) {
if (oldIndex !=-1 && rows[oldIndex]) {
rows[oldIndex].style.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor;
rows[index].style.backgroundColor = config.dropDownOnHoverBackgroundColor; // <-- should be config
oldIndex = index;
move : function(step) { // moves the selection either up or down (unless it's not possible) step is either +1 or -1.
if (elem.style.visibility === 'hidden') return ''; // nothing to move if there is no dropDown. (this happens if the user hits escape and then down or up)
if (ix+step === -1 || ix+step === rows.length) return rows[ix].__hint; // NO CIRCULAR SCROLLING.
return rows[ix].__hint;//txtShadow.value = uRows[uIndex].__hint ;
onmouseselection : function() {} // it will be overwritten.
return p;
var dropDownController = createDropDownController(dropDown);
dropDownController.onmouseselection = function(text) {
txtInput.value = txtHint.value = leftSide+text;
rs.onChange(txtInput.value); // <-- forcing it.
registerOnTextChangeOldValue = txtInput.value; // <-- ensure that mouse down will not show the dropDown now.
setTimeout(function() { txtInput.focus(); },0); // <-- I need to do this for IE
var spacer;
var leftSide; // <-- it will contain the leftSide part of the textfield (the bit that was already autocompleted)
function calculateWidthForText(text) {
if (spacer === undefined) { // on first call only.
spacer = document.createElement('span');
spacer.style.visibility = 'hidden';
spacer.style.position = 'fixed';
spacer.style.outline = '0';
spacer.style.margin = '0';
spacer.style.padding = '0';
spacer.style.border = '0';
spacer.style.left = '0';
spacer.style.whiteSpace = 'pre';
spacer.style.fontSize = config.fontSize;
spacer.style.fontFamily = config.fontFamily;
spacer.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
// Used to encode an HTML string into a plain text.
// taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/javascript-jquery-html-encoding
spacer.innerHTML = String(text).replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>');
return spacer.getBoundingClientRect().right;
var rs = {
onArrowDown : function() {}, // defaults to no action.
onArrowUp : function() {}, // defaults to no action.
onEnter : function() {}, // defaults to no action.
onTab : function() {}, // defaults to no action.
onChange: function() { rs.repaint() }, // defaults to repainting.
startFrom: 0,
options: [],
wrapper : wrapper, // Only to allow easy access to the HTML elements to the final user (possibly for minor customizations)
input : txtInput, // Only to allow easy access to the HTML elements to the final user (possibly for minor customizations)
hint : txtHint, // Only to allow easy access to the HTML elements to the final user (possibly for minor customizations)
dropDown : dropDown, // Only to allow easy access to the HTML elements to the final user (possibly for minor customizations)
prompt : prompt,
setText : function(text) {
txtHint.value = text;
txtInput.value = text;
getText : function() {
return txtInput.value;
hideDropDown : function() {
repaint : function() {
var text = txtInput.value;
var startFrom = rs.startFrom;
var options = rs.options;
var optionsLength = options.length;
// breaking text in leftSide and token.
var token = text.substring(startFrom);
leftSide = text.substring(0,startFrom);
// updating the hint.
txtHint.value ='';
for (var i=0;i<optionsLength;i++) {
var opt = options[i];
if (opt.indexOf(token)===0) { // <-- how about upperCase vs. lowercase
txtHint.value = leftSide +opt;
// moving the dropDown and refreshing it.
dropDown.style.left = calculateWidthForText(leftSide)+'px';
dropDownController.refresh(token, rs.options);
var registerOnTextChangeOldValue;
* Register a callback function to detect changes to the content of the input-type-text.
* Those changes are typically followed by user's action: a key-stroke event but sometimes it might be a mouse click.
var registerOnTextChange = function(txt, callback) {
registerOnTextChangeOldValue = txt.value;
var handler = function() {
var value = txt.value;
if (registerOnTextChangeOldValue !== value) {
registerOnTextChangeOldValue = value;
// For user's actions, we listen to both input events and key up events
// It appears that input events are not enough so we defensively listen to key up events too.
// source: http://help.dottoro.com/ljhxklln.php
// The cost of listening to three sources should be negligible as the handler will invoke callback function
// only if the text.value was effectively changed.
if (txt.addEventListener) {
txt.addEventListener("input", handler, false);
txt.addEventListener('keyup', handler, false);
txt.addEventListener('change', handler, false);
} else { // is this a fair assumption: that attachEvent will exist ?
txt.attachEvent('oninput', handler); // IE<9
txt.attachEvent('onkeyup', handler); // IE<9
txt.attachEvent('onchange',handler); // IE<9
registerOnTextChange(txtInput,function(text) { // note the function needs to be wrapped as API-users will define their onChange
var keyDownHandler = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if (keyCode == 33) { return; } // page up (do nothing)
if (keyCode == 34) { return; } // page down (do nothing);
if (keyCode == 27) { //escape
txtHint.value = txtInput.value; // ensure that no hint is left.
if (keyCode == 39 || keyCode == 35 || keyCode == 9) { // right, end, tab (autocomplete triggered)
if (keyCode == 9) { // for tabs we need to ensure that we override the default behaviour: move to the next focusable HTML-element
if (txtHint.value.length == 0) {
rs.onTab(); // tab was called with no action.
// users might want to re-enable its default behaviour or handle the call somehow.
if (txtHint.value.length > 0) { // if there is a hint
txtInput.value = txtHint.value;
var hasTextChanged = registerOnTextChangeOldValue != txtInput.value
registerOnTextChangeOldValue = txtInput.value; // <-- to avoid dropDown to appear again.
// for example imagine the array contains the following words: bee, beef, beetroot
// user has hit enter to get 'bee' it would be prompted with the dropDown again (as beef and beetroot also match)
if (hasTextChanged) {
rs.onChange(txtInput.value); // <-- forcing it.
if (keyCode == 13) { // enter (autocomplete triggered)
if (txtHint.value.length == 0) { // if there is a hint
} else {
var wasDropDownHidden = (dropDown.style.visibility == 'hidden');
if (wasDropDownHidden) {
txtHint.value = txtInput.value; // ensure that no hint is left.
txtInput.value = txtHint.value;
var hasTextChanged = registerOnTextChangeOldValue != txtInput.value
registerOnTextChangeOldValue = txtInput.value; // <-- to avoid dropDown to appear again.
// for example imagine the array contains the following words: bee, beef, beetroot
// user has hit enter to get 'bee' it would be prompted with the dropDown again (as beef and beetroot also match)
if (hasTextChanged) {
rs.onChange(txtInput.value); // <-- forcing it.
if (keyCode == 40) { // down
var m = dropDownController.move(+1);
if (m == '') { rs.onArrowDown(); }
txtHint.value = leftSide+m;
if (keyCode == 38 ) { // up
var m = dropDownController.move(-1);
if (m == '') { rs.onArrowUp(); }
txtHint.value = leftSide+m;
// it's important to reset the txtHint on key down.
// think: user presses a letter (e.g. 'x') and never releases... you get (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
// and you would see still the hint
txtHint.value =''; // resets the txtHint. (it might be updated onKeyUp)
if (txtInput.addEventListener) {
txtInput.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler, false);
} else { // is this a fair assumption: that attachEvent will exist ?
txtInput.attachEvent('onkeydown', keyDownHandler); // IE<9
return rs;