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File: install.txt

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File: install.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: install instructions
Class: PHP ODT Template SQL Reports
Generate report from MySQL data using ODT template
Author: By
Last change: Update install.txt
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,215 bytes


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Pre-requisites: A WAMP installed. Install: 1) Download all files. 2) Create a web dir (e.g. www/odtdocument/ ). 3) Copy all files in www/odtdocument/, www/odtdocument/lib, www/odtdocument/templates. 4) Using phpMyAdmin, create a database (e.g. odtdbase). 5) Import the SQL files: odt_queries.sql. odt_reports.sql in odtdbase to create tables. (In production, you must add it to your application: 'www/odtdocument' is the application web dir, and DB 'odtdbase' is the application main DB) Setup: 6) Copy language_xx.php to language.php. 7) Edit and updates: config.php, language.php and odtphpsql.php (see TODO in files). Demo: 1) download (from ) 2) Unzip in www/odtdocument/ 3) Import the SQL file: odtphp.sql on odtdbase to create and populate all tables for demo. 4) Run demo starting fom odtdocument/index.php 5) You can see demo screenshot here: or here: