* Saika - The PHP Framework For KIDS
* The Saika Config File
* @since 1.0
$_config = array();
* Basic Configuration
* @var string $_config['URL'] Full URL of your site. MUST end with a trailing
* slash ( / ) Ex. https://yoursite.com/
* Usually detects automagically! You can change it
* manually, if you don't like wizards :(
* @var string $_config['CHARSET'] Set the internal character set
* @var string|boolean $_config['TIMEZONE'] Set the server timezone. Set it to
* FALSE to use default server timezone.
$_config['URL'] = saika_detect_url();
$_config['CHARSET'] = 'UTF-8';
$_config['TIMEZONE'] = 'Asia/Dhaka';
* Database Configuration
* @var string $_config['DB_TYPE'] Database type. Currently tested with
* mysql or sqlite.
* @var string $_config['DB_HOST'] Database host.
* @var string $_config['DB_NAME'] Database name (Exception: For SQLite, it
* should be absolute path to the database file)
* @var string $_config['DB_USER'] Database username
* @var string $_config['DB_PASS'] Database user password.
* @var string $_config['DB_PORT'] Database Port, Usually 3306. Better check it
* from phpinfo()
* @var string $_config['DB_CHARSET'] Database Charset, utf8 is highly recommended!
$_config['DB_TYPE'] = 'mysql';
$_config['DB_HOST'] = '';
$_config['DB_NAME'] = 'saika';
$_config['DB_USER'] = 'root';
$_config['DB_PASS'] = '';
$_config['DB_PORT'] = '3306';
$_config['DB_CHARSET'] = 'utf8';
* Controller Related Configuration
* @var string $_config['DEFAULT_CONTROLLER'] Name of the default controller
* @var string $_config['DEFAULT_ACTION'] Name of the default action
* @var string $_config['ERROR_CONTROLLER'] Name of the Error controller
* @var boolean $_config['TRANSLATE_HYPHENS'] Translate hyphens in action names
* to underscore.
$_config['DEFAULT_CONTROLLER'] = 'index';
$_config['DEFAULT_ACTION'] = 'index';
$_config['ERROR_CONTROLLER'] = 'error';
$_config['TRANSLATE_HYPHENS'] = true;
* Configuration for Cookies. Including but not limited to Session cookies
* @var string $_config['COOKIE_PATH'] The path the cookie is valid on,
* usually "/" to make it valid on the
* whole domain.
* @var string $_config['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] The domain where the cookie is valid for.
* Usually this does not work with
* "localhost", ".localhost", ""
* or ".". If so, leave it as
* empty string, false or null. When using
* real domains make sure you have a dot(.)
* in front of the domain, like
* ".mydomain.com".s
* @var boolean $_config['COOKIE_SECURE'] If the cookie will be transferred
* through secured connection(SSL). It's
* highly recommended to set it to TRUE if
* you have SSL enabled.
* @var boolean $_config['COOKIE_HTTPONLY'] If set to true, Cookies can't be
* accessed by JS - TRUE is Highly
* recommended!
* @var integer $_config['COOKIE_LIFETIME'] Default lifetime of cookie. Used by
* the Cookie class. 7 days is default
* @var integer $_config['SESSION_LIFETIME'] How long should a session cookie be
* valid by seconds, 0 = till the
* browser is closed.
* @var boolean|string $_config['SESSION_SAVE_PATH'] Specify where the sessions
* will be saved. Set FALSE to
* use default directory.
$_config['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/';
$_config['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = '';
$_config['COOKIE_SECURE'] = false;
$_config['COOKIE_HTTPONLY'] = true;
$_config['COOKIE_LIFETIME'] = time() + 86400 * 7;
$_config['SESSION_LIFETIME'] = 0;
$_config['SESSION_SAVE_PATH'] = SYSTEM. 'Sessions';
* Autoload related Config, Currently only supports helpers.
* Helpers are located at app/Helpers/
* All other classes and libraries are autoloaded via Composer.
* @see http://getcomposer.org
* @var array $_config['AUTOLOAD_HELPERS'] Name of Helper files without
* extension(.php) as array
* Ex. ['DemoHelper', 'UrlHelpers']
$_config['AUTOLOAD_HELPERS'] = array();
* Encryption Keys. You should change this to unique values.
* @var string $_config['ENCRYPTION_KEY'] Encryption key to use for encryption
* /decryption in Encryption class.
* @var string $_config['HMAC_SALT'] HMAC salt to use for encryption/decryption
* in Encryption class.
$_config['ENCRYPTION_KEY'] = '|lN2#E9]/^?Ste,{1x7n[4L@WE}`Bd';
$_config['HMAC_SALT'] = '#4tTIF?2MTR^Vr-:6tLS"{_%!*9186';
* Configuration for Captcha Class
* @var string $_config['CAPTCHA_FONT'] Path to the captcha font
* @var integer $_config['CAPTCHA_WIDTH'] Width of the captcha
* @var integer $_config['CAPTCHA_HEIGHT'] Height of the captcha
* @var integer $_config['CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE'] Captcha font size
* @var integer $_config['CAPTCHA_LENGTH'] The captcha length
* @var boolean $_config['CAPTCHA_CASE_SENSITIVE'] Whether the captcha is case
* sensitive or not
$_config['CAPTCHA_FONT'] = SYSTEM. 'static/fonts/Dink.ttf';
$_config['CAPTCHA_WIDTH'] = 150;
$_config['CAPTCHA_HEIGHT'] = 50;
$_config['CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE'] = 28;
$_config['CAPTCHA_LENGTH'] = 5;
$_config['CAPTCHA_CASE_SENSITIVE'] = true;
* Misc. Confguration
* @var string $_config['CACHE_DIR'] Specify the cache location. Must end with a
* trailing slash
* @var integer $_config['CSRF_TOKEN_LIFETIME'] The CSRF token expiration time
* in seconds. Usually the session
* expires when the browser is closed.
* But in case you have increased the
* session lifetime it will help.
* 3600 = 1 Hour
$_config['CACHE_DIR'] = SYSTEM. 'cache/';
$_config['CSRF_TOKEN_LIFETIME'] = 3600;
// Finally return the config
return $_config;