# date class
# coded by Alessandro Rosa
# e-mail : zandor_zz@yahoo.it
# site : http://malilla.supereva.it
# last update and bug fixed at : Jan 24th 2007
# Copyright (C) 2007 Alessandro Rosa
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Compiled with PHP 4.4.0
$lastday_months = array( 1 => 31,
2 => 28,
3 => 31,
4 => 30,
5 => 31,
6 => 30,
7 => 31,
8 => 31,
9 => 30,
10 => 31,
11 => 30,
12 => 31 ) ;
$lastday_months2 = array( 1 => 31,
2 => 29,
3 => 31,
4 => 30,
5 => 31,
6 => 30,
7 => 31,
8 => 31,
9 => 30,
10 => 31,
11 => 30,
12 => 31 ) ;
// fill this array with the months name in your output language
$name_months = array( "01" => Gennaio,
"02" => Febbraio,
"03" => Marzo,
"04" => Aprile,
"05" => Maggio,
"06" => Giugno,
"07" => Luglio,
"08" => Agosto,
"09" => Settembre,
"10" => Ottobre,
"11" => Novembre,
"12" => Dicembre
) ;
// fill this array with the week days name in your output language
$name_days = array( "Domenica",
) ;
$short_name_days = array( "D",
) ;
class date
function date()
$this->start_date = 0 ;
function isbisextile( $year )
if ( ( $year % 4 == 0 ) && ( $year % 100 != 0 ) && ( $year % 1000 != 0 ) ) return true ;
else if ( $year % 400 == 0 ) return true ;
else if ( ( $year % 1000 == 0 ) && ( $year % 4000 != 0 ) ) return true ;
else return false ;
function set_start_date( $d, $m, $y )
$this->start_day = $d + 0; // + 0 forces each entry string to turn into a number
$this->start_month = $m + 0;
$this->start_year = $y + 0;
$this->days_of_the_year = $this->isbisextile( $y ) ? 366 : 365 ;
function daysfrombegin()
$tmp_days = 0 ;
$a = array();
$a = $this->isbisextile( $this->start_year ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
$tmp_days += $this->start_day ;
for ( $i = 1; $i <= ( intval( $this->start_month ) - 1 ); $i++ ) $tmp_days += $a{$i} ;
return --$tmp_days ;
function daystoend()
$tmp_days = 0 ;
$a = array();
$a = $this->isbisextile( $this->start_year ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
$m = $this->start_month ; // zero-based index of the input month
$tmp_days += ( $a{$m} - $this->start_day ) ;
for ( $i = ( intval( $this->start_month ) + 1 ) ; $i <= 12; $i++ ) $tmp_days += $a{$i} ;
return $tmp_days ;
function to_months( $months )
$tmp_d = $this->start_day ;
$tmp_m = $this->start_month ;
$tmp_y = $this->start_year ;
$y = floor( abs( $months ) / 12.0 ) ;
$m = $months % 12 ;
$tmp_m += $m ;
$tmp_y += $y ;
$this->end_day = ( intval( $tmp_d ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_d" : $tmp_d ;
$this->end_month = ( intval( $tmp_m ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_m" : $tmp_m ;
$this->end_year = ( intval( $tmp_y ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_y" : $tmp_y ;
function to_years( $years )
$tmp_d = $this->start_day ;
$tmp_m = $this->start_month ;
$tmp_y = $this->start_year ;
$tmp_y += $years ;
$this->end_day = ( intval( $tmp_d ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_d" : $tmp_d ;
$this->end_month = ( intval( $tmp_m ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_m" : $tmp_m ;
$this->end_year = ( intval( $tmp_y ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_y" : $tmp_y ;
function to_date( $days )
$tmp_d = $this->start_day ;
$tmp_m = $this->start_month ;
$tmp_y = $this->start_year ;
$unit_d = ( intval( $days < 0 ) ) ? -1 : +1;
$unit_m = ( intval( $days < 0 ) ) ? -1 : +1;
$unit_y = ( intval( $days < 0 ) ) ? -1 : +1;
$a = array();
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
$days = abs( $days );
while( intval( $days ) > 0 )
$tmp_d += $unit_d ;
$days-- ;
if ( intval( $tmp_d ) == 0 ) // when $unit_d is -1
$tmp_m-- ;
if ( intval( $tmp_m ) == 0 )
$tmp_m = 12 ;
$tmp_y-- ;
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
while( intval( $days ) > $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } )
$days -= $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } ;
$tmp_m-- ;
if ( intval( $tmp_m ) == 0 )
$tmp_m = 12 ;
$tmp_y-- ;
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
$tmp_d = $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } ;
else if ( $tmp_d == ( $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } + 1 ) ) // when $unit_d is +1
// first we check whether the next month is January,
// therefore the year is incremented by one and checked if bisextile.
if ( ( intval( $tmp_m ) + 1 ) == 13 )
$tmp_m = 1 ; $tmp_y++ ;
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
else $tmp_m++ ;
while( intval( $days ) > $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } ) // looks at the days of the next month
$tmp_d = $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } ;
$days -= $tmp_d ;
if ( ( intval( $tmp_m ) + 1 ) == 13 )
$tmp_m = 1 ; $tmp_y++ ;
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
else $tmp_m++ ;
$tmp_d = 1 ;
$this->end_day = ( intval( $tmp_d ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_d" : $tmp_d ;
$this->end_month = ( intval( $tmp_m ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_m" : $tmp_m ;
$this->end_year = ( intval( $tmp_y ) < 10 ) ? "0$tmp_y" : $tmp_y ;
function daysbetween( $sd, $sm, $sy, $ed, $em, $ey, &$bSwap )
$bSwap = false ;
if ( intval( $ey ) < intval( $sy ) )
$this->swap( $sd, $ed ) ;
$this->swap( $sm, $em ) ;
$this->swap( $sy, $ey ) ;
$bSwap = true ;
else if ( intval( $em ) < intval( $sm ) && intval( $ey ) == intval( $sy ) )
$this->swap( $sd, $ed ) ;
$this->swap( $sm, $em ) ;
$this->swap( $sy, $ey ) ;
$bSwap = true ;
else if ( intval( $ed ) < intval( $sd ) && intval( $em ) == intval( $sm ) && intval( $ey ) == intval( $sy ) )
$this->swap( $sd, $ed ) ;
$this->swap( $sm, $em ) ;
$this->swap( $sy, $ey ) ;
$bSwap = true ;
$days = 0;
$tmp_d = $sd ; $tmp_m = $sm ; $tmp_y = $sy ;
$a = array();
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
while( true )
if ( $tmp_d == $ed && $tmp_m == $em && $tmp_y == $ey ) break;
if ( intval( $tmp_d ) == ( $a{ intval( $tmp_m ) } ) )
$tmp_d = 1 ;
$tmp_m++ ;
if ( intval( $tmp_m ) == 13 )
$tmp_m = 1 ; $tmp_y++ ;
$a = $this->isbisextile( $tmp_y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
$tmp_d++ ;
$days++ ; // loops to exit
return ( $bSwap ) ? "-$days" : $days ;
function timebetween( $sh, $sm, $ss, $eh, $em, $es, &$bOneDayOut )
$a = array() ;
if ( ( $ss < 0 || $ss > 59 ) ||
( $eh < 0 || $eh > 59 ) ||
( $sm < 0 || $sm > 59 ) ||
( $em < 0 || $em > 59 ) ||
( $sh < 0 || $sh > 23 ) ||
( $eh < 0 || $eh > 23 ) )
$a['seconds'] = -1 ;
$a['minutes'] = -1 ;
$a['hours'] = -1 ;
return $a ;
if ( $ss > $es || $sm > $em || $sh > $eh )
$bOneDayOut = true ;
$this->swap( $ss, $es );
$this->swap( $sm, $em );
$this->swap( $sh, $eh );
$seconds = $ss - $es ;
$minutes = $sm - $em ;
$hours = $sh - $eh ;
$bSECS = false ;
$bMINS = false ;
$bHOURS = false ;
if ( $seconds < 0 )
$seconds = 60 - abs( $seconds ) ; $bSECS = true ;
if ( $minutes < 0 )
$minutes = 60 - abs( $minutes ) ; $bMINS = true ;
if ( $hours < 0 )
$hours = 24 - abs( $hours ) ; $bHOURS = true ;
if ( $bSECS ) $minutes-- ;
if ( $bMINS ) $hours-- ;
$a['seconds'] = $seconds ;
$a['minutes'] = $minutes ;
$a['hours'] = $hours ;
return $a ;
function to_time( $sHOURS, $sMINUTES, $sSECONDS, $withinHOURS, $withinMINUTES, $withinSECONDS )
if ( !( $this->check_time( $sHOURS, $sMINUTES, $sSECONDS ) ) ) return false ;
if ( $withinHOURS < 0 || $withinMINUTES < 0 || $withinSECONDS < 0 )
$withinHOURS = 0 - abs( $withinHOURS );
$withinMINUTES = 0 - abs( $withinMINUTES );
$withinSECONDS = 0- abs( $withinSECONDS );
$sSECONDS += $withinSECONDS ;
$addONminutes = floor( $sSECONDS / 60 );
$sSECONDS = ( $sSECONDS < 0 ) ? 60 - abs( $sSECONDS ) % 60 : $sSECONDS % 60 ;
$sMINUTES += $withinMINUTES + $addONminutes ;
$addONhours = floor( $sMINUTES / 60 );
$sMINUTES = ( $sMINUTES < 0 ) ? 60 - abs( $sMINUTES ) % 60 : $sMINUTES % 60 ;
if ( $sHOURS == 0 ) $sHOURS = 24 ;
$sHOURS += $withinHOURS + $addONhours ;
$sHOURS = ( $sHOURS < 0 ) ? 24 - abs( $sHOURS ) % 24 : $sHOURS % 24 ;
$a = array();
$a['seconds'] = abs( $sSECONDS );
$a['minutes'] = abs( $sMINUTES );
$a['hours'] = abs( $sHOURS );
return $a ;
function get_start_all_date() { $a = array( $this->start_day, $this->start_month, $this->start_year ); return $a ; }
function get_end_all_date() { $a = array( $this->end_day, $this->end_month, $this->end_year ); return $a ; }
function get_end_all_date_ref( &$m, &$d, &$y ) { $d = $this->end_day ; $m = $this->end_month ; $y = $this->end_year; }
function get_start_day() { return $this->start_day ; }
function get_start_month() { return $this->start_month ; }
function get_start_year() { return $this->start_year ; }
function get_end_day() { return $this->end_day ; }
function get_end_month() { return $this->end_month ; }
function get_end_year() { return $this->end_year ; }
function get_start_day_name() {
$this->start_day += 0 ;
$this->start_month += 0 ;
$date = getdate( mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->start_month, $this->start_day, $this->start_year ) );
return $GLOBALS['name_days'][$date['wday']] ;
function get_end_day_name() {
$this->end_day += 0 ;
$this->end_month += 0 ;
$date = getdate( mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->end_month, $this->end_day, $this->end_year ) );
return $GLOBALS['name_days'][$date['wday']] ;
function get_start_day_index() {
$this->start_day += 0 ;
$this->start_month += 0 ;
$date = getdate( mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->start_month, $this->start_day, $this->start_year ) );
return ( $date['wday'] == 0 ) ? 7 : $date['wday'] ;
function get_end_day_index() {
$this->end_day += 0 ;
$this->end_month += 0 ;
$date = getdate( mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->end_month, $this->end_day, $this->end_year ) );
return ( $date['wday'] == 0 ) ? 7 : $date['wday'] ;
function get_start_month_name() { $this->start_month += 0 ; $m = ( $this->start_month < 10 ) ? "0$this->start_month" : $this->start_month ; return $GLOBALS['name_months'][$m] ; }
function get_end_month_name() { $this->end_month += 0 ; $m = ( $this->end_month < 10 ) ? "0$this->end_month" : $this->end_month ; return $GLOBALS['name_months'][$m] ; }
function get_month_name( $index ) { return $GLOBALS['name_months'][$index] ; }
function get_month_days( $month, $year )
$a = $this->isbisextile( $year ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
if ( $this->isbisextile( $year ) ) return $a[$month] ;
else return $a[$month] ;
function swap( &$a, &$b ) { $t = $a ; $a = $b ; $b = $t ; }
function isnumeric( $sText )
$re = "^[0-9]{1,2}$" ;
return eregi( $re, $sText ) ;
function check_date( $d, $m, $y )
if ( !( $this->isnumeric( $d ) ) ) return false ;
if ( !( $this->isnumeric( $m ) ) ) return false ;
if ( !( $this->isnumeric( $d ) ) ) return false ;
$a = array();
$a = $this->isbisextile( $y ) ? $GLOBALS['lastday_months2'] : $GLOBALS['lastday_months'] ;
if ( $m < 1 || $m > 12 ) return false ;
if ( $d < 1 || $d > $a{$m} ) return false ;
return true ;
function check_time( $hours, $minutes, $seconds )
if ( !( $this->isnumeric( $hours ) ) ) return false ;
if ( !( $this->isnumeric( $minutes ) ) ) return false ;
if ( !( $this->isnumeric( $seconds ) ) ) return false ;
if ( abs( $seconds ) >= 60 ) return false ;
if ( abs( $minutes ) >= 60 ) return false ;
if ( abs( $hours ) >= 24 ) return false ;
return true ;
function today( &$m, &$d, &$y )
$today = getdate();
$m = $today['mon']; $d = $today['mday']; $y = $today['year'];
function format_today( $fmt, $sep )
if ( strlen( $fmt ) < 5 || strlen( $fmt ) > 8 ) $fmt = "mmddyyyy" ;
if ( strlen( $sep ) == 0 ) $sep = "/" ;
$today = getdate();
$m = $today['mon']; $d = $today['mday']; $y = $today['year'];
$d += 0 ; $m += 0 ; $y += 0 ;
$d = ( $d < 10 ) ? "0$d" : $d ;
$m = ( $m < 10 ) ? "0$m" : $m ;
switch( $fmt )
case "ddmmyy":
$y = substr( $y, -2 ) ;
return "$d$sep$m$sep$y" ;
case "mmddyy":
$y = substr( $y, -2 ) ;
return "$m$sep$d$sep$y" ;
case "ddmmyyyy":
return "$d$sep$m$sep$y" ;
case "mmddyyyy":
return "$m$sep$d$sep$y" ;
return "$m$sep$d$sep$y" ;
function format_date( $m, $d, $y, $fmt, $sep )
if ( !isset( $fmt ) || strlen( $fmt ) < 5 || strlen( $fmt ) > 8 ) $fmt = "mmddyyyy" ;
if ( !isset( $sep ) || strlen( $sep ) == 0 ) $sep = "/" ;
$d += 0 ; $m += 0 ; $y += 0 ;
$d = ( $d < 10 ) ? "0$d" : $d ;
$m = ( $m < 10 ) ? "0$m" : $m ;
switch( $fmt )
case "ddmmyy":
$y = substr( $y, -2 ) ;
return "$d$sep$m$sep$y" ;
case "mmddyy":
$y = substr( $y, -2 ) ;
return "$m$sep$d$sep$y" ;
case "ddmmyyyy":
return "$d$sep$m$sep$y" ;
case "mmddyyyy":
return "$m$sep$d$sep$y" ;
return "$m$sep$d$sep$y" ;
function format_time( $hours, $mins, $seconds, $fmt, $sep )
if ( !isset( $fmt ) || strlen( $fmt ) < 5 || strlen( $fmt ) > 8 ) $fmt = "hhmmss" ;
if ( !isset( $sep ) || strlen( $sep ) == 0 ) $sep = ":" ;
$hours += 0 ; $mins += 0 ; $seconds += 0 ;
$prefix = ( $hours < 0 || $mins < 0 || $seconds < 0 ) ? "-" : "" ;
$hours = abs( $hours ); $mins = abs( $mins ); $seconds = abs( $seconds );
$hours = ( $hours < 10 ) ? "0$hours" : $hours ;
$mins = ( $mins < 10 ) ? "0$mins" : $mins ;
$seconds = ( $seconds < 10 ) ? "0$seconds" : $seconds ;
switch( $fmt )
case "hhmmss":
return "$prefix$hours$sep$mins$sep$seconds" ;
function isbefore( $sm, $sd, $sy, $em, $ed, $ey )
if ( $ey > $sy ) return true ;
else if ( $ey < $sy ) return false ;
if ( $em > $sm ) return true ;
else if ( $em < $sm ) return false ;
if ( $ed > $sd ) return true ;
else if ( $ed < $sd ) return false ;
else return false ;
function isafter( $sm, $sd, $sy, $em, $ed, $ey )
if ( $this->isbefore( $sm, $sd, $sy, $em, $ed, $ey ) ) return false ;
else return true ;
var $start_day ;
var $start_month ;
var $start_year ;
var $days_of_the_year ;
var $end_day ;
var $end_month ;
var $end_year ;
var $lastday_months;
var $err_no ;