Downloadxmf ChangeLog
01-Jun-2016 V1.0.2
fix issues with file name validation in Xmf\Language::loadFile()
add method Request::hasVar($name, $hash) to determine if a variable name exists in hash
30-Mar-2016 V1.0.1
remove @version from docblock, consistent with XoopsCore25
25-Mar-2016 V1.0.0
fix minor typos
add version to changelog
04-Mar-2016 V1.0.0 RC1
Preparation for release in XOOPS 2.5.8
Convert to library instead of module
Preparing for 2.5.8 inclusion
Sync with 2.6 current state
1.0 Alpha for XOOPS 2.5.6
moved development to for now
initial checkout: svn checkout