include_once("class.curl.php") ;
// Create a new instance of the curl class and point it
// at the page to be fetched.
$c = new curl("http://www.csworks.com/development/dumpState.php") ;
// By default, curl doesn't follow redirections and this
// page may or may not be available via redirection.
$c->setopt(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true) ;
$c->setopt(CURLOPT_POST, true) ;
$theFields =
'foo' => '1',
'bar' => array(2, 3, 4),
'baz' => array(array(5, 6), array(7, 8))
) ;
$c->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $c->asPostString($theFields)) ;
// By default, the curl class expects to return data to
// the caller.
echo $c->exec() ;
// Check to see if there was an error and, if so, print
// the associated error message.
if ($theError = $c->hasError())
echo $theError ;
// Done with the cURL, so get rid of the cURL related resources.
$c->close() ;