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File: passwd.class.php

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File: passwd.class.php
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Description: This class has some common encryption thingies that is useful such as MD5 and DES encryption
Class: passwd.class.php
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Date: 23 years ago
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<?php /* File: passwd.class.php * Purpose: This class has some common encryption thingies that is useful * * The class should be able to handle both DES and MD5 encryption * * * Usage: * * $passwdClass = new Passwd; * * Encrypting a password: * $encrypted = $passwdClass->encryptPasswd("Password"); * * Check a password: * if ($passwdClass->checkPasswd("cleartextPasswd", "encryptedHash")) { * echo "Valid password"; * } else { * echo "Not valid"; * } * * Making a pronouncable password: * $password = $passwdClass->createPasswd("nice"); * * Making a random hardToRemember password: * $password = $passwdClass->createPasswd("hard"); * * Author: * Björn Malmberg <[email protected]> */ define("CLASS_VOWELS","aoueiy"); define("CLASS_CONSONANTS","bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"); define("CLASS_PW_CHARS","0123456789" . CLASS_VOWELS . CLASS_CONSONANTS . strtoupper(CLASS_VOWELS) . strtoupper(CLASS_CONSONANTS) . "./"); define("CLASS_SALT_CHARS","8"); // Change this to 2 if you want to make DES encrypted passwords class Passwd { function makeSalt() { mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000); $class_pw_chars = CLASS_PW_CHARS; $class_salt_chars = CLASS_SALT_CHARS; $i = 0; while ($i != $class_salt_chars) { $rand = mt_rand(0, (strlen($class_pw_chars) - 1)); $rand_keys = $class_pw_chars{$rand}; if (($rand % 2) == 1) { $salt .= strtoupper($rand_keys); } else { $salt .= $rand_keys; } $i++; } return $salt; } function createPasswd($data) { // Generate an 8 character long password. // The password should be pronouncable but yet not a dictionary word. $class_vowels = CLASS_VOWELS; $class_consonants = CLASS_CONSONANTS; $pwlength = 8; $i = 0; mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000); $vowelNext = 0; while ($i != $pwlength) { if ($vowelNext) { $rand = mt_rand(0, (strlen($class_vowels) - 1)); if ($data == "nice") { $password .= $class_vowels{$rand}; $vowelNext = 0; } else { if (($rand % 2) == 1) { $password .= strtoupper($class_vowels{$rand}); } else { $password .= $class_vowels{$rand}; } $vowelNext = rand(0,1); } } else { $rand = mt_rand(0, (strlen($class_consonants) - 1)); if ($data == "nice") { $password .= $class_consonants{$rand}; $vowelNext = 1; } else { if (($rand % 2) == 1) { $password .= strtoupper($class_consonants{$rand}); } else { $password .= $class_consonants{$rand}; } $vowelNext = rand(0,1); } } $i++; } return $password; } function encryptPasswd($passwd) { if (CLASS_SALT_CHARS == 8) { $salt = "$1$" . $this->makeSalt() . "\$"; } else { $salt = $this->makeSalt(); } return crypt( $passwd, $salt ); } function getSalt($encPasswd) { if (strstr($encPasswd, "$1$")) { $tmp = substr( $encPasswd , 3 , 8 ); $salt = "$1$" . $tmp . "$"; } else { $salt = substr( $encPasswd , 0 , 2 ); } return $salt; } function checkPasswd($passwd, $encPasswd) { $salt = $this->getSalt($encPasswd); $enc_pw = crypt( $passwd, $salt ); if ( $encPasswd == $enc_pw ) { // The user is authenticated return true; } // The password didn't match, so send a negative response return false; } } ?>