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Class: Sessionara
Session handling class without cookies
Author: By
Last change: Previous release 1.7 had a bad bug which disabled the saving of ordinary variables, this release 1.7-r1 fixes this issue and adds some minor feature enhancements.
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 16,950 bytes


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<?php /* * Sessionara - Session based data environment with MySQL * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Dario Nuevo * | dn(*at*)xbe(*dot*)ch * Release 1.7-r1 [build 20041103] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ADDITION: Please send me improvement ideas and realized stuff. At least tell * me about it *g*. I's great to have some input. * * You'll find the entire GNU GPL in the LICENSE file. * -------------------------------------------------- * Quick guide * For questions regarding the install process, take a look at the documentation (you'll find it on the website). * Here's a little example how you could use it: * * $ses = new Sessionara("W/MYSQL"); * $ses->var_set("foo","bar"); * echo "Session has ID ".($ses->get_sid()); * * (on another page, pass the $sid through GET or POST): * * $ses = new Sessionara(); // <- calling withough param = resuming session * echo $ses->var_get("foo"); */ class Sessionara { var $cfg; var $sid; function Sessionara($sqlquery = "") { // **** configuration **** [default] $this->cfg = array(); // Generated $sid's string length [26] $this->cfg["sid_howlong"] = 26; // Session lifetime in minutes [10] $this->cfg["session_howlong"] = 10; // Class' table name $this->cfg["db_table"] = "foo_sessions"; // What should the class do in a case of an expired session? $this->cfg["timeout_action"] = "error"; // options "redir", "error" // In the case of an expired session, we'll send the user to this location $this->cfg["timeoutpage"] = "index.php"; // Keyword to pass if you don't pass a sql select statement (V1.1) $this->cfg["placeholder"] = "W/MYSQL"; // transport the sid automatically with a cookie? ("enable cookies?") (V1.7) $this->cfg["use_cookies"] = true; // BETA FEATURE: Decide to (not) use first "security" tries (V1.1) [false] $this->cfg["use_addr"] = true; // true, false or "old" (last as string!) /* mysql table field names here you can alter the mysql field names that are used. if you just use the normal sql to create the table, don't care about this... *g but if you want to integrate this class into a project-based database scheme, it's useful that you can define the field names that are used.. i hope i don't have to mention that you just have to change the _value_ of this array! i.e. $this->cfg["tfields"]["autoid"] = "ID"; */ $this->cfg["tfields"]["autoid"] = "autoid"; // primary key $this->cfg["tfields"]["sid"] = "sid"; // session id $this->cfg["tfields"]["data"] = "data"; // data container $this->cfg["tfields"]["addr"] = "addr"; // remote address or strid $this->cfg["tfields"]["opened"] = "opened"; // timestamp open $this->cfg["tfields"]["expire"] = "expire"; // timestamp expire time $this->session_table_cleanup(); $this->logged_in = false; $this->sid = $this->lookup_sid(); if((strlen($this->sid) == $this->cfg["sid_howlong"]) && (strlen($sqlquery)<1)) $this->resume_session(); elseif(strlen($sqlquery) > 1) $this->open_session($sqlquery); else $this->timeout(); if($sqlquery == $this->cfg["placeholder"]) $this->login(); $this->res = array(); } function lookup_sid() { // bad coding, but variable variables doesnt't work on superglobals like $_POST.. if(strlen($_GET["sid"]) == $this->cfg["sid_howlong"]) { return $_GET["sid"]; }else{ if(strlen($_POST["sid"]) == $this->cfg["sid_howlong"]) { return $_POST["sid"]; }else{ if(strlen($_COOKIE["sid"]) == $this->cfg["sid_howlong"]) { return $_COOKIE["sid"]; }else{ return false; } } } } /* ******************************************************************************************* session creating, etc.. */ function open_session($sqlquery) { $this->sqlquery = $sqlquery; $this->sid = $this->get_hashy(); return true; } function resume_session() { $query = $this->complete_sql("SELECT `".$this->fname("autoid")."` FROM `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` WHERE `".$this->fname("sid")."`='{$this->sid}'"); $rs = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($rs) != 0) { $this->logged_in = true; $this->var_load(); $this->give_lifetime(); return true; $rs = null; } else { $this->timeout(); } } function login() { /* * If you pass a SQL statement to open a session, you have to call this function to check * the query. Make a if($ses->login()) over it. * Returns true if the query returns more than 0 row, otherwise false. */ if($this->logged_in == false) { $this->data = array(); if($this->sqlquery != $this->cfg["placeholder"]) { if(strtolower(substr($this->sqlquery,0,6)) != "select") $this->perror("Invalid call to login(). Pass SELECT statements only."); $rs = mysql_query($this->sqlquery); if(mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) { $makeit = false; } else { $makeit = true; $resi = mysql_fetch_array($rs); $rs = null; } } else { $makeit = true; } if($makeit == true) { if(($this->session_create($this->sid))==true) { $this->logged_in = true; $this->var_set($resi); //$this->var_save(); if($this->cfg["use_cookies"]) $this->send_cookie(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } function session_create($sid) { $this->datavarset( array( "SESSION_START" => (time()), "SESSION_EXPIRE" => ((time())+(60*$this->cfg["session_howlong"])), "SESSION_STRID" => ($this->get_strid()), "SESSION_QUERIES" => array(), "SID" => $sid )); $rs = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` (`".$this->fname("sid")."`, `".$this->fname("opened")."`, `".$this->fname("expire")."`, `".$this->fname("addr")."`) VALUES ('{$sid}', '{$this->data["SESSION_START"]}', '{$this->data["SESSION_EXPIRE"]}', '".($this->get_strid())."');"); if(mysql_affected_rows()==0) $this->perror("DB error, could not insert new session row"); else return true; } function session_close() { mysql_query(($this->complete_sql("UPDATE `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` SET `".$this->fname("expire")."`=100 WHERE `".$this->fname("sid")."`='{$this->sid}'"))); return $this->session_table_cleanup(); } // lazy people like me make function for everything.. returns defined table name function fname($name) { if(isset($this->cfg["tfields"][$name])) return $this->cfg["tfields"][$name]; else $this->perror("Invalid internal call! Didn't find a table field name..."); } /* ******************************************************************************************* session timing stuff */ function session_table_cleanup() { /* * Deletes all outdated sessions from the table */ mysql_query("DELETE FROM `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` WHERE (`".$this->fname("expire")."` < ".(time()).");"); return true; } function give_lifetime() { $this->data["SESSION_EXPIRE"] = (time()+(60*$this->cfg["session_howlong"])); mysql_query(($this->complete_sql("UPDATE `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` SET `".$this->fname("expire")."`={$this->data["SESSION_EXPIRE"]} WHERE `".$this->fname("sid")."`='{$this->sid}'"))); $this->set_cookie( $timy ); if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { if($this->cfg["use_cookies"]) $this->set_cookie( $this->data["SESSION_EXPIRE"] ); return $this->data["SESSION_EXPIRE"]; }else{ return false; } } function timeout() { if($this->cfg["timeout_action"] == "redir") header("Location: {$this->cfg["timeoutpage"]}"); else $this->perror("Session could not be established."); } /* ******************************************************************************************* session variable stuff */ // returns a session variable/query function var_get($name, $number = false) { if( $this->logged_in() ) { if( $this->is_sessionquery( $name ) ) { if($number) return $this->data[$name][$number]; else return $this->next($name); } else { if(strlen($this->data[$name]) != 0) return $this->data[$name]; else return ""; } } } // sets a variable value function var_set($name, $value = "", $save = true) { if($this->logged_in()) { if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key=>$val) { if(strlen($key)>0 && strlen($val)>0) $this->var_set($key,$val,false); } $this->var_save(); }else{ $this->data[$name] = $value; if($save) $this->var_save(); } }else{ return false; } } // unsets ("deletes") a variable function var_unset($name) { if($this->logged_in()) { if($this->is_sessionquery($name)) $this->data["SESSION_QUERIES"][$name] = null; if(isset($this->data[$name])) unset($this->data[$name]); return $this->var_save(); } } // private; saves data to db table function var_save() { $this->data["cfg"] = $this->cfg; $tosave = addslashes(serialize($this->data)); $query = $this->complete_sql("UPDATE `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` SET ".$this->fname("data")."='{$tosave}' WHERE `".$this->fname("sid")."`='{$this->sid}'"); $rs = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_affected_rows()!=0) return true; else return false; } // private; loads data from db table function var_load() { $query = $this->complete_sql("SELECT * FROM `{$this->cfg["db_table"]}` WHERE `".$this->fname("sid")."`='{$this->sid}'"); $rs = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($rs)!=0) { $resi = mysql_fetch_array($rs); $data = stripslashes($resi["data"]); $data = unserialize($data); $this->data = $data; $this->cfg = $this->data["cfg"]; return true; } else { return false; } } // abandoned as of release 1.7 function rs2session(&$obj_recordset) { return false; } // private; internal way to set a variable group. this and the one below should be cleaned out.. function datavarset($name, $val = "") { if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key=>$rval) { $this->datavarset_single($key, $rval); } }else{ $this->datavarset_single($name, $val); } } // private; single variable setting.. function datavarset_single($name, $val) { $this->data[$name] = $val; } /* ******************************************************************************************* session queries */ // sets/opens a session query - see the doc function sql2session($name, $select_statement) { $data = array(); $rs = mysql_query($select_statement); if(mysql_num_rows($rs) != 0) { while($resi = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $data[] = $resi; } } $this->data[$name] = $data; $this->definequery($name); $this->var_save(); $rs = null; return true; } // returns next row of a session query function next($name) { if($this->is_sessionquery($name)) { $return = $this->data[$name][$this->data["SESSION_QUERIES"][$name]]; if($this->data["SESSION_QUERIES"][$name] < count($this->data[$name])+1) { $this->data["SESSION_QUERIES"][$name]++; $this->var_save(); }else{ $return = false; } return $return; }else{ return false; } } // returns the number of element that a session query holds function count($name) { if($this->is_sessionquery($name)) return count($this->data[$name]); else return false; } // returns an entire content of a session query function sq_get($name) { if($this->is_sessionquery($name)) return $this->data[$name]; else return false; } // resets a session query function reset($name) { return $this->definequery($name); } // private; "registers" a variable as a session query [V1.5] function definequery($name) { $this->data["SESSION_QUERIES"][$name] = (int)0; return true; } // private; check function function is_sessionquery($name) { if(array_key_exists($name,$this->data["SESSION_QUERIES"])) return true; else return false; } /* ******************************************************************************************* cookies */ // private; sends a cookie function send_cookie() { setcookie ( "sid", $this->sid, time() + ( 60 * $this->cfg["session_howlong"] ), "/" ); } // private; sends cookie with variable time function set_cookie( $expire ) { setcookie ( "sid", $this->sid, $expire, "/" ); } // private; deletes the sid cookie function del_cookies( $all = false ) { setcookie ( "sid", "", time()-3000, "/" ); } /* ******************************************************************************************* strings */ // returns html link with session id; customizable function get_link($document, $text = "", $target = "", $qstring = "", $getsid = true) { if($getsid == true) { $sid = "?sid=".$this->data["SID"]; $sid .= "&"; } else { $sid = "?"; } if(strlen($target) != 0) { $target = " target=\"{$target}\""; } return "<a href=\"{$document}{$sid}{$qstring}\"{$target}>{$text}</a>"; } // returns the current session id function get_sid() { return $this->sid; } // gets string for inclusion in query string function get_querystring() { return "sid=".$this->sid; } // gets html for input hidden field with the sid (or other values) for inclusion in web forms function get_hiddenfield($name = "", $value = "") { if(strlen($name) == 0) { $name = "sid"; $value = $this->sid; } return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\">"; } // returns a random string function get_hashy() { srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000); return substr(md5(rand(0,9999999)),0,$this->cfg["sid_howlong"]); } // returns the "strid" string, see the doc V1.5 function get_strid() { if($this->cfg["use_addr"] == true) { $vals = array("REMOTE_ADDR","HTTP_USER_AGENT","HTTP_VIA"); foreach($vals as $val) $strid .= $_SERVER[$val]; return md5($strid); }elseif($this->cfg["use_addr"] == "old") { return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; }else{ return ""; } } /* ******************************************************************************************* misc */ // changes conf option during session function set_option($setting, $value) { if(array_key_exists($setting,$this->cfg) == TRUE && $setting != "sid_howlong") { $this->cfg[$setting] = $value; $this->var_save(); return true; } else { return false; } } // kept for compatibility (<-- difficult word) function set_timeoutpage($value) { return $this->set_option("timeoutpage",$value); } // private; completes queries function complete_sql($value) { return $this->return_sql("{$value} AND `".$this->fname("addr")."`='".($this->get_strid())."'"); } // private; returns sql function return_sql($value) { if(strtolower(substr($value,0,6)) == "update") return "{$value};"; else return "{$value} LIMIT 0,1;"; } // prints out arrays in a nice way in browsers.. function p_array($arr, $pre = true) { if(is_array($arr)) { if($pre == true) $ins = array("<pre>","</pre><br>\n",""); else $ins = array("","","\t"); $backy = "{$ins[0]}Array (\n"; foreach($arr as $key=>$value) { $value = $this->p_array_returnval($value); $backy .= "{$ins[2]}[{$key}] =&gt; {$value}\n"; } $backy .= ");{$ins[1]}"; return $backy; } else { return false; } } // subfunction for recursion.. function p_array_returnval($value) { if(is_array($value)) return $this->p_array($value,false); else return $value; } // prints config function p_cfg() { echo $this->p_array($this->cfg); } /* ******************************************************************************************* error stuff */ // prints out error & dies ;( function perror($errormsg) { echo "<b>Error orcurred:</b>&nbsp;{$errormsg}\n"; die; } // tells if user is "logged in" - if session exists function logged_in() { if($this->sqlquery != $this->cfg["placeholder"] AND $this->logged_in == false) $this->perror("Session is not created. Call login() before trying to execute other session functions."); else return true; } } ?>