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File: class.servlet.php

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File: class.servlet.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: class to create structured boxes using html tables
Class: Servlet
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 7,634 bytes


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<? /* ################################################################################ # Servlet Class #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FileName: class.servlet.php # Author: Ryan Petrain # Credits: Steve Horsburgh # (made a perl implementation that inspired this class) # Description: This class creates neat "boxes" that have a header # and a place to display content. All that is needed # to create most of the boxes is a title and conent. ################################################################################ */ class Servlet { var $Message; var $Title; var $DivID = 0; var $DTtile; //Class Constructor function Servlet() { $this->Message = "Instantiated the servlet class!<br>\n"; } // Get/Set default message function SetMessage($Message) { $this->Message = $Message; } function GetMessage() { print $this->Message; } // A simple box with a colored titlebar function SimpleBox($Title,$SubTitle="",$Body="",$Width="100%") { //Declare local variables $DefWidth = "100%"; // Call subroutines that are involved in the display of the box if ($Width){ Servlet::SimpleBoxInit($Title, $Width); }else{ Servlet::SimpleBoxInit($Title, $DefWidth); } Servlet::SimpleBoxSubBox($SubTitle, $Body); Servlet::SimpleBoxClose(); }//End SimpleBox //Initialization function for SimpleBox function SimpleBoxInit($Title,$Width) { //Declare local variables $HTML = ""; $HTML = "<!-- Start ColorBox -->\n"; $HTML .= "<table summary='ColorBox Opening' width='" . $Width . "' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpading='0' class='ColorBox'>\n"; $HTML .= "<tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td>\n"; $HTML .= " <table summary='ColorBox Contents' border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' class='ColorBoxInner'>\n"; $HTML .= " <tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td class='ColorBoxTH'><font class='servlet-b_mediumtext'>" . $Title . "</font></td>\n"; $HTML .= " </tr>\n"; print $HTML; }//End SimpleBoxInit // Sub titles function for SimpleBox function SimpleBoxSubBox($SubTitle, $Body) { //Declare local variables $HTML = ''; if ($SubTitle){ $HTML .= " <tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td class='servlet-b_mediumtext'>" . $SubTitle . "</td>\n"; $HTML .= " </tr>\n"; } $HTML .= " <tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td class='servlet_smalltext'>" . $Body . "<br></td>\n"; $HTML .= " </tr>\n"; print $HTML; }//End SimpleBoxSubBox //Close function of the SimpleBox function SimpleBoxClose() { //Declare local variables $HTML = ''; $HTML .= " </table>\n"; $HTML .= " </td>\n"; $HTML .= "</tr>\n"; $HTML .= "</table>\n"; $HTML .= "<!-- End ColorBox -->\n"; //$HTML .= "<table summary='ColorBox Closing' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding'0'>\n"; //$HTML .= "<tr>\n"; //$HTML .= " <td>&nbsp;</td>\n"; //$HTML .= "</tr>\n"; //$HTML .= "</table>\n"; print $HTML; }//End SimpleBoxSubBox //DivID Generator/Incrementor function NextDivID() { $this->DivID++; return $this->DivID; }// End NextDivID //Deluxe box with minimize restore and close buttons (IE only) function DeluxeBox($Title,$Body,$BodyBg,$EditURL,$QuestionURL,$UpURL,$DownURL,$CloseURL) { //Declare local variables $HTML = ''; $DTitle = $Title; $BoxDivID = "FancyBox" . Servlet::NextDivID(); $ContentDivID = "FancyBoxCon" . Servlet::NextDivID(); $UpClick = ''; $DownClick = ''; $CloseClick = ''; //Determine if the arrow buttons have been given values if ($UpURL == "auto") { $UpClick = "onClick = \"document.all." . $ContentDivID . ".style.display = 'none'; return false\""; $UpURL = "#"; } if ($DownURL == "auto") { $DownClick = "onClick = \"document.all." . $ContentDivID . ".style.display = 'block'; return false\""; $DownURL = "#"; } if ($CloseURL == "auto") { $CloseClick = "onClick = \"document.all." . $BoxDivID . ".style.display = 'none'; return false\""; $CloseURL = "#"; } // format html output $HTML = "<!-- Start FancyBox -->\n"; $HTML .= "<div id='" . $BoxDivID . "'>\n"; $HTML .= "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' class='FancyBoxInner'>\n"; $HTML .= "<tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td>\n"; $HTML .= " <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' class='FancyBoxTH'>\n"; $HTML .= " <tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td><b>" . $DTitle . "</b></td>\n"; $HTML .= " <td valign='middle' align='right' nowrap>\n"; if ($EditURL){ $HTML .= " <a href='". $EditURL . "'><img src='edit.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0' alt='edit'></a>\n"; } if ($QuestionURL){ $HTML .= " <a href='". $QuestionURL . "'><img src='question.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0' alt='?'></a>\n"; } if ($UpURL){ $HTML .= " <a href='". $UpURL . "' " . $UpClick . "><img src='up.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0' alt='up'></a>\n"; } if ($DownURL){ $HTML .= " <a href='". $DownURL . "' " . $DownClick . "><img src='down.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0' alt='down'></a>\n"; } if ($CloseURL){ $HTML .= " <a href='". $CloseURL . "' " . $CloseClick . "><img src='close.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0' alt='close'></a>\n"; } $HTML .= " </td>\n"; $HTML .= " </tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td colspan='2' class='FancyBoxContent'><div id='" . $ContentDivID . "'> " . $Body . "</div></td>\n"; $HTML .= " </tr>\n"; $HTML .= " </table>\n"; $HTML .= " </td>\n"; $HTML .= " </tr>\n"; $HTML .= " </table>\n"; //$HTML .= "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td height='10'><img src='blank.gif' height='10'></td></tr></table>\n"; $HTML .= " </div>\n"; $HTML .= "<!-- End Fancy Box -->\n"; print $HTML; }//End DeluxeBox //Site Banner Generation function SiteBanner($Cell1,$Cell2="NULL",$Cell3="NULL",$Cell4="NULL") { //Declare local variables $BannerTD1 = $Cell1; $BannerTD2 = $Cell2; $BannerTD3 = $Cell3; $BannerTD4 = $Cell4; $HTML = ''; // Format HTML output $HTML .= "<table width='100%'cellpadding='6' cellspacing='0' border='0' class='SiteBanner'>\n"; $HTML .= "<tr>\n"; $HTML .= " <td valign='top'>" . $Cell1 . "</td>\n"; if ($BannerTD2 != "NULL"){$HTML .= " <td valign='top'>" . $Cell2 . "</td>\n";} if ($BannerTD3 != "NULL"){$HTML .= " <td valign='top'>" . $Cell3 . "</td>\n";} if ($BannerTD4 != "NULL"){$HTML .= " <td valign='top'>" . $Cell4 . "</td>\n";} $HTML .= "</tr>\n"; $HTML .= "</table>\n"; print $HTML; }//End SiteBanner //Footer Generation function SiteFooter() { //Declare local variables $HTML = ''; //Format HTML ouput $HTML .= "<table width='100%'cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n"; $HTML .= "<tr>\n"; $HTML .= "<td align='right'><hr width='100%'class='SiteFooter'>\n"; $HTML .= "<font class='servlet_smalltext'>copyright &copy2001 Ryan Petrain</font></td>\n"; $HTML .= "</tr>\n"; $HTML .= "</table>\n"; print $HTML; }//End SiteFooter }//End Servlet Class ?>