DownloadAthletic tests
ZEUS comes equipped with scripts for benchmarking its Memcached service using the Athletic framework; these tests can be found in the benchmarks/Memcached directory.
To execute the benchmarks the following command must be issued:
user@host:/var/www/zf-apigility-skeleton/vendor/zeus-server/zf3-server$ ../../bin/athletic -p benchmarks/Memcached
Output (on the _Intel Core i7_ processor):
Method Name Iterations Average Time Ops/second
----------- ------------ -------------- -------------
setCommand : [5,000 ] [0.0000407902718] [24,515.64937]
getCommand : [5,000 ] [0.0000305454254] [32,738.12646]
incrCommand: [5,000 ] [0.0000216811657] [46,122.98130]
decrCommand: [5,000 ] [0.0000211765766] [47,221.98579]