OS requirements
Linux/Unix/BSD platform
_Windows platform currently not supported_
PHP requirements
PHP 5.6+ (HHVM or PHP 7+ is recommended for performance reasons as ZEUS can be up to 4x faster and use less memory)
Posix module installed and enabled
Pcntl module installed and enabled
socket functions enabled for IPC purposes
Library requirements
Zend Framework 3+ application (with the following modules installed: `zend-mvc`, `zend-mvc-console`, `zend-console`, `zend-log`, `zend-config`)
Opis library (`opis/closure`)
ZEUS for PHP is available on GitHub and can be installed in two different ways:
via Composer:
user@host:/var/www/$ cd zf3-application-directory
user@host:/var/www/zf3-application-directory$ composer require zeus-server/zf3-server
by downloading source code
Latest stable source codes can be found in the following ZIP archive .
After downloading, contents of the compressed ZEUS-for-PHP-master directory in ZIP file must be unpacked into a ZF3 zf3-application-directory/module/Zeus directory.
Enabling ZEUS module
After installation, ZEUS for PHP must be activated in Zend Framework's config/modules.config.php file, like so:
// contents of "zf3-application-directory/config/modules.config.php" file:
return [
'Zeus' // this line should be added
This can be achieved either by modifying configuration file in any text editor, or by issuing sed command in Application's root directory: user@host:/var/www/zf3-application-directory$ sed -i "s/'Zend\\\Log',/'Zend\\\Log','Zeus',/g" config/modules.config.php
If ZEUS for PHP is installed correctly, the following terminal command will show ZEUS version and its services in console:
user@host:/var/www/zf3-application-directory$ php public/index.php zeus status