!function(a, b){"use strict"; function c(a, b){for (var c, d = [], f = 0; f < a.length; ++f){if (c = g[a[f]] || e(a[f]), !c)throw"module definition dependecy not found: " + a[f]; d.push(c)}b.apply(null, d)}function d(a, d, e){if ("string" != typeof a)throw"invalid module definition, module id must be defined and be a string"; if (d === b)throw"invalid module definition, dependencies must be specified"; if (e === b)throw"invalid module definition, definition function must be specified"; c(d, function(){g[a] = e.apply(null, arguments)})}function e(b){for (var c = a, d = b.split(/[.\/]/), e = 0; e < d.length; ++e){if (!c[d[e]])return; c = c[d[e]]}return c}function f(c){var d, e, f, h, i; for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++){e = a, f = c[d], h = f.split(/[.\/]/); for (var j = 0; j < h.length - 1; ++j)e[h[j]] === b && (e[h[j]] = {}), e = e[h[j]]; e[h[h.length - 1]] = g[f]}if (a.AMDLC_TESTS){i = a.privateModules || {}; for (f in g)i[f] = g[f]; for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++)delete i[c[d]]; a.privateModules = i}}var g = {}; d("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher", [], function(){function a(a){return a && 1 == a.nodeType && "false" === a.contentEditable}return function(b, c){function d(a, b){if (!a[0])throw"findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches"; return{start:a.index, end:a.index + a[0].length, text:a[0], data:b}}function e(b){var c; if (3 === b.nodeType)return b.data; if (y[b.nodeName] && !x[b.nodeName])return""; if (a(b))return"\n"; if (c = "", (x[b.nodeName] || z[b.nodeName]) && (c += "\n"), b = b.firstChild)do c += e(b); while (b = b.nextSibling); return c}function f(b, c, d){var e, f, g, h, i, j = [], k = 0, l = b, m = 0; c = c.slice(0), c.sort(function(a, b){return a.start - b.start}), i = c.shift(); a:for (; ; ){if ((x[l.nodeName] || z[l.nodeName] || a(l)) && k++, 3 === l.nodeType && (!f && l.length + k >= i.end?(f = l, h = i.end - k):e && j.push(l), !e && l.length + k > i.start && (e = l, g = i.start - k), k += l.length), e && f){if (l = d({startNode:e, startNodeIndex:g, endNode:f, endNodeIndex:h, innerNodes:j, match:i.text, matchIndex:m}), k -= f.length - h, e = null, f = null, j = [], i = c.shift(), m++, !i)break} else if (y[l.nodeName] && !x[l.nodeName] || !l.firstChild){if (l.nextSibling){l = l.nextSibling; continue}} else if (!a(l)){l = l.firstChild; continue}for (; ; ){if (l.nextSibling){l = l.nextSibling; break}if (l.parentNode === b)break a; l = l.parentNode}}}function g(a){function b(b, c){var d = A[c]; d.stencil || (d.stencil = a(d)); var e = d.stencil.cloneNode(!1); return e.setAttribute("data-mce-index", c), b && e.appendChild(B.doc.createTextNode(b)), e}return function(a){var c, d, e, f = a.startNode, g = a.endNode, h = a.matchIndex, i = B.doc; if (f === g){var j = f; e = j.parentNode, a.startNodeIndex > 0 && (c = i.createTextNode(j.data.substring(0, a.startNodeIndex)), e.insertBefore(c, j)); var k = b(a.match, h); return e.insertBefore(k, j), a.endNodeIndex < j.length && (d = i.createTextNode(j.data.substring(a.endNodeIndex)), e.insertBefore(d, j)), j.parentNode.removeChild(j), k}c = i.createTextNode(f.data.substring(0, a.startNodeIndex)), d = i.createTextNode(g.data.substring(a.endNodeIndex)); for (var l = b(f.data.substring(a.startNodeIndex), h), m = [], n = 0, o = a.innerNodes.length; o > n; ++n){var p = a.innerNodes[n], q = b(p.data, h); p.parentNode.replaceChild(q, p), m.push(q)}var r = b(g.data.substring(0, a.endNodeIndex), h); return e = f.parentNode, e.insertBefore(c, f), e.insertBefore(l, f), e.removeChild(f), e = g.parentNode, e.insertBefore(r, g), e.insertBefore(d, g), e.removeChild(g), r}}function h(a){var b = a.parentNode; b.insertBefore(a.firstChild, a), a.parentNode.removeChild(a)}function i(a){var c = b.getElementsByTagName("*"), d = []; a = "number" == typeof a?"" + a:null; for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++){var f = c[e], g = f.getAttribute("data-mce-index"); null !== g && g.length && (g !== a && null !== a || d.push(f))}return d}function j(a){for (var b = A.length; b--; )if (A[b] === a)return b; return - 1}function k(a){var b = []; return l(function(c, d){a(c, d) && b.push(c)}), A = b, this}function l(a){for (var b = 0, c = A.length; c > b && a(A[b], b) !== !1; b++); return this}function m(a){return A.length && f(b, A, g(a)), this}function n(a, b){if (w && a.global)for (; v = a.exec(w); )A.push(d(v, b)); return this}function o(a){var b, c = i(a?j(a):null); for (b = c.length; b--; )h(c[b]); return this}function p(a){return A[a.getAttribute("data-mce-index")]}function q(a){return i(j(a))[0]}function r(a, b, c){return A.push({start:a, end:a + b, text:w.substr(a, b), data:c}), this}function s(a){var b = i(j(a)), d = c.dom.createRng(); return d.setStartBefore(b[0]), d.setEndAfter(b[b.length - 1]), d}function t(a, b){var d = s(a); return d.deleteContents(), b.length > 0 && d.insertNode(c.dom.doc.createTextNode(b)), d}function u(){return A.splice(0, A.length), o(), this}var v, w, x, y, z, A = [], B = c.dom; return x = c.schema.getBlockElements(), y = c.schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(), z = c.schema.getShortEndedElements(), w = e(b), {text:w, matches:A, each:l, filter:k, reset:u, matchFromElement:p, elementFromMatch:q, find:n, add:r, wrap:m, unwrap:o, replace:t, rangeFromMatch:s, indexOf:j}}}), d("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/Plugin", ["tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher", "tinymce/PluginManager", "tinymce/util/Tools", "tinymce/ui/Menu", "tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", "tinymce/util/XHR", "tinymce/util/URI", "tinymce/util/JSON"], function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h){b.add("spellchecker", function(i, j){function k(){return F.textMatcher || (F.textMatcher = new a(i.getBody(), i)), F.textMatcher}function l(a, b){var d = []; return c.each(b, function(a){d.push({selectable:!0, text:a.name, data:a.value})}), d}function m(a){for (var b in a)return!1; return!0}function n(a, b){var f = [], g = B[a]; c.each(g, function(a){f.push({text:a, onclick:function(){i.insertContent(i.dom.encode(a)), i.dom.remove(b), s()}})}), f.push({text:"-"}), E && f.push({text:"Add to Dictionary", onclick:function(){t(a, b)}}), f.push.apply(f, [{text:"Ignore", onclick:function(){u(a, b)}}, {text:"Ignore all", onclick:function(){u(a, b, !0)}}]), D = new d({items:f, context:"contextmenu", onautohide:function(a){ - 1 != a.target.className.indexOf("spellchecker") && a.preventDefault()}, onhide:function(){D.remove(), D = null}}), D.renderTo(document.body); var h = e.DOM.getPos(i.getContentAreaContainer()), j = i.dom.getPos(b[0]), k = i.dom.getRoot(); "BODY" == k.nodeName?(j.x -= k.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft || k.scrollLeft, j.y -= k.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop || k.scrollTop):(j.x -= k.scrollLeft, j.y -= k.scrollTop), h.x += j.x, h.y += j.y, D.moveTo(h.x, h.y + b[0].offsetHeight)}function o(){return i.getParam("spellchecker_wordchar_pattern") || new RegExp('[^\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}`\xa7\xa9\xab\xae\xb1\xb6\xb7\xb8\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xd7\xf7\xa4\u201d\u201c\u201e\xa0\u2002\u2003\u2009]+', "g")}function p(a, b, d, e){var k = {method:a, lang:G.spellchecker_language}, l = ""; k["addToDictionary" == a?"word":"text"] = b, c.each(k, function(a, b){l && (l += "&"), l += b + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a)}), f.send({url:new g(j).toAbsolute(G.spellchecker_rpc_url), type:"post", content_type:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data:l, success:function(a){if (a = h.parse(a))a.error?e(a.error):d(a); else{var b = i.translate("Server response wasn't proper JSON."); e(b)}}, error:function(){var a = i.translate("The spelling service was not found: (") + G.spellchecker_rpc_url + i.translate(")"); e(a)}})}function q(a, b, c, d){var e = G.spellchecker_callback || p; e.call(F, a, b, c, d)}function r(){function a(a){i.notificationManager.open({text:a, type:"error"}), i.setProgressState(!1), v()}v() || (i.setProgressState(!0), q("spellcheck", k().text, z, a), i.focus())}function s(){i.dom.select("span.mce-spellchecker-word").length || v()}function t(a, b){i.setProgressState(!0), q("addToDictionary", a, function(){i.setProgressState(!1), i.dom.remove(b, !0), s()}, function(a){i.notificationManager.open({text:a, type:"error"}), i.setProgressState(!1)})}function u(a, b, d){i.selection.collapse(), d?c.each(i.dom.select("span.mce-spellchecker-word"), function(b){b.getAttribute("data-mce-word") == a && i.dom.remove(b, !0)}):i.dom.remove(b, !0), s()}function v(){return k().reset(), F.textMatcher = null, C?(C = !1, i.fire("SpellcheckEnd"), !0):void 0}function w(a){var b = a.getAttribute("data-mce-index"); return"number" == typeof b?"" + b:b}function x(a){var b, d = []; if (b = c.toArray(i.getBody().getElementsByTagName("span")), b.length)for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++){var f = w(b[e]); null !== f && f.length && f === a.toString() && d.push(b[e])}return d}function y(a){var b = G.spellchecker_language; a.control.items().each(function(a){a.active(a.settings.data === b)})}function z(a){var b; if (a.words?(E = !!a.dictionary, b = a.words):b = a, i.setProgressState(!1), m(b)){var c = i.translate("No misspellings found."); return i.notificationManager.open({text:c, type:"info"}), void(C = !1)}B = b, k().find(o()).filter(function(a){return!!b[a.text]}).wrap(function(a){return i.dom.create("span", {"class":"mce-spellchecker-word", "data-mce-bogus":1, "data-mce-word":a.text})}), C = !0, i.fire("SpellcheckStart")}var A, B, C, D, E, F = this, G = i.settings; if (/(^|[ ,])tinymcespellchecker([, ]|$)/.test(G.plugins) && b.get("tinymcespellchecker"))return void("undefined" != typeof console && console.log && console.log("Spell Checker Pro is incompatible with Spell Checker plugin! Remove 'spellchecker' from the 'plugins' option.")); var H = G.spellchecker_languages || "English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr_FR,German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt_BR,Spanish=es,Swedish=sv"; A = l("Language", c.map(H.split(","), function(a){return a = a.split("="), {name:a[0], value:a[1]}})), i.on("click", function(a){var b = a.target; if ("mce-spellchecker-word" == b.className){a.preventDefault(); var c = x(w(b)); if (c.length > 0){var d = i.dom.createRng(); d.setStartBefore(c[0]), d.setEndAfter(c[c.length - 1]), i.selection.setRng(d), n(b.getAttribute("data-mce-word"), c)}}}), i.addMenuItem("spellchecker", {text:"Spellcheck", context:"tools", onclick:r, selectable:!0, onPostRender:function(){var a = this; a.active(C), i.on("SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd", function(){a.active(C)})}}); var I = {tooltip:"Spellcheck", onclick:r, onPostRender:function(){var a = this; i.on("SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd", function(){a.active(C)})}}; A.length > 1 && (I.type = "splitbutton", I.menu = A, I.onshow = y, I.onselect = function(a){G.spellchecker_language = a.control.settings.data}), i.addButton("spellchecker", I), i.addCommand("mceSpellCheck", r), i.on("remove", function(){D && (D.remove(), D = null)}), i.on("change", s), this.getTextMatcher = k, this.getWordCharPattern = o, this.markErrors = z, this.getLanguage = function(){return G.spellchecker_language}, G.spellchecker_language = G.spellchecker_language || G.language || "en"})}), f(["tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher"])}(this);