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File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/media/plugin.min.js

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  Classes of Duong Huynh Nghia   Lego PHP   Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/media/plugin.min.js   Download  
File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/media/plugin.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Lego PHP
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 12,924 bytes


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tinymce.PluginManager.add("media", function(a, b){function c(a){return a = a.toLowerCase(), - 1 != a.indexOf(".mp3")?"audio/mpeg": - 1 != a.indexOf(".wav")?"audio/wav": - 1 != a.indexOf(".mp4")?"video/mp4": - 1 != a.indexOf(".webm")?"video/webm": - 1 != a.indexOf(".ogg")?"video/ogg": - 1 != a.indexOf(".swf")?"application/x-shockwave-flash":""}function d(b){var c = a.settings.media_scripts; if (c)for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++)if ( - 1 !== b.indexOf(c[d].filter))return c[d]}function e(){function b(a){var b, c, f, g; b = d.find("#width")[0], c = d.find("#height")[0], f = b.value(), g = c.value(), d.find("#constrain")[0].checked() && e && j && f && g && (a.control == b?(g = Math.round(f / e * g), isNaN(g) || c.value(g)):(f = Math.round(g / j * f), isNaN(f) || b.value(f))), e = f, j = g}function c(){k = h(this.value()), this.parent().parent().fromJSON(k)}var d, e, j, k, l = [{name:"source1", type:"filepicker", filetype:"media", size:40, autofocus:!0, label:"Source", onchange:function(a){tinymce.each(a.meta, function(a, b){d.find("#" + b).value(a)})}}]; a.settings.media_alt_source !== !1 && l.push({name:"source2", type:"filepicker", filetype:"media", size:40, label:"Alternative source"}), a.settings.media_poster !== !1 && l.push({name:"poster", type:"filepicker", filetype:"image", size:40, label:"Poster"}), a.settings.media_dimensions !== !1 && l.push({type:"container", label:"Dimensions", layout:"flex", align:"center", spacing:5, items:[{name:"width", type:"textbox", maxLength:5, size:3, onchange:b, ariaLabel:"Width"}, {type:"label", text:"x"}, {name:"height", type:"textbox", maxLength:5, size:3, onchange:b, ariaLabel:"Height"}, {name:"constrain", type:"checkbox", checked:!0, text:"Constrain proportions"}]}), k = i(a.selection.getNode()), e = k.width, j = k.height; var m = {id:"mcemediasource", type:"textbox", flex:1, name:"embed", value:f(), multiline:!0, label:"Source"}; m[p] = c, d ={title:"Insert/edit video", data:k, bodyType:"tabpanel", body:[{title:"General", type:"form", onShowTab:function(){k = h("#embed").value()), this.fromJSON(k)}, items:l}, {title:"Embed", type:"container", layout:"flex", direction:"column", align:"stretch", padding:10, spacing:10, onShowTab:function(){this.find("#embed").value(g(this.parent().toJSON()))}, items:[{type:"label", text:"Paste your embed code below:", forId:"mcemediasource"}, m]}], onSubmit:function(){var b, c, d, e; for (b ="img[data-mce-object]"), a.insertContent(g(this.toJSON())), c ="img[data-mce-object]"), d = 0; d < b.length; d++)for (e = c.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)b[d] == c[e] && c.splice(e, 1);[0]), a.nodeChanged()}})}function f(){var b = a.selection.getNode(); return b.getAttribute("data-mce-object")?a.selection.getContent():void 0}function g(e){var f = ""; if (!e.source1 && (tinymce.extend(e, h(e.embed)), !e.source1))return""; if (e.source2 || (e.source2 = ""), e.poster || (e.poster = ""), e.source1 = a.convertURL(e.source1, "source"), e.source2 = a.convertURL(e.source2, "source"), e.source1mime = c(e.source1), e.source2mime = c(e.source2), e.poster = a.convertURL(e.poster, "poster"), e.flashPlayerUrl = a.convertURL(b + "/moxieplayer.swf", "movie"), tinymce.each(o, function(a){var b, c, d; if (b = a.regex.exec(e.source1)){for (d = a.url, c = 0; b[c]; c++)d = d.replace("$" + c, function(){return b[c]}); e.source1 = d, e.type = a.type, e.allowFullscreen = a.allowFullscreen, e.width = e.width || a.w, e.height = e.height || a.h}}), e.embed)f = k(e.embed, e, !0); else{var g = d(e.source1); if (g && (e.type = "script", e.width = g.width, e.height = g.height), e.width = e.width || 300, e.height = e.height || 150, tinymce.each(e, function(b, c){e[c] = a.dom.encode(b)}), "iframe" == e.type){var i = e.allowFullscreen?' allowFullscreen="1"':""; f += '<iframe src="' + e.source1 + '" width="' + e.width + '" height="' + e.height + '"' + i + "></iframe>"} else"application/x-shockwave-flash" == e.source1mime?(f += '<object data="' + e.source1 + '" width="' + e.width + '" height="' + e.height + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">', e.poster && (f += '<img src="' + e.poster + '" width="' + e.width + '" height="' + e.height + '" />'), f += "</object>"): - 1 != e.source1mime.indexOf("audio")?a.settings.audio_template_callback?f = a.settings.audio_template_callback(e):f += '<audio controls="controls" src="' + e.source1 + '">' + (e.source2?'\n<source src="' + e.source2 + '"' + (e.source2mime?' type="' + e.source2mime + '"':"") + " />\n":"") + "</audio>":"script" == e.type?f += '<script src="' + e.source1 + '"></script>':f = a.settings.video_template_callback?a.settings.video_template_callback(e):'<video width="' + e.width + '" height="' + e.height + '"' + (e.poster?' poster="' + e.poster + '"':"") + ' controls="controls">\n<source src="' + e.source1 + '"' + (e.source1mime?' type="' + e.source1mime + '"':"") + " />\n" + (e.source2?'<source src="' + e.source2 + '"' + (e.source2mime?' type="' + e.source2mime + '"':"") + " />\n":"") + "</video>"}return f}function h(a){var b = {}; return new tinymce.html.SaxParser({validate:!1, allow_conditional_comments:!0, special:"script,noscript", start:function(a, c){if (b.source1 || "param" != a || (b.source1 =, "iframe" != a && "object" != a && "embed" != a && "video" != a && "audio" != a || (b.type || (b.type = a), b = tinymce.extend(, b)), "script" == a){var e = d(; if (!e)return; b = {type:"script",, width:e.width, height:e.height}}"source" == a && (b.source1?b.source2 || (b.source2 = =, "img" != a || b.poster || (b.poster =}}).parse(a), b.source1 = b.source1 || b.src ||, b.source2 = b.source2 || "", b.poster = b.poster || "", b}function i(b){return b.getAttribute("data-mce-object")?h(a.serializer.serialize(b, {selection:!0})):{}}function j(b){if (a.settings.media_filter_html === !1)return b; var c, d = new tinymce.html.Writer; return new tinymce.html.SaxParser({validate:!1, allow_conditional_comments:!1, special:"script,noscript", comment:function(a){d.comment(a)}, cdata:function(a){d.cdata(a)}, text:function(a, b){d.text(a, b)}, start:function(b, e, f){if (c = !0, "script" != b && "noscript" != b){for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++){if (0 === e[g].name.indexOf("on"))return; "style" == e[g].name && (e[g].value = a.dom.serializeStyle(a.dom.parseStyle(e[g].value), b))}d.start(b, e, f), c = !1}}, end:function(a){c || d.end(a)}}, new tinymce.html.Schema({})).parse(b), d.getContent()}function k(a, b, c){function d(a, b){var c, d, e, f; for (c in b)if (e = "" + b[c],[c])for (d = a.length; d--; )f = a[d], == c && (e?([c] = e, f.value = e):(delete[c], a.splice(d, 1))); else e && (a.push({name:c, value:e}),[c] = e)}var e, f = new tinymce.html.Writer, g = 0; return new tinymce.html.SaxParser({validate:!1, allow_conditional_comments:!0, special:"script,noscript", comment:function(a){f.comment(a)}, cdata:function(a){f.cdata(a)}, text:function(a, b){f.text(a, b)}, start:function(a, h, i){switch (a){case"video":case"object":case"embed":case"img":case"iframe":d(h, {width:b.width, height:b.height})}if (c)switch (a){case"video":d(h, {poster:b.poster, src:""}), b.source2 && d(h, {src:""}); break; case"iframe":d(h, {src:b.source1}); break; case"source":if (g++, 2 >= g && (d(h, {src:b["source" + g], type:b["source" + g + "mime"]}), !b["source" + g]))return; break; case"img":if (!b.poster)return; e = !0}f.start(a, h, i)}, end:function(a){if ("video" == a && c)for (var h = 1; 2 >= h; h++)if (b["source" + h]){var i = []; = {}, h > g && (d(i, {src:b["source" + h], type:b["source" + h + "mime"]}), f.start("source", i, !0))}if (b.poster && "object" == a && c && !e){var j = []; = {}, d(j, {src:b.poster, width:b.width, height:b.height}), f.start("img", j, !0)}f.end(a)}}, new tinymce.html.Schema({})).parse(a), f.getContent()}function l(b, c){var d, e, f, g, h; for (f = b.attributes, g = f.length; g--; )d = f[g].name, e = f[g].value, "width" !== d && "height" !== d && "style" !== d && ("data" != d && "src" != d || (e = a.convertURL(e, d)), c.attr("data-mce-p-" + d, e)); h = b.firstChild && b.firstChild.value, h && (c.attr("data-mce-html", escape(h)), c.firstChild = null)}function m(a){var b, c =; return b = new tinymce.html.Node("img", 1), b.shortEnded = !0, l(a, b), b.attr({width:a.attr("width") || "300", height:a.attr("height") || ("audio" == c?"30":"150"), style:a.attr("style"), src:tinymce.Env.transparentSrc, "data-mce-object":c, "class":"mce-object mce-object-" + c}), b}function n(a){var b, c, d, e =; return b = new tinymce.html.Node("span", 1), b.attr({contentEditable:"false", style:a.attr("style"), "data-mce-object":e, "class":"mce-preview-object mce-object-" + e}), l(a, b), c = new tinymce.html.Node(e, 1), c.attr({src:a.attr("src"), allowfullscreen:a.attr("allowfullscreen"), width:a.attr("width") || "300", height:a.attr("height") || ("audio" == e?"30":"150"), frameborder:"0"}), d = new tinymce.html.Node("span", 1), d.attr("class", "mce-shim"), b.append(c), b.append(d), b}var o = [{regex:/youtu\.be\/([\w\-.]+)/, type:"iframe", w:560, h:314, url:"//$1", allowFullscreen:!0}, {regex:/youtube\.com(.+)v=([^&]+)/, type:"iframe", w:560, h:314, url:"//$2", allowFullscreen:!0}, {regex:/\/embed\/([a-z0-9\-_]+(?:\?.+)?)/i, type:"iframe", w:560, h:314, url:"//$1", allowFullscreen:!0}, {regex:/vimeo\.com\/([0-9]+)/, type:"iframe", w:425, h:350, url:"//$1?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=8dc7dc", allowfullscreen:!0}, {regex:/vimeo\.com\/(.*)\/([0-9]+)/, type:"iframe", w:425, h:350, url:"//$2?title=0&amp;byline=0", allowfullscreen:!0}, {regex:/maps\.google\.([a-z]{2,3})\/maps\/(.+)msid=(.+)/, type:"iframe", w:425, h:350, url:'//$2&output=embed"', allowFullscreen:!1}, {regex:/dailymotion\.com\/video\/([^_]+)/, type:"iframe", w:480, h:270, url:"//$1", allowFullscreen:!0}], p = && <= 8?"onChange":"onInput"; a.on("ResolveName", function(a){var b; 1 == && (b ="data-mce-object")) && ( = b)}), a.on("preInit", function(){var b = a.schema.getSpecialElements(); tinymce.each("video audio iframe object".split(" "), function(a){b[a] = new RegExp("</" + a + "[^>]*>", "gi")}); var c = a.schema.getBoolAttrs(); tinymce.each("webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen".split(" "), function(a){c[a] = {}}), a.parser.addNodeFilter("iframe,video,audio,object,embed,script", function(b){for (var c, e, f, g = b.length; g--; )c = b[g], c.parent && (c.parent.attr("data-mce-object") || ("script" != || (f = d(c.attr("src")))) && (f && (f.width && c.attr("width", f.width.toString()), f.height && c.attr("height", f.height.toString())), e = "iframe" == && a.settings.media_live_embeds !== !1 && tinymce.Env.ceFalse?n(c):m(c), c.replace(e)))}), a.serializer.addAttributeFilter("data-mce-object", function(a, b){for (var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l = a.length; l--; )if (c = a[l], c.parent){for (i = c.attr(b), d = new tinymce.html.Node(i, 1), "audio" != i && "script" != i && (k = c.attr("class"), k && - 1 !== k.indexOf("mce-preview-object")?d.attr({width:c.firstChild.attr("width"), height:c.firstChild.attr("height")}):d.attr({width:c.attr("width"), height:c.attr("height")})), d.attr({style:c.attr("style")}), f = c.attributes, e = f.length; e--; ){var m = f[e].name; 0 === m.indexOf("data-mce-p-") && d.attr(m.substr(11), f[e].value)}"script" == i && d.attr("type", "text/javascript"), g = c.attr("data-mce-html"), g && (h = new tinymce.html.Node("#text", 3), h.raw = !0, h.value = j(unescape(g)), d.append(h)), c.replace(d)}})}), a.on("click keyup", function(){var b = a.selection.getNode(); b && a.dom.hasClass(b, "mce-preview-object") && a.dom.getAttrib(b, "data-mce-selected") && b.setAttribute("data-mce-selected", "2")}), a.on("ObjectSelected", function(a){var b ="data-mce-object"); "audio" != b && "script" != b || a.preventDefault()}), a.on("objectResized", function(a){var b, c =; c.getAttribute("data-mce-object") && (b = c.getAttribute("data-mce-html"), b && (b = unescape(b), c.setAttribute("data-mce-html", escape(k(b, {width:a.width, height:a.height})))))}), a.addButton("media", {tooltip:"Insert/edit video", onclick:e, stateSelector:["img[data-mce-object]", "span[data-mce-object]"]}), a.addMenuItem("media", {icon:"media", text:"Insert/edit video", onclick:e, context:"insert", prependToContext:!0}), a.on("setContent", function(){a.$("span.mce-preview-object").each(function(b, c){var d = a.$(c); 0 === d.find("span.mce-shim", c).length && d.append('<span class="mce-shim"></span>')})}), a.addCommand("mceMedia", e), this.showDialog = e});